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Multicast Network Performance Analyzer (MNPA)

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Multicast Network Performance Analyzer


Multicast Network Performance Analyzer (MNPA) is an open-source tool for multicast testing. The tool allows network and systems administrators measuring the performance of the network flooded by multicast traffic. The tool has a multicast sender, as well as multicast subscriber capabilities.

The Business Case

In modern financial networks, there is a need for reliable, low-latency performing network infrastructure. In these networks, the data about current market state, otherwise known as market data, is transmitted via multicast to financial market participants. If a market participant receives market data at a delay, the market participant would have an outdated information about the market and will be at a disadvantage to those who received the data faster.

Major network equipment vendors and manufacturers like Cisco, Juniper, and Arista are at a constant race to achieve higher reliability and better performance of their network devices. The performance means lower latency and higher throughput. For example, Cisco claims that Cisco Nexus 3548 switch could move a packet in and out of a switch in less than 200 nanoseconds (ns). Almost all of the leading vendors have tools to show a customer how long it took to move a packet in and out of their equipment. Do they have the tools measuring how long it took for a multicast packet to reach a specific host on a network? What about tools to measure and analyze overall network performance as it relates to multicast?

Currently, the majority of engineers use network packet capture devices, known as sniffers, to intercept multicast traffic at a number of network hops and calculate the time intervals it took for the traffic to reach each hop. In order for the time intervals to be accurate, each sniffer in the traffic's path must have an up to date time. Therefore, to achieve accuracy, the sniffers must sync their time either via NTP (Network Time Protocol) or PTP (Precision Time Protocol) protocols.

The NTP can achieve one millisecond accuracy. For the reference, 1 millisecond (ms) equals 1,000,000 nanoseconds (ns). The accuracy of NTP is no longer on par with the realities of modern financial networks, because the speed of the networks allows moving packets at the rates faster than 1ms.

The PTP can achieve the accuracy of less than a microsecond. For the reference, 1 microsecond (us) equals 1,000 nanoseconds (ns). The accuracy of PTP is great. However, it is costly to implement.

At the same time, nothing beats the accuracy of the measurement by the same clock!

The Solution

One of the ways to solve the above business challenge is developing a service that would act as a multicast sender or source, and would also act as a multicast subscriber to the multicast traffic it is sending. The service acting as a sender would generate multicast traffic and embed a timestamp in its payload. The same service acting as a receiver would receive the traffic, record the time of receipt, read the timestamp from the traffic's payload, and calculate the delta between the receipt and sent timestamps.

Network Diagram - Single Node

In the above diagram, a node has three interfaces:

  1. mgmt0 (management) with an IP address
  2. eth0 (multicast source) with an IP address
  3. eth1 (multicast subscriber) with an IP address

The node uses its eth0 interface to send UDP multicast packets to three multicast groups:,, and The same node uses its eth1 interface to subscribe the to the same multicast groups. The node does not use its management interface for multicast testing. The traffic leaves one interface and arrives at another. All timestamping is done by the clock on the node.

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Getting Started

Multicast Sender

A Fixed Number of Packets with A Predefined Interval

In the below example, a user initiates two multicast streaming threads.

mnpa --threads 5 --sender eth1/5/64-127/60/0/ \
     --sender eth1/5/64-127/60/0/ --verbose --non-root

The expected output of the above command is:

testing ...
logging is enabled
 * publisher pattern #0
   - interface name:  eth1
   - multicast group:
   - packet count:    5, size (min/max): 64/127
   - duration:        60 seconds
   - offset:          0 seconds
   - tag:             TEST1
 * publisher pattern #1
   - interface name:  eth1
   - multicast group:
   - packet count:    5, size (min/max): 64/127
   - duration:        60 seconds
   - offset:          0 seconds
   - tag:             TEST2
threads requested/supported: 5/8
thread #10443448069676092719 / packet #0 / size: 52 / payload: 1437271915.762404314;TEST2;0;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
thread #2300943079121880236 / packet #0 / size: 29 / payload: 1437271915.762380283;TEST1;0;
thread #10443448069676092719 / packet #1 / size: 41 / payload: 1437271915.762434098;TEST2;1;XXXXXXXXXXXX
thread #2300943079121880236 / packet #1 / size: 40 / payload: 1437271915.762440208;TEST1;1;XXXXXXXXXXX
thread #10443448069676092719 / packet #2 / size: 71 / payload: 1437271915.762444956;TEST2;2;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
thread #2300943079121880236 / packet #2 / size: 32 / payload: 1437271915.762454867;TEST1;2;XXX
thread #10443448069676092719 / packet #3 / size: 45 / payload: 1437271915.762460946;TEST2;3;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
thread #2300943079121880236 / packet #3 / size: 55 / payload: 1437271915.762466118;TEST1;3;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
thread #10443448069676092719 / packet #4 / size: 67 / payload: 1437271915.762470756;TEST2;4;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
thread #2300943079121880236 / packet #4 / size: 59 / payload: 1437271915.762476929;TEST1;4;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

The --verbose flag enables logging. Once the logging is enabled, the user receives logging messages.

Initially, the application lists the two patterns supplied by a user.

  1. The source of the multicast traffic is interface eth1. The traffic is destined to the UDP port 5001 of the multicast IP address The thread sends 5 packets over the period of 60 seconds. The size of the packets is between 64 to 127 bytes. Also, the thread starts its transmission right away, because the offset is 0 seconds. Further, each packet carries a tag in its payload, i.e. TEST1.
  2. The source of the multicast traffic is also interface eth1. However, The traffic is now destined to the UDP port 5001 of the multicast IP address The rest of the settings are similar to the first thread, except for the tag field. This thread carries TEST2 tag.

Then, the application checks for the number of system resources available. It throws a warning if the number of requested threads is greater than the number of available CPUs.

[WARN] the number of system resources available, e.g. CPU, is less than the number of patterns.

Finally, for each packet the application sends, there is one line log message. The message contains thread ID, packet number and size, and its payload.

Also, the interval between the packets is 12 seconds, because the total duration of the transmission is 60 seconds and the number of packets is 5.

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An Unlimited Number of Packets with a Predefined Interval

In the below example, a user initiates a single streaming thread.

mnpa --threads 5 --sender eth1/0/64-1400/1000000/0/ --verbose --non-root

The number of packets is 0, which means the thread would continue until its termination. The traffic duration field changes its purpose and becomes an interval value in microseconds.

Here, the interval is 1 second, because 1,000,000 microseconds is equal to 1 second.

 * sender pattern #0
   - interface name:  eth1
   - multicast group:
   - packet count:    unlimited, size (min/max): 64/1400 bytes
   - interval:        1,000,000 microseconds
   - offset:          0 seconds
   - tag:             TEST1

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Multicast Receiver

Predefined Period of Time

In the below example, a user subscribes to two multicast groups for a period of 43,200 minutes (12 hours).

mnpa --receiver \
     --receiver --verbose

From a sender, stream packets to the above two groups:

mnpa --sender eno49/0/64-1400/500000/0/ \
     --sender eno49/0/64-1400/500000/0/ --non-root

🔔 A user may choose to run the application in a docker container:

docker run --rm -i -t --name=mnpa_rx --privileged --cap-add all --net=host -v /tmp:/tmp greenpau/mnpa /bin/bash
docker run --rm -i -t --name=mnpa_tx --privileged --cap-add all --net=host -v /tmp:/tmp greenpau/mnpa /bin/bash

The application starts in the following fashion:

logging is enabled
 * receiver pattern #0
   - interface ip:
   - multicast group:
   - duration:        43200 seconds
 * receiver pattern #1
   - interface ip:
   - multicast group:
   - duration:        43200 seconds
threads requested/supported: 1/48
default scheduling priority: 0
receiver thread #6552082770043551379 / / started ...
receiver thread #12497346737735211298 / / started ...

Now, it is time to capture the traffic with netsniff-ng container:

docker run --rm -i -t --name=netsniff --privileged --cap-add all --net=host -v /tmp:/tmp greenpau/netsniff-ng /bin/bash

When inside the container, the user should run the following command to view multicast network traffic:

netsniff-ng --less --in eno50 --magic 0xa1b23c4d -N -f "net"

Additionally, the user may capture the traffic to a file. Here, netsniff-ng captures 100 packets only and saves them to a file in /tmp directory.

netsniff-ng --silent --num 100 --in eno50 --magic 0xa1b23c4d -N -f "net" --out /tmp/`hostname`.`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S"`.tcpdump.pcap

The reference to 0xa1b2c3d4 indicates the output is in a standard tcpdump-capable pcap format with ns (nanosecond) resolution. Perhaps, a better option is to use 0xa1e2cb12, which is netsniff-ng format, because it captures a packet's ifindex, protocol, type, and timestamp source.

netsniff-ng --silent --num 100 --in eno50 --magic 0xa1e2cb12 -N -f "net" --out /tmp/`hostname`.`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S"`.netsniff.pcap

A user may review the captured file later by running:

netsniff-ng --in /tmp/filename.pcap -q

A user may get time measurements from the capture using the below awk script:

netsniff-ng --in /tmp/filename.pcap | awk 'BEGIN {
  #printf("%-15s\t%-010s\t%20s\t%20s\t%20s\t%s\n", "stream", "seq", "", "timestamp.sent", "timestamp.received", "size");
  printf("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n", "stream", "seq", "", "timestamp.sent", "timestamp.received", "size");
  if (match($0,/([0-9]+)s\.([0-9]+)ns/, rgx_match)) {
  if (match($0,/\(([0-9]+) Bytes,/, rgx_match)) {
  if (match($0,/Chr ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+);([0-9]+);([A-Za-z0-9_]+);/, rgx_match)) {
    #printf("%-15s\t%-010d\t%10d.%09d\t%d.%d\t%d.%d\t%d\n", MSG_TAG, MSG_SEQ, (MSG_S_RX - MSG_S_TX), (MSG_NS_RX - MSG_NS_TX), MSG_S_TX, MSG_NS_TX, MSG_S_RX, MSG_NS_RX, MSG_SIZE_BYTES);
    printf("%s;%d;%d.%d;%d.%d;%d.%d;%d\n", MSG_TAG, MSG_SEQ, (MSG_S_RX - MSG_S_TX), (MSG_NS_RX - MSG_NS_TX), MSG_S_TX, MSG_NS_TX, MSG_S_RX, MSG_NS_RX, MSG_SIZE_BYTES);

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This tool requires GCC 5.1.0 or higher is required for building the tool.

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Linux Kernel Networking Performance Tuning

If necessary, perform network stack tuning:

First, calculate the amount of available memory on a system:

echo "scale=2; $(cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i memtotal | sed -E 's/\s+//g;s/[^0-9]//g') / 1024^2" | bc | sed 's/$/ Gb/'

Review current network settings by running the below command:

sudo sysctl -A | egrep "(max_dgram_qlen|udp_.?mem|mem_max|netdev.*backlog|file-max|swappiness|vm.dirty_.*ratio|somaxconn|nf_conntrack_max|udp_mem)"

Adjust network settings:

# max size of file handles and inode cache
sudo sysctl -w fs.file-max=14000000

# decrease swapping
sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10
sudo sysctl -w vm.dirty_ratio=60
sudo sysctl -w vm.dirty_background_ratio=2

# max number of incoming connections
sudo sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=81920

sudo sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=20000000

# max size of rx socket buffer
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=134217728
# max size of tx socket buffer
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=134217728
# default size of rx socket buffer
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=134217728
# default size of tx socket buffer
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=134217728
# max amount of memory for ip options
sudo sysctl -w net.core.optmem_max=134217728

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 87380 67108864"
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 87380 67108864"

# max amount of backlogged connections
sudo sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog=2500000

sudo sysctl -w net.unix.max_dgram_qlen=256
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.udp_rmem_min=1310720
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.udp_wmem_min=1310720
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.udp_mem="262144 327680 393216"

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0

MCAST_IFS=$(cat /proc/net/dev | cut -d":" -f1 | tr -d ' ' | egrep "(flannel|docker|veth|weave|tun)" | xargs)
for INTF in $(cat /proc/net/dev | cut -d":" -f1 | tr -d ' ' | egrep "(^en)" | xargs); do
 sudo ip link set dev ${INTF} txqueuelen 50000;


sudo sysctl -A | egrep "(max_dgram_qlen|udp_.?mem|mem_max|netdev.*backlog|file-max|swappiness|vm.dirty_.*ratio|somaxconn|nf_conntrack_max|udp_mem)"

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Multicast Network Performance Analyzer (MNPA)






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