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Bitsausage Cryptocurrency and Dapp

This repo consists of three parts:

  • Solidity contracts for the Bitsausage auction
  • Subgraph for the backend of the Dapp
  • Dapp for the UI

Contents of the Dapp


  1. Truffle 5 beta:

    • $ npm uninstall -g truffle (or $ yarn global remove truffle)

    • $ npm install -g truffle@beta (or $ yarn global add truffle@beta)

  2. ganache-cli

    • $ npm install -g ganache-cli (or $ yarn global add ganache-cli)


Open 7 terminal tabs, and follow the steps in each tab:

  1. Run $ ganache-cli -m hi
  2. Make sure you are inside of the solidity folder and run $ truffle compile followed by $ truffle migrate
  3. Make sure you are inside of the solidity folder again, and run $ truffle console --network development. Once you are in the console, run the following:
  > sausageID = 1234
  > sausageSymbol = 'Bratwurst'
  > description = 'Bratwurst - RARE'
  > auctionAddr = '0xAeB9Ad0EaeE1Ea1B47f181c8C2e7b5927b25106c'
  > SausageTokens.deployed().then(inst => { SausageInstance = inst})
  > SausageInstance.mintUniqueTokenTo(auctionAddr, sausageID, description)
  > Auction.deployed().then(inst => { AuctionInstance = inst})
  > AuctionInstance.startAuction(1000)
  1. Make sure you are inside of the dapp folder and then you can run the following:

  2. Run $ ipfs daemon

  3. Make sure you are inside of the subgraph folder, and run yarn followed by yarn build-ipfs. It should output the subgraph ID.

  4. Go to the graph-node repo that you cloned, and pull from the newest master branch. Run the following command using the subgraph ID from the previous step:

cargo run -p graph-node --release -- \
  --postgres-url postgresql://USERNAME@localhost:5432/bitsausage-subgraph \
  --ethereum-rpc testnet: \
  --ipfs \
  --subgraph SUBGRAPH_ID

This will spin up a GraphQL interface at http://localhost:8000 so you can run your queries against the blockchain.

Build the Dapp

Run yarn build to build the code for production


Copyright © 2018 Graph Protocol, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT License.