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MemeOnTheGo Backend

How to run

Install go dependencies with

go get -d ./...

To run the server navigate to backend/cmd/server and use the following command:

go run main.go

Magic words

You will not need this one, I have done this already, just FYI

go mod init meme

Import dependencies you have used to go.mod

go mod tidy


  • You will need GO 1.16 to run this app
  • The project root directory should be in your $GOPATH/src/ directory


/meme (GET)

/meme endpoint gives back the detailed data of a given meme. It is waiting for the id of the meme:


and returns with the following JSON in the body:

         {"username":"ottoka","text":"Fordulj balra a harmadik horcsognel"}]

/register (POST)

/register endpoint is used with POST method and waiting for an email, a username and a password in a JSON incorporated in the body:

   "username": "user",
   "password": "password",
   "email": ""

and returns with the following JSON in the body:

   "id": userResult.Id, 
   "username": userResult.Username}

and sends a validation email on the given email address( via MailGun with a link to the /verify endpoint, which contains a verification token.

/verify (GET)

/verify endpoint receives the request from the link sent to the given email address in case of succesful registration. It verifies the request with the help of the in the header sent verification token. If the verification was successful, it sets the registered user's status to verified in the database.

It returns with the following JSON in the body:

{"message": "ok"}

/login (POST)

/login endpoint is used with POST method and waiting for a username and a password in a JSON incorporated in the body:

   "userName": "user",
   "password": "password",

and returns with the following JSON in the body:

{"status": "ok", 
"token": "{tokenstring}", 
"userId": id }

/forgottenPass (POST)

/forgottenPass creates a randomly generated string as a new password in case the user forgets the previous one. It needs the email address given at registration. It verifies, whether the email exists both in general and in the database. If the verification is successful, it sends a personalized message to the user with the new password to the given email address

It is waiting for the following JSON incorporated into the body:

   "email": "email",

and returns with the following JSON in the body:

{"message": "Your password has been reset, you can find your new password in the email sent to " + email}

/feed (GET)

/feed sends back the data of all the public memes that appear in the main feed. For this there is no need to login.

It returns with the following JSON in the body:

   "memeData": [
           "id": 2,
           "username": "admin",
           "memeUrl": "",
           "numberOfComments": 6,
           "reactions": [
                   "memeId": 2,
                   "reactionId": 1,
                   "reactionCount": 3
                   "memeId": 2,
                   "reactionId": 3,
                   "reactionCount": 1
                   "memeId": 2,
                   "reactionId": 4,
                   "reactionCount": 2
                   "memeId": 2,
                   "reactionId": 2,
                   "reactionCount": 2
           "id": 3,
   "message": "ok"

/switchfeedactivity (PUT)

/switchfeedactivity sets the meme status between public and private, so the meme is able to appear in the main feed or not. It gets the userid from the token sent in the header and verifies wheter the user trying to modify the status of his/her own meme. It is waiting for a JSON in the body with the meme's URL:

   "memeID": id,
   "trigger": 0 or 1

It returns with the following JSON in the body:

   "message": "ok"
   "memestatus": "public" or "private" 

/myfeed (GET)

/myfeed sends back the data of all own memes made by a user to appear in a private feed.

It gets the userid from the token sent in the header and verifies it. It returns with the following JSON in the body:

   "memeData": [
           "id": 4,
           "username": "ottoka",
           "memeUrl": "",
           "isPublic": 0,
           "numberOfComments": 0,
           "reactions": [
                   "memeId": 4,
                   "reactionId": null,
                   "reactionCount": 0
   "message": "ok"

/meme (POST)

/meme with the POST method saves a meme's URL into the database. It gets the userid from the token sent in the header and authenticates the sender.

It is waiting for a JSON in the body with the meme's URL:

{"memeurl": "urlstring"}

It returns with the following JSON in the body:

{"message": "ok"}

/modifyReactions (POST)

/modifiyReactions inserts a new reaction into the reactions table of the database.

It gets the userid from the token sent in the header and authenticates the sender. Since a user is allowed to use one type of reaction only once per meme, the endpoints checks the database, whether such a reaction already exists by the user for that meme. Also checks that the given meme exists in the database.

It is waiting for a JSON in the body with the meme's URL:

   "reactionId": id,
   "memeID": id}

It returns with the following JSON in the body:

{"message": "ok"}

/comment (POST)

/comment saves the comments into the database. Validates the length of a string (max. 140 characters), and checks whether the comment is an empty string. It gets the userid from the token sent in the header and verifies it.

It is waiting for a JSON in the body with the meme's URL:

   "memeID": id,
   "text": "comments text(max. 140 character"}

It returns with the following JSON in the body:

{"message": "ok"}


No description, website, or topics provided.






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