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Continuous Integration: independent release process
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This commit introduces several new pipelines to aid a PXF release
process independent of any underlying SQL database. This commit thus
includes scripts for making and managing a PXF RPM, which includes the C
extension, whose code now lives under external-table/. These are the new

* pivnet_artifacts: a pipeline that fetches releases of GPDB from
  PivNet, aka TanzuNet
* pxf-build: pipeline that builds and releases new PXF artifacts
* dev-pxf-build: dev version of pxf-build, much abbreviated
* pxf-certification: pipeline that tests existing PXF artifacts against
  new versions of Greenplum
* pxf_pr_pipeline: new PR pipeline which uses the new build process

Version is now managed at the top level, in a file `version`. By
changing this file to a non-SNAPSHOT version, we can create a release
using the pxf-build pipeline. This causes a new tag/release to be
triggered on GitHub (Releases API), as well as a new SNAPSHOT version to
be committed.

Further, by uploading an OSL file to the appropriate cloud location,
we trigger publication of our release to the Release Engineering team.

Along with an independent release, we are now also installing PXF not
under GPHOME but separately in PXF_HOME. Thus this commit also has
changes to the PXF CLI to reflect the new install location. This
includes a new command called `pxf [cluster] register` to re-install the
PXF C extension under GPHOME.

Other noteworthy changes include:

* The new pipelines make use of smaller images that don't include PXF
  dependencies, but instead pull in those dependencies via tarballs that
  are pre-built.
* The new pattern for setting pipelines is to have targets in
* Cloud tests have been hardened to reduce flakiness
* In CI scripts we source ~gpadmin/.pxfrc which is cached on each image
* Slack integrations have been added for pxf-certification, pxf-build,
  and dev-pxf-build pipelines

Co-authored-by: Oliver Albertini <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Denissov <>
Co-authored-by: Francisco Guerrero <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Jun 3, 2020
1 parent 5938ad7 commit 2674c5a
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 102 changed files with 7,114 additions and 592 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/create-release-on-tag.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Sequence of patterns matched against refs/tags
- '*' # match on any tag

name: Create Release

name: Create Release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Create Release
id: create_release
uses: actions/create-release@v1
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # This token is provided by Actions, you do not need to create your own token
tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
release_name: PXF Version ${{ github.ref }}
body: |
## PLACE CHANGELOG diff in here
draft: false
prerelease: false
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
93 changes: 77 additions & 16 deletions Makefile
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
ifeq "$(PXF_HOME)" ""
ifneq "$(GPHOME)" ""
PXF_HOME = "$(GPHOME)/pxf"

SHELL := /bin/bash
PXF_VERSION ?= $(shell cat version)

export PXF_HOME
VENDOR ?= Open Source

default: all

.PHONY: all cli server install tar clean test help
.PHONY: all external-table cli server install stage tar rpm rpm-tar clean test it help

all: cli server
all: external-table cli server

make -C external-table

make -C cli/go/src/pxf-cli
Expand All @@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ server:
make -C server

rm -rf build
make -C external-table clean-all
make -C cli/go/src/pxf-cli clean
make -C server clean

Expand All @@ -32,20 +35,78 @@ it:
make -C automation TEST=$(TEST)

make -C external-table install
make -C cli/go/src/pxf-cli install
make -C server install

make -C cli/go/src/pxf-cli tar
make -C server tar
rm -rf build/stage
make -C external-table stage
make -C cli/go/src/pxf-cli stage
make -C server stage
set -e ;\
GP_MAJOR_VERSION=$$(cat external-table/build/metadata/gp_major_version) ;\
GP_BUILD_ARCH=$$(cat external-table/build/metadata/build_arch) ;\
mkdir -p build/stage/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME} ;\
cp -a external-table/build/stage/* build/stage/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME} ;\
cp -a cli/build/stage/* build/stage/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME} ;\
cp -a server/build/stage/* build/stage/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME} ;\
echo $$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) > build/stage/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME}/pxf/commit.sha ;\
cp package/install_binary build/stage/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME}/install_component

tar: stage
rm -rf build/dist
mkdir -p build/dist
tar -czf build/dist/$(shell ls build/stage).tar.gz -C build/stage $(shell ls build/stage)

make -C external-table stage
make -C cli/go/src/pxf-cli stage
make -C server stage
set -e ;\
GP_MAJOR_VERSION=$$(cat external-table/build/metadata/gp_major_version) ;\
if [[ $${PXF_VERSION} == *"-SNAPSHOT" ]]; then PXF_RELEASE=SNAPSHOT; else PXF_RELEASE=1; fi ;\
rm -rf build/rpmbuild ;\
mkdir -p build/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS} ;\
mkdir -p build/rpmbuild/SOURCES/gpextable ;\
cp -a external-table/build/stage/* build/rpmbuild/SOURCES/gpextable ;\
cp -a cli/build/stage/pxf/* build/rpmbuild/SOURCES ;\
cp -a server/build/stage/pxf/* build/rpmbuild/SOURCES ;\
echo $$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) > build/rpmbuild/SOURCES/commit.sha ;\
cp package/*.spec build/rpmbuild/SPECS/ ;\
rpmbuild \
--define "_topdir $${PWD}/build/rpmbuild" \
--define "pxf_version $${PXF_MAIN_VERSION}" \
--define "pxf_release $${PXF_RELEASE}" \
--define "license ${LICENSE}" \
--define "vendor ${VENDOR}" \
-bb $${PWD}/build/rpmbuild/SPECS/pxf-gp$${GP_MAJOR_VERSION}.spec

rpm-tar: rpm
rm -rf build/{stagerpm,distrpm}
mkdir -p build/{stagerpm,distrpm}
set -e ;\
GP_MAJOR_VERSION=$$(cat external-table/build/metadata/gp_major_version) ;\
PXF_RPM_FILE=$$(find build/rpmbuild/RPMS -name pxf-gp$${GP_MAJOR_VERSION}-*.rpm) ;\
PXF_RPM_BASE_NAME=$$(basename $${PXF_RPM_FILE%*.rpm}) ;\
mkdir -p build/stagerpm/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME} ;\
cp $${PXF_RPM_FILE} build/stagerpm/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME} ;\
cp package/install_rpm build/stagerpm/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME}/install_component ;\
tar -czf build/distrpm/$${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME}.tar.gz -C build/stagerpm $${PXF_PACKAGE_NAME}

@echo 'Possible targets'
@echo ' - all (cli, server)'
@echo ' - all (external-table, cli, server)'
@echo ' - external-table - build Greenplum external table extension'
@echo ' - cli - install Go CLI dependencies and build Go CLI'
@echo ' - server - install PXF server dependencies and build PXF server'
@echo ' - clean - clean up CLI and server binaries'
@echo ' - clean - clean up external-table, CLI and server binaries'
@echo ' - test - runs tests for PXF Go CLI and server'
@echo ' - install - install PXF CLI and server'
@echo ' - tar - bundle PXF CLI along with tomcat into a single tarball'
@echo ' - install - install PXF external table extension, CLI and server'
@echo ' - tar - bundle PXF external table extension, CLI, server and tomcat into a single tarball'
@echo ' - rpm - create PXF RPM / DEB package'
@echo ' - rpm-tar - bundle PXF RPM / DEB package along with helper scripts into a single tarball'
143 changes: 75 additions & 68 deletions
Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,17 @@

PXF is an extensible framework that allows a distributed database like GPDB to query external data files, whose metadata is not managed by the database.
PXF includes built-in connectors for accessing data that exists inside HDFS files, Hive tables, HBase tables and more.
Users can also create their own connectors to other data storages or processing engines.
To create these connectors using JAVA plugins, see the PXF API and Reference Guide onGPDB.
PXF is an extensible framework that allows a distributed database like Greenplum to query external data files, whose metadata is not managed by the database.
PXF includes built-in connectors for accessing data that exists inside HDFS files, Hive tables, HBase tables, JDBC-accessible databases and more.
Users can also create their own connectors to other data storage or processing engines.

Package Contents
Repository Contents
## external-table/
Contains the Greenplum extension implementing an External Table protocol handler

## fdw/
Contains the Greenplum extension implementing a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for PXF

## server/
Contains the server side code of PXF along with the PXF Service and all the Plugins
Expand All @@ -34,14 +37,14 @@ Resources for PXF's Continuous Integration pipelines
## regression/
Contains the end-to-end (integration) tests for PXF against the various datasources, utilizing the PostgreSQL testing framework `pg_regress`

## fdw/
Contains the Greenplum extension implementing a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for PXF.
## downloads/
An empty directory that serves as a staging location for Greenplum RPMs for the development Docker image

PXF Development
Below are the steps to build and install PXF along with its dependencies including GPDB and Hadoop.
Below are the steps to build and install PXF along with its dependencies including Greenplum and Hadoop.

To start, ensure you have a `~/workspace` directory and have cloned the `pxf` and its prerequisites(shown below) under it.
To start, ensure you have a `~/workspace` directory and have cloned the `pxf` and its prerequisites (shown below) under it.
(The name `workspace` is not strictly required but will be used throughout this guide.)
mkdir -p ~/workspace
Expand All @@ -58,50 +61,53 @@ ln -s ~/<git_repos_root> ~/workspace

To build PXF, you must have:

- JDK 1.8 to compile (PXF runs on Java 8 and Java 11)
- Go (1.9 or later)
- unzip

Export your `JAVA_HOME`.


To install Go on CentOS, `sudo yum install go`.

For other platforms, see the [Go downloads page](

Make sure to export your `GOPATH` and add go to your `PATH`. For example:

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

Once you have installed Go, you will need the `dep` and `ginkgo` tools, which install Go dependencies and run Go tests,
respectively. Assuming `go` is on your `PATH`, you can run:

go get
go get

to install them.

## How to Build
PXF uses gradle for build and has a wrapper makefile for abstraction
1. GCC compiler, `make` system, `unzip` package, `maven` for running integration tests
2. Installed Greenplum DB

Either download and install Greenplum RPM or build Greenplum from the source by following instructions in the [GPDB README](

Assuming you have installed Greenplum into `/usr/local/greenplum-db` directory, run its environment script:
source /usr/local/greenplum-db/

3. JDK 1.8 to compile (PXF runs on Java 8 and Java 11)

Export your `JAVA_HOME`:

4. Go (1.9 or later)

To install Go on CentOS, `sudo yum install go`. For other platforms, see the [Go downloads page](

Make sure to export your `GOPATH` and add go to your `PATH`. For example:
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

Once you have installed Go, you will need the `dep` and `ginkgo` tools, which install Go dependencies and run Go tests,
respectively. Assuming `go` is on your `PATH`, you can run:
go get
go get

## How to Build PXF
PXF uses Makefiles to build its components. PXF server component uses Gradle that is wrapped into the Makefile for convenience.
cd ~/workspace/pxf

# Compile & Test PXF

# Simply Run unittest
# Only run unit tests
make test

## Install
## How to Install PXF

To install PXF, specify the `PXF_HOME` location, for example `/usr/local/gpdb/pxf`:

Expand All @@ -111,11 +117,8 @@ cd ~/workspace/pxf
PXF_HOME=/usr/local/gpdb/pxf make install

## Demonstrating Hadoop Integration
In order to demonstrate end to end functionality you will need GPDB and Hadoop installed.

### Hadoop
We have all the related hadoop components (hdfs, hive, hbase, zookeeper, etc) mapped into simple artifact named singlecluster.
## How to demonstrate Hadoop Integration
In order to demonstrate end to end functionality you will need Hadoop installed. We have all the related hadoop components (hdfs, hive, hbase, zookeeper, etc) mapped into simple artifact named singlecluster.
You can [download from here]( and untar the `singlecluster-HDP.tar.gz` file, which contains everything needed to run Hadoop.

Expand All @@ -124,30 +127,34 @@ cd ~/workspace
tar xzf singlecluster-HDP.tar.gz

### GPDB
git clone

You'll end up with a directory structure like this:
# Development With Docker
NOTE: Since the docker container will house all Single cluster Hadoop, Greenplum and PXF, we recommend that you have at least 4 cpus and 6GB memory allocated to Docker. These settings are available under docker preferences.

└── workspace
├── pxf
├── singlecluster-HDP
└── gpdb
The following commands run the docker container and set up and switch to user gpadmin.

If you already have GPDB installed and running using the instructions shown in the [GPDB README](,
you can ignore the `Setup GPDB` section below and simply follow the steps in `Setup Hadoop` and `Setup PXF`
# Get the latest image
docker pull$GCR_PROJECT/gpdb-pxf-dev/gpdb6-centos7-test-pxf:latest

If you don't wish to use docker, make sure you manually install JDK.
docker run --rm -it \
-p 5432:5432 \
-p 5888:5888 \
-p 8000:8000 \
-p 5005:5005 \
-p 8020:8020 \
-p 9000:9000 \
-p 9090:9090 \
-p 50070:50070 \
-w /home/gpadmin/workspace \
-v ~/workspace/pxf:/home/gpadmin/workspace/pxf \
-v ~/workspace/singlecluster-HDP:/home/gpadmin/workspace/singlecluster \$GCR_PROJECT/gpdb-pxf-dev/gpdb6-centos7-test-pxf:latest /bin/bash -c \
"/home/gpadmin/workspace/pxf/dev/indocker_setup.bash && /sbin/service sshd start && su - gpadmin"

## Development With Docker
NOTE: Since the docker container will house all Single cluster Hadoop, Greenplum and PXF, we recommend that you have at least 4 cpus and 6GB memory allocated to Docker. These settings are available under docker preferences.

The following commands run the docker container and set up and switch to user gpadmin.

# Get the latest image
Expand Down

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