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Releases: greena13/react-hotkeys


12 Jul 07:01
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This release represents a complete re-write of the internals and much of the interface of react-hotkeys. Mousetrap has been removed as a dependency, and instead react-hotkeys works on the top of the React SyntheticEvent events system.

Upgrading from v1.*?

This release is the same as the v2.0.0-pre9 and these release notes contain a summary of the changes moving from v1.* to v2.0.0.

Upgrading from v2.0.0-pre*?

Ignore this set of release notes, and follow the notes for each each pre-release starting from the version you are using, up to v2.0.0-pre9.

Breaking Changes

__mousetrap__ is no longer available

Rather unsurprisingly, with the removal of Mousetrap, it's no longer possible to access the private Mousetrap instance to configure it. Many of the use-cases for needing to do so have been covered by API updates described below. If your use-case is not covered, however, please create a new issue.

HotKeyMapMixin has been removed

This was an internal part of react-hotkeys and is no longer used, and so it does not makes sense to continue to provide it.

FocusTrap has been removed

Similar to HotKeyMapMixin, this was an internal part of react-hotkeys and is no longer used, and so it does not makes sense to continue to provide it.

withHotKeys has been replaced

The old withHotKeys function has been repurposed and should not be used in the same way the old one was (more on this later). The old implementation is still available as deprecatedWithHotKeys, but it is no longer officially supported and will be removed in future versions.


import {withHotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

const ACTION_KEY_MAP = {
  'changeColor': 'alt+c',


After (suggested):

You can write your own function or HoC that supplies the same keyMap to a component passed to it.

import {HotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

const ACTION_KEY_MAP = {
  'changeColor': 'alt+c',

function withActions(keyMap, Component) {
    return function(props) {
            <HotKeys keyMap={keyMap}>
                <Component {...props} />


After (to restore old behaviour):

import {deprecatedWithHotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

const ACTION_KEY_MAP = {
  'changeColor': 'alt+c',


focused and attach props hav been removed

The focused and attach props were introduced as a way to bind keymaps that were either always active, or available outside of the React application. They are no longer needed with the introduction of GlobalHotkeys.


import {HotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

<HotKeys focused={true} attach={document} keyMap={keyMap} handlers={handlers}>
        My content


import {GlobalHotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

<GlobalHotKeys keyMap={keyMap} handlers={handlers} />

    My content

Hard sequences are deprecated and turned off by default

Hard sequences (handlers associated to actions with names that are valid key sequence strings that implicitly define actions that are matched by the corresponding key sequence) are now deprecated and turned off by default. They can be re-enabled (at a performance penalty) using the enableHardSequences configuration option:

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    enableHardSequences: true

Default key event is now always keydown

react-hotkeys used to rely on the implicit behaviour of Mousetrap to guess the best key event based on the keys involved (this was, roughly speaking, keydown for non-modifier keys and keypress for modifier keys). Now by default, react-hotkeys will match hotkey sequences on the keydown event (or, more precisely: on the keydown event of the last key to complete the last combination in a sequence).

If you want to trigger a single action on a different key event, you can use the object syntax and the action attribute to explicitly set which key event you wish to bind to:

const keyMap = {
  CONTRACT: 'alt+down',
  COMMAND_DOWN: {sequence: 'command', action: 'keydown'},

If you want to change the default key event for all hotkeys, you can use the defaultKeyEvent option of the configuration API.

Keypress events are now simulated for modifier keys

Before, you had to rely on Mousetrap guessing the best key event for your key combination (unless you explicitly defined an event) and if you bound to a key combination to a keypress event, it did not work (the browser does not emit these events for modifier keys).

react-hotkeys now simulates these events internally (they aren't emitted to the rest of your React components) so you do not have to worry about if your key combination includes a modifier key when binding to keypress.

This shouldn't affect most library consumers, but is listed as a breaking change as it can conceivably cause different behaviour for the same application code.

stopPropagation() is now observed

Because react-hotkeys now uses the React event system, event.stopPropagation() now works as expected. If you have event listeners in your React application that call event.stopPropagation() before the event reaches a <HotKeys /> or <GlobalHotkeys /> component that has a keyMap prop, react-hotkeys never sees it.

If you want to hide that a key has been pressed at all, you will need to capture all 3 of the keydown, keypress and keyup events.

Key events from input, select and textarea tags are ignored by default

If you were ignoring key events from certain inputs by overriding the stopCallback function on mousetrap as has been previously suggested, you no longer need to.

By default, all key events that originate from <input>, <select> or <textarea>, or have a isContentEditable attribute of true are ignored by react-hotkeys.

If this is not what you want for your application, you can modify the list of tags using the ignoreTags configuration option or if you need additional control, you can specify a brand new function using the ignoreEventsCondition configuration option.


const mousetrap = this.hotKeys.__mousetrap__;

mousetrap.__proto__.stopCallback = (e, element) => {
  // Your custom logic here


(After you've confirmed the default function does not match your use-case):

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    ignoreEventsCondition: function(event) {
        const { target: element } = event;

        // Your custom logic here

stopPropagation() is called on events that are ignored

By default, react-hotkeys calls stopPropagation() on keyboard events that it ignores, at the first <HotKeys> component with a non-empty keyMap prop (or a hard sequence defined in the handlers prop, if hard sequences are enabled). This makes react-hotkeys more efficient, but may be hiding keyboard events from other key listeners you have in place in your React app.

You can disable this behaviour using the stopEventPropagationAfterIgnoring configuration option:

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    stopEventPropagationAfterIgnoring: false

Updates to keyMaps and handlers after focus are ignored by default

For performance reasons, by default react-hotkeys takes the keyMap and handlers prop values when <HotKeys> components are focused and when <GlobalHotKeys> components are mounted. It ignores all subsequent updates to their values when these props change.

If you need the ability to change them while a <HotKeys> component is still in focus, or while <GlobalHotKeys> is still mounted, then you can pass the allowChanges prop, permitting this behaviour for the particular component.

import {HotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <HotKeys keyMap={keyMapThatChanges} handler={handlersThatChange} allowChanges>


If you need to do this for all your <HotKeys> and <GlobalHotKeys> components, you can use the ignoreKeymapAndHandlerChangesByDefault option for the Configuration API. This should normally never be done, as it can have significant performance implications.

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    ignoreKeymapAndHandlerChangesByDefault: false

New features

Browser keynames are now supported in key sequence definitions

You can now use browser key names when defining your sequences, in addition to Mousetrap's name for the...

Read more


11 Jul 06:11
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v2.0.0-pre9 Pre-release

Potentially Breaking Changes

  • The configuration option allowCombinationSubmatches is now ignored when the Cmd key is pressed down (submatches are always allowed when Cmd is pressed). This is to fix the following bug.


  • Fix moving between actions bound to the Cmd (Meta) key (e.g.cmd+1 -> cmd+2 without releasing Cmd) #201


17 Jun 07:30
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v2.0.0-pre8 Pre-release

Potentially breaking changes

  • Repeated keydown events that occur when a key is held down are now ignored by default (#177). If you want the old behaviour, you can use the ignoreRepeatedEventsWhenKeyHeldDown configuration option.

New features

  • You can now specify name, description and groups for key maps #154 (More info)
    name: 'Display keyboard shortcuts', 
    sequence: 'shift+?', 
    action: 'keyup' 
  • You can now define custom key codes for WebOS and other environments (#156) (More info)
import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

  customKeyCodes: {
    10009: 'BackTV'    

Bug fixes

  • Action handlers that use useState now work correctly (#182, #196)
  • Fix some key combinations involving cmd acting as if those keys were still pressed down after they've been released (#183)
  • Fix some keys being incorrectly declared as invalid when used with the except or only options of ObserveKeys and IgnoreKeys (#198)


02 Jun 19:37
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v2.0.0-pre7 Pre-release

Potentially breaking changes

react-hotkeys now ignores key combination submatches #186 by default.

This resolves the issue of when an application has a context-dependent action, bound to a short key combination (e.g.?) and a longer global action bound to a longer key combination (e.g. shift+?), and the longer key combination is hidden behind the shorter one and never triggered whenever a child of the component that defines the shorter combination is in focus (#161, #181, #175).

If you would like the old behaviour, you can re-enable submatches with the allowCombinationSubmatches configuration option:

  allowCombinationSubmatches: true,

For a full description of what this change means, and the tradeoffs, see the How combinations and sequences are matched section of the Readme.


  • Fix bug that prevented binding to keydown and key for the same key combination #166

New features

HotKeys root prop

A new root prop is now available for HotKeys that allows placing HotKeys components at the root of the app without actually defining any key maps or handlers, to ensure all key events are recorded (#188):

<HotKeys root>
  //... application

For details of when you may want to use this, see the React Hotkeys thinks I'm holding down a key I've released section of the readme.

GlobalHotKeys report missed keyboard events

GlobalHotKeys components now report key events that may have been missed by HotKeys, to avoid hanging key combinations when an action handler changes focus outside of the part of the React app below the highest HotKeys component.

Again, you can see the React Hotkeys thinks I'm holding down a key I've released section of the readme for more details.


29 May 17:10
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v2.0.0-pre6 Pre-release

This release still has a number of known issues, but hopefully it will go some way to addressing some of the issues people are experiencing.


  • Legacy context API has been detected within a strict-mode tree: in StrictMode #151
  • ref prop now has correct TypeScript type (Thanks @natew!) #168
  • ignoreEventsCondition now has correct argument TypeScript definition (Thanks @taromurao!) #170
  • Global hotkeys throwing errors after dom changes (Thanks @mrlubos & @StephenHaney!) #150
  • IgnoreKeys can't handle Backspace #172
  • Duplicate focus tree IDs cause keypresses to be ignored #173



18 Apr 07:18
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v2.0.0-pre5 Pre-release

Breaking changes

  • Delete and Backspace (and the variant del) are no longer treated as aliases for one another. You will need to bind handlers to both, if you want to maintain backwards compatibility. #145, #159

Bugfixes (that may be breaking changes if you depended on them)

  • When resetting key history, the mapping of key aliases for the keys that had already been pressed was being lost. This has now been fixed.
  • When the window loses focus, all keys that are currently pressed down are automatically released. This resolves the issue people were experiencing where React Hotkeys was prematurely triggering handlers for key combinations that caused the window to lose focus (e.g. displaying an alert), after that handler had been already called once #143


  • Add the configure function to index.d.ts
  • Add the withObserveKeys function to index.d.ts
  • Miscellaneous other fixes to index.d.ts (Thanks @shripadk and @HuVik!) #153 #163
  • Fix Github's ability to detect the correct license type


27 Jan 20:31
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v2.0.0-pre4 Pre-release

Breaking Changes


  • HotKeys not working for form fields/inputs #138
  • Fix a number of issues with the TypeScript definitions in index.d.ts
  • Fix Escape not being treated as a "special key" (non single char key name)
  • Fix incorrect JSDoc @private annotations
  • Fix incorrect object JSDoc @typedefs

New Features

  • cmd is now an accepted alias for Command/Meta key
  • Added a way of filtering key maps to the example app
  • Add an <ObserveKeys /> component (and corresponding withObserveKeys method to avoid wrapper div) for defining white-list exceptions to the the default ignoreEventsCondition
<ObserveKeys only={'Escape'}>
    onChange={({target: {value}}) => this.setState({ filter: value })}


  • Improvements to the way the test suite is run #135 #139 #142
  • Readme improvements #139
  • Standardise and improve logging statements
  • Fix various minor typos and static analysis suggestions
  • Remove internal concepts no longer used


17 Jan 07:45
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v2.0.0-pre3 Pre-release


  • Fixed some logging messages
  • Fixed <HotKeys> passing the component prop down to its children
  • Fixed blurred components unnecessarily holding on to their focus tree ids when a key event has yet to occur


  • Make warning about Readme relating to pre-release more obvious


13 Jan 14:18
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v2.0.0-pre2 Pre-release

Potentially breaking changes

  • Removed upper limit on React peer dependency version.

New features

Can now generate an application key map

It's now possible to generate a list of hotkeys for the application to display to the user.

New innerRef prop

Thanks to #124, <ReactHotkeys /> now accepts an innerRef prop:

class MyComponent extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {

    render() {
        return (
            <HotKeys innerRef={ (c) => this._container = c } >
                My focusable content



10 Jan 18:24
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v2.0.0-pre1 Pre-release

This release represents a complete re-write of the internals and much of the interface of react-hotkeys. Mousetrap has been removed as a dependency, and instead react-hotkeys works on the top of the React SyntheticEvent events system.

This is a pre-release, so it not yet ready for use in production applications, but it does represent the future direction of the library.

Breaking Changes

__mousetrap__ is no longer available

Rather unsurprisingly, with the removal of Mousetrap, it's no longer possible to access the private Mousetrap instance to configure it. Many of the use-cases for needing to do so have been covered by API updates described below. If your use-case is not covered, however, please create a new issue.

HotKeyMapMixin has been removed

This was an internal part of react-hotkeys and is no longer used, and so it does not makes sense to continue to supply.

FocusTrap has been removed

Similar to HotKeyMapMixin, this was an internal part of react-hotkeys and is no longer used, and so it does not makes sense to continue to supply.

withHotKeys has been replaced

The old withHotKeys function has been repurposed and should not be used in the same way the old one was (more on this later). The old implementation is still available as deprecatedWithHotKeys, but it is no longer officially supported and will be removed in future versions.


import {withHotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

const ACTION_KEY_MAP = {
  'changeColor': 'alt+c',


After (suggested):

You can write your own function or HoC that supplies the same keyMap to a component passed to it.

import {HotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

const ACTION_KEY_MAP = {
  'changeColor': 'alt+c',

function withActions(keyMap, Component) {
    return function(props) {
            <HotKeys keyMap={keyMap}>
                <Component {...props} />


After (to restore old behaviour):

import {deprecatedWithHotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

const ACTION_KEY_MAP = {
  'changeColor': 'alt+c',


focused and attach props hav been removed

The focused and attach props were introduced as a way to bind keymaps that were either always active, or available outside of the React application. They are no longer needed with the introduction of GlobalHotkeys.


import {HotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

<HotKeys focused={true} attach={document} keyMap={keyMap} handlers={handlers}>
        My content


import {GlobalHotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

<GlobalHotKeys keyMap={keyMap} handlers={handlers} />

    My content

Hard sequences are deprecated and turned off by default

Hard sequences (handlers associated to actions with names that are valid key sequence strings that implicitly define actions that are matched by the corresponding key sequence) are now deprecated and turned off by default. They can be re-enabled (at a performance penalty) using the enableHardSequences configuration option:

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    enableHardSequences: true

Default key event is now always keydown

react-hotkeys used to rely on the implicit behaviour of Mousetrap to guess the best key event based on the keys involved (this was, roughly speaking, keydown for non-modifier keys and keypress for modifier keys). Now by default, react-hotkeys will match hotkey sequences on the keydown event (or, more precisely: on the keydown event of the last key to complete the last combination in a sequence).

If you want to trigger a single action on a different key event, you can use the object syntax and the action attribute to explicitly set which key event you wish to bind to:

const keyMap = {
  CONTRACT: 'alt+down',
  COMMAND_DOWN: {sequence: 'command', action: 'keydown'},

If you want to change the default key event for all hotkeys, you can use the defaultKeyEvent option of the configuration API.

Keypress events are now simulated for modifier keys

Before, you had to rely on Mousetrap guessing the best key event for your key combination (unless you explicitly defined an event) and if you bound to a key combination to a keypress event, it did not work (the browser does not emit these events for modifier keys).

react-hotkeys now simulates these events internally (they aren't emitted to the rest of your React components) so you do not have to worry about if your key combination includes a modifier key when binding to keypress.

This shouldn't affect most library consumers, but is listed as a breaking change as it can conceivably cause different behaviour for the same application code.

stopPropagation() is now observed

Because react-hotkeys now uses the React event system, event.stopPropagation() now works as expected. If you have event listeners in your React application that call event.stopPropagation() before the event reaches a <HotKeys /> or <GlobalHotkeys /> component that has a keyMap prop, react-hotkeys never sees it.

If you want to hide that a key has been pressed at all, you will need to capture all 3 of the keydown, keypress and keyup events.

Key events from input, select and textarea tags are ignored by default

If you were ignoring key events from certain inputs by overriding the stopCallback function on mousetrap as has been previously suggested, you no longer need to.

By default, all key events that originate from <input>, <select> or <textarea>, or have a isContentEditable attribute of true are ignored by react-hotkeys.

If this is not what you want for your application, you can modify the list of tags using the ignoreTags configuration option or if you need additional control, you can specify a brand new function using the ignoreEventsCondition configuration option.


const mousetrap = this.hotKeys.__mousetrap__;

mousetrap.__proto__.stopCallback = (e, element) => {
  // Your custom logic here


(After you've confirmed the default function does not match your use-case):

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    ignoreEventsCondition: function(event) {
        const { target: element } = event;

        // Your custom logic here

stopPropagation() is called on events that are ignored

By default, react-hotkeys calls stopPropagation() on keyboard events that it ignores, at the first <HotKeys> component with a non-empty keyMap prop (or a hard sequence defined in the handlers prop, if hard sequences are enabled). This makes react-hotkeys more efficient, but may be hiding keyboard events from other key listeners you have in place in your React app.

You can disable this behaviour using the stopEventPropagationAfterIgnoring configuration option:

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    stopEventPropagationAfterIgnoring: false

Updates to keyMaps and handlers after focus are ignored by default

For performance reasons, by default react-hotkeys takes the keyMap and handlers prop values when <HotKeys> components are focused and when <GlobalHotKeys> components are mounted. It ignores all subsequent updates
to their values when these props change.

If you need the ability to change them while a <HotKeys> component is still in focus, or while <GlobalHotKeys> is still mounted, then you can pass the allowChanges prop, permitting this behaviour for the particular component.

import {HotKeys} from 'react-hotkeys';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <HotKeys keyMap={keyMapThatChanges} handler={handlersThatChange} allowChanges>


If you need to do this for all your <HotKeys> and <GlobalHotKeys> components, you can use the ignoreKeymapAndHandlerChangesByDefault option for the Configuration API. This should normally never be done, as it can have significant performance implications.

import {configure} from 'react-hotkeys';

    ignoreKeymapAndHandlerChangesByDefault: false

New features

Browser keynames are now supported in key sequence definitions

You can now use browser key names when defining your sequences, in addition to Mousetrap's name for the keys.

New withHotKeys HoC - a way to avoid rendering a wrapping div

If wrapping your component in a DOM-mountable node is not acceptable, or you need more control over how the react-hotkeys props are app...

Read more