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Christian Lück edited this page Feb 27, 2015 · 2 revisions

Coding style guide

We're trying to stick to PSR-2 as closely as possible.

So if you're planning to contribute to this project (sending in PRs), please make sure to adhere to our current coding style.

Unit tests

To run the test suite, you need PHPUnit. Go to the project root and run:

$ phpunit

Test coverage is one of the areas that have seen some significant improvement during the past months. Every single one of the more recent PRs has 100% code coverage. Current coverage output is included in Travis build status.

Locally, it can also be obtained by running the following command:

$ phpunit --coverage-html=build/coverage

It's our preferred workflow to check the resulting build/coverage/index.html for coverage results (test driven development) and improve where necessary.

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