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67 lines (50 loc) · 5.21 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (50 loc) · 5.21 KB

Contributing to Gravatar Hovercards

🤗 Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Gravatar Hovercards! Whether you're here to report an issue, suggest a new feature, or submit code changes, we greatly appreciate your help.

Questions, Issue Reporting, and Feature Suggestions

Please submit an issue with all pertinent details and context to help us fully understand your report or suggestion. To avoid duplication, kindly check for existing issues or feature requests similar to yours before filing a new one.

Code Contributions

We welcome Pull Requests, particularly for bug fixes related to any open issues you wish to address! If you're new to creating Pull Requests, we suggest you check out this free video series.

Gravatar Hovercards is developed using TypeScript, Sass (following BEM naming conventions), and is bundled using Webpack. For package management and script running, we use Yarn.

Development Workflow

The general development workflow is as follows:

  1. Fork and clone the repository.
  2. Create a new branch, using the branch naming scheme, e.g. add/a-cool-feature or fix/100-a-bug.
  3. Install the dependencies by running yarn install. Make sure your Node version matches the minimum requirement specified in the package.json file.
  4. Build the library in development mode using yarn build:watch. This command compiles the code and watches for changes.
  5. In a new terminal, start a local server with yarn start. Now you can modify the code in the src folder and test it (or the output formats) in the playground directory.
  6. Update or add the related types if necessary.
  7. If needed, update the relevant documentation such as or
  8. Commit your changes and check if all the automated tests pass. (You can fix linting errors by running yarn lint:<TYPE> --fix)
  9. Create a Pull Request with your changes.


Below is a list of available scripts. You can run them using yarn <script>:

  • start: Starts a local server to test the library in development mode.
  • build: Builds the library in production mode, creating the dist folder with bundled files.
  • build:dev: Builds the library in development mode, creating the dist folder with bundled files.
  • build:watch: Builds the library in development mode and watches for changes.
  • build:types: Builds the library types.
  • build:core: Builds the library in production mode for Vanilla JavaScript.
  • build:react: Builds the library in production mode for React.
  • format: Formats the code using the format script of @wordpress/scripts.
  • type-check: Checks the types using TypeScript.
  • lint:js: Lints the JavaScript / TypeScript code using the lint:js script of @wordpress/scripts.
  • lint:style: Lints the Sass / CSS code using the lint:style script of @wordpress/scripts.
  • lint:md:docs: Lints the Markdown files using the lint:md:docs script of @wordpress/scripts.
  • lint: Runs all the linters.
  • clean:dist: Removes the dist folder.
  • clean:release: Removes the release folder.
  • clean: Removes all the generated folders (e.g. dist, release).
  • release: Creates a new release of the library.

PR Merge Policy

  • Pull Requests (PRs) must pass all automated tests and receive approval from at least one reviewer before they can be merged into the trunk branch.
  • Who is responsible for merging the approved PRs?
    • For PRs authored by external individuals who do not have push permissions, the reviewer who approved the PR will handle the merging process.
    • For PRs authored by contributors who have push permissions, the author of the PR will merge their own PR.

Release Process

This project utilizes release-it for automating releases across both NPM and GitHub. There're two ways to create a new release:

  • GitHub Action:
  • Local Release (with the push permission): Run yarn release and follow the instructions.