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A way to track U.S. Federal PKI Intermediate and Issuing CAs, which form a path/chain to U.S. Federal Common Policy Root CA.


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API service for


The intent of this repo is to maintain a fairly simple rest API using AWS Lambda and AWS DynamoDB.

The rest service maintains a list of CA certificates that are part of the U.S. Federal PKI, that form a path/chain to the Common Policy Root CA.

The API will only allow CA certificates with unique public keys to be added. This ensures that a given CA certificate will only appear once, in only one certificate path. This is to avoid confusing relying party applications on which path to use when validating a certificate. For a given CA certificate to be added, the issuing CA must have already been submitted to the API. Below is the JSON object for the Root CA, and all entries that are submitted must have a valid path to this Root.

	"caCrl": "",
	"caHash": "894EBC0B23DA2A50C0186B7F8F25EF1F6B2935AF32A94584EF80AAF877A3A06E",
	"caIssuer": "CN=Federal Common Policy CA,OU=FPKI,O=U.S. Government,C=US",
	"caNotAfter": "2030-12-01T16:45:27.000+0000",
	"caNotBefore": "2010-12-01T16:45:27.000+0000",
	"caSerial": "0130",
	"caSKI": "AD0C7A755CE5F398C479980EAC28FD97F4E702FC",
	"caSubject": "CN=Federal Common Policy CA,OU=FPKI,O=U.S. Government,C=US"

Quick Start

In order to launch this serverless stack, you will need to install and configure the AWS CLI for your platform.

Afterwards, you will need to create an S3 bucket to package and deploy the stack.

# Build the code
mvn clean package

# Package it
aws cloudformation package --template-file sam.yaml --output-template-file output-sam.yaml --s3-bucket YOUR_BUCKET_NAME

# Deploy it
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output-sam.yaml --stack-name api-fpki-io --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

# Initialize Trust Anchor
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"caCert":"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","caCrl":""}' | python -m json.tool


If using the SwaggerUI via the API Gateway, you will need to enable a mock OPTIONS operation with CORS headers on the API Gateway, so the CORS pre-flight check will pass.


Quick examples of endpoints:

curl -s -v | python -m json.tool
curl -s -v | python -m json.tool
curl -s -v | python -m json.tool
curl -s -v > ./examples/fpki_all_paths.json
curl -s -v | python -m json.tool
curl -s -v > ./examples/fpki.pem
curl -s -v > ./examples/ocio_ca5_fullpath.pem

Quick example of processing the data from an endpoint:

openssl crl2pkcs7 -outform DER -out ./examples/fpki.p7b -nocrl -certfile ./examples/fpki.pem
openssl crl2pkcs7 -outform DER -out ./examples/ocio_ca5_fullpath.p7b -nocrl -certfile ./examples/ocio_ca5_fullpath.pem

While these quick examples demonstrate some of the basic outputs of the API, detailed documentation for the API can be found here

Security Considerations

Please bear in mind that this is a WIP.

The approach is to maintain data on CA certificates (and associated artifacts) to form unique certificate paths in support of certificate validation.

While this implementation does perform signature verification of PKI artifacts, the associated cryptographic operations are not performed using a FIPS validated module.

With this first commit, the implementation does accept a CRL URL for a proposed CAEntry, without downloading the CRL and verifying the signature.


This project is in the worldwide public domain.

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.


A way to track U.S. Federal PKI Intermediate and Issuing CAs, which form a path/chain to U.S. Federal Common Policy Root CA.







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