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Andreas Søgaard edited this page Sep 14, 2021 · 3 revisions


If you want to contribute to the gnn-reco repository, send along a pull request. These will be reviewed by the project maintainers and merged into the main branch when accepted.

If possible, development work should be linked to a GitHub issue describing the feature to be added or bug to be fixed. Look for open issues, or create one if it doesn't exist.

Generally try to following best practices for version control:

  • From "Software Best Practices Effective Version Control", Alex Olivas, IceCube Bootcamp 2020:
    • Make the commits small enough that they don't break the code.
      • What constitutes "broken" code? Doesn't compile. Tests don't pass.
    • Do not commit something that covers more than one change: E.g. git commit -m 'Refactor and critical bugfix' is bad.
    • Do not wait until the end of the day or week to commit.
    • Do not mix functional changes with whitespace cleanups.
    • Do write good commit messages. Examples:
      • Good commit message: "Fixes issue #123: Use std::shared_ptr to avoid memory leaks. See C++ Coding Standards for more information."
      • Bad commit message: "blerg"
  • Others:
    • Keep backward compatibility in mind when you change code.

To be determined: Possibly the project will include a contrib/ directory e.g. for student code, subject to more lenient review than core code.

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