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Greenpeace Planet4 docker development environment


What is Planet4?

Planet4 is the NEW Greenpeace web platform

What is this repository?

This repository contains needed files to set up a docker development environment that consists on:

  • Planet4 php-fpm container serving planet4-base
  • MySQL container as a database engines
  • Phpmyadmin container as a database administration application
  • nginx container to proxy requests to php-fpm
  • redis container for object caching
  • redis-commander container as a redis administration application

How to set up the docker environment


Note this repository has not yet been tested on windows platforms yet, any feedback will be welcome!


First things first, requirements for running this development environment:

For MacOS and Windows users docker installation already includes docker-compose GNU/Linux users have to install docker-compose separately:

Running planet4 development environment

Recommended setup is to clone planet4-base and link it to the planet4 container.

  1. Install docker
  2. (Optional) Install portainer (you will need to create a directory, eg. "/Users/user/dev/docker"
     $ docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /Users/user/dev/docker:/data portainer/portainer
  3. (Optional) In your browser go to : http://localhost:9000 (portainer's main page)
  4. (Optional) Create username/password
  5. (Optional) Select "Manage the Docker instance where Portainer is running" and press "connect"
  6. Pull the planet4-base repository to a directory, eg. /Users/user/Documents/projects/planet4/planet4-base
     $ git clone
  7. And then switch to the develop branch
     $ git checkout develop
  8. In your computer, create the following directory somewhere /somewhere/mysql (your database will be stored here, so that it does not get deleted everytime the container gets rebuilt)
     $ mkdir /Users/user/Documents/projects/planet4/mysql
  9. Copy the file docker-compose.override.yml.example into docker-compose.override.yml
  10. Edit the file docker-compose.override.yml and put the relevant paths from steps 1 and 2 in the parts before the :
            - **/Users/user/Documents/projects/planet4/planet4-base**:/var/www/html:rw
            - **/Users/user/Documents/projects/planet4/planet4-base**:/var/www/html:rw
            - **/Users/user/Documents/projects/planet4**/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:rw
  11. Copy the file variables.env.example to variables.env
  12. Launch docker-compose
      $ cd planet4-docker-compose
      $ docker-compose up
  13. Edit hosts file (/etc/hosts linux, mac ) to point to       

You should be able to see all your docker containers at http://localhost:9000.

Your p4 website at:

Phpmyadmin at:

Redis-commander at:


You can run composer inside planet4 container.

  $ composer install
  $ composer update

Wp cli

You can run wp cli inside planet4 container using wp.

  $ wp user list
  $ wp user delete dev

Mounted directories

Insert the repos (separated by | ) that you want to be cloned in the plugins directory by altering PLUGINS_REPOS variable in variables.env PLUGINS_REPOS='|'

Also you need to map host os user to user nginx in the container so you can edit files in your os and nginx be able to read the mounted directories. Edit USERID variable in variables.env to your user id (needed for linux distributions). USERID=1000

Environment variables

This docker environment relies on the mysql official image. variables.env.example contains all the needed variables. Normally it is not essential to change of override any variable, so a simple copy of the variables.env.example to variables.env would do the job.

MySQL container variables:

  • MYSQL_DATABASE=planet4
  • MYSQL_USER=develop
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD=test_develop

Planet4 container variables:

  • DBUSER=develop
  • DBPASS=test_develop
  • DBNAME=planet4
  • DBHOST=db


TODO File watchers for scss/js compiling Change test domain Preserve uploads/images