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Configuring Jasmine

Install Jasmine

  1. To install Jasmine, run:
npm i jasmine
  1. Add a reporter for outputting results to the terminal:
npm i jasmine-spec-reporter
  1. Add type definitions for jasmine with:
npm i --save-dev @types/jasmine

Add Testing Scripts:

  • Find the scripts object in the package.json and add the following to run jasmine:
"jasmine": "jasmine"

Set Up the File Structure

  1. In the root directory of the project, create a folder named spec.
  2. In the spec folder, create a folder named support.
  3. In the support folder, create a file named jasmine.json to hold the primary configurations for Jasmine.
  4. In the src folder, add a folder named tests.
  5. In tests add a file named indexSpec.ts to hold the tests for code in the index.js file.
  6. In the tests folder, add another folder named helpers.
  7. In helpers, add a file named reporter.ts. This will be the primary configuration for your spec reporter.

File Structure

├── node_modules
├── spec
│      └── support
│           └── jasmine.json
├── src
│     ├──  tests
│     │     ├── helpers
│     │     │      └── reporter.ts
│     │     └── indexSpec.ts
│     └── index.ts
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json

Best Practices for naming

When creating files for tests, a best practice is to name the .ts file the same as the .js file to be tested with Spec appended to the end. The more tests needed to be run, the more test files will need to be created. Be sure to follow this best practice to keep track of the test file that contains the tests for each .js file.

In reporter.ts, add the following code from the jasmine-spec-reporter Typescript support documentation to configure the reporter to display Jasmine results to your terminal application. These are default settings and can be adjusted to meet your specific needs. The documentation on GitHub provides more options available.

import {DisplayProcessor, SpecReporter, StacktraceOption} from "jasmine-spec-reporter";
import SuiteInfo = jasmine.SuiteInfo;

class CustomProcessor extends DisplayProcessor {
    public displayJasmineStarted(info: SuiteInfo, log: string): string {
        return `${log}`;

jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
    spec: {
        displayStacktrace: StacktraceOption.NONE
    customProcessors: [CustomProcessor],

In the jasmine.json add the following configurations for a basic Jasmine configuration:

    "spec_dir": "build/tests",
    "spec_files": [
    "helpers": [
    "stopSpecOnExpectationFailure": false,
    "random": false

In the tsconfig.json file, add "spec" to the list of folders that we want to exclude.

  "exclude": ["node_modules", "./build", "spec"]

Write a Basic Test

We'll start with a simple test:

const myFunc = (num: number): number => {
return num * num;

export default myFunc;

We can write a simple test for the function:

import myFunc from '../index';

it('expect myFunc(5) to equal 25', () => {

To test this we'll need to first run the build script and then the test script:

npm run build
npm run jasmine

Or we can combine the two into one script in our package.json file:

"test": "npm run build && npm run jasmine"


Unit testing






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