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The purpose of the exercise was to add n matrixes together. This exercse made use of: the built-in zip function, raising errors, and set and list comprehension extensively.

The purpose of this weeks exercise was to create a Circle class that would calculate the radius, diameter, and area of a circle with a given radius. This exercise made use of class decorators; such as, the property and setter decorators. It also made use of the magic method repr to change how the representation of the Circle object.

This weeks exercise I struggled with, mainly due to the fact that I was unsure what was meant by the '--in-quote' argument. Overall, this was a good exercise as I learned how to work (read and write) with csv files and how to handle command line arguments. Modules used were: csv and argparse; which, are all from the standard libary.

This was a very simple exercise which made use of interators and indexing. I would have a liked a more challenging exercise.

This was easier exercise that drew from some more intermediate level concepts; such as: functional programming and regular expressions. This exercise could have been done in one line by importing the Counter object from the collections module.

This weeks exercise made use of operation overloading (add, sub, mult) and magic methods.

This weeks exercise made use of generators and recursion.

This weeks exercise made use of generators.

This weeks exercise made use of generators, decorators, context managers, and various python modules.

This weeks exercise made use of OOB techniques - inheritance and abstract base classes; additionally, algorithm analysis (big O) and data structures were also required.

This weeks exercise made us of command line arguments, config files, and csv files. The standard libary packages used were: argparse, sys, cvs, and configparse.


My solutions to weekly Python Morsels exercises




