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Launchpad Core



Note: launchpad-core has been deprecated in favour of launchpad-namespaces. See our documentation for more information.


Launchpad is a toolkit for running a Graph Protocol Indexer on Kubernetes. It aims to provide the fastest path to production multi-chain indexing, with sane security and performance defaults. It should work well whether you have a single host or twenty.

There are two components to be aware of:

  1. Starter (graphops/launchpad-starter): A starting point for every new Launchpad deployment. It uses a submodule to import all templated definitions from Core.
  2. Core (this repo): Templated tasks, release definitions, scripts and other components

If you are looking to use Launchpad, please go to launchpad-starter.


We welcome and appreciate your contributions! Please see the Contributor Guide, Code Of Conduct and Security Notes for this repository.

See also