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Update pxf-build-base dependency building after Spring Boot merge (#490)
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frankgh committed Nov 18, 2020
1 parent 0725f86 commit 440f6ff
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Showing 2 changed files with 105 additions and 80 deletions.
43 changes: 0 additions & 43 deletions concourse/docker/pxf-build-base/Dockerfile

This file was deleted.

142 changes: 105 additions & 37 deletions concourse/docker/pxf-build-base/cloudbuild.yaml
Expand Up @@ -5,40 +5,108 @@
timeout: 1200s

# Write the PXF commit SHA-1 to a file
- name: ''
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
echo "${COMMIT_SHA}" > pxf_commit_sha
# Build the docker image
- name: ''
id: pxf-build-dependencies
- 'build'
- '--tag=pxf-build-dev'
- '-f'
- 'concourse/docker/pxf-build-base/Dockerfile'
- '.'

# Copy the pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz to the host
- name: ''
id: pxf-build-dependencies-copy
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
mkdir /workspace/build
docker run --rm -v /workspace/build:/tmp/build/ pxf-build-dev /bin/bash -c "cp /tmp/pxf-{build,automation}-dependencies.tar.gz /tmp/build/"
# Push the pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz tarball to Google Cloud Storage
- name: ''
id: pxf-build-dependencies-tarball
args: ['cp', '/workspace/build/pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz', 'gs://${_PXF_BUILD_BUCKET}/build-dependencies/pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz']

# Push the pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz tarball to Google Cloud Storage
- name: ''
id: pxf-automation-dependencies-tarball
args: ['cp', '/workspace/build/pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz', 'gs://${_PXF_BUILD_BUCKET}/automation-dependencies/pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz']
# download and extract the existing dependencies
- name: ''
id: retrieve-pxf-build-dependencies
args: [ 'cp', 'gs://${_PXF_BUILD_BUCKET}/build-dependencies/pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz', 'pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz' ]
waitFor: [ '-' ]
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/tar'
id: untar-pxf-build-dependencies
args: [ '-xzf', 'pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz' ]
waitFor: [ 'retrieve-pxf-build-dependencies' ]

- name: ''
id: retrieve-pxf-automation-dependencies
args: [ 'cp', 'gs://${_PXF_BUILD_BUCKET}/automation-dependencies/pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz', 'pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz' ]
waitFor: [ '-' ]
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/tar'
id: untar-pxf-automation-dependencies
args: [ '-xzf', 'pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz' ]
waitFor: [ 'retrieve-pxf-automation-dependencies' ]

# use gradle image with JDK8 to build the project
- name: gradle:6.6.1-jdk8
id: gradle-build
entrypoint: gradle
args: [ '--gradle-user-home=/workspace/.gradle', '-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false', '-b', './server/build.gradle', 'test', 'stage' ]
waitFor: [ 'untar-pxf-build-dependencies' ]

- name: golang:1.15.3
id: golang-build
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
mkdir -p ./.go-dep-cached-sources
cp ./.go-dep-cached-sources ./cli/go/pkg/dep/sources
go get
go get
make -C ./cli/go/src/pxf-cli build
rm -rf ./.go-dep-cached-sources
mv ./cli/go/pkg/dep/sources ./.go-dep-cached-sources
waitFor: [ 'untar-pxf-build-dependencies' ]

# create an updated tarball with build dependencies and upload it
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/tar'
id: tar-pxf-build-dependencies
args: [ '-czf', 'pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz', '.gradle', '.go-dep-cached-sources' ]
waitFor: [ 'gradle-build', 'golang-build' ]
# Push the pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz tarball to Google Cloud Storage
- name: ''
args: [ 'cp', '/workspace/pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz', 'gs://${_PXF_BUILD_BUCKET}/build-dependencies/pxf-build-dependencies.tar.gz' ]
waitFor: [ 'tar-pxf-build-dependencies' ]

# Prepare automation dependencies
- name: ''
id: prepare-automation-deps
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
mkdir -p /workspace/automation_tmp_lib/
cp ./server/pxf-api/build/libs/pxf-api-*.jar /workspace/automation_tmp_lib/pxf-api.jar
cp ./server/pxf-hbase/build/libs/pxf-hbase-*.jar /workspace/automation_tmp_lib/pxf-hbase.jar
cp ./server/pxf-hdfs/build/libs/pxf-hdfs-*.jar /workspace/automation_tmp_lib/pxf-hdfs.jar
cp ./server/pxf-hive/build/libs/pxf-hive-*.jar /workspace/automation_tmp_lib/pxf-hive.jar
touch /workspace/automation_tmp_lib/pxf-extras.jar
ls /workspace/automation_tmp_lib
waitFor: [ 'gradle-build' ]

# Package the automation project
- name: maven:3-jdk-8
id: mvn-dev-build
entrypoint: mvn
- '-Dmaven.repo.local=/workspace/.m2/repository'
- '-Djava.awt.headless=true'
- '-DskipTests=true'
- '-Dpxf.lib=/workspace/automation_tmp_lib'
- '-B'
- '-e'
- '-f'
- './automation/pom.xml'
- 'package'
waitFor: [ 'prepare-automation-deps', 'untar-pxf-automation-dependencies' ]

# Run a test in the automation project for additional caching
- name: maven:3-jdk-8
id: mvn-test-build
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
mkdir -p /root/pxf/servers/database/ && cp ./server/pxf-service/src/templates/templates/jdbc-site.xml /root/pxf/servers/database/
mkdir -p /root/pxf/servers/db-session-params/ && cp ./server/pxf-service/src/templates/templates/jdbc-site.xml /root/pxf/servers/db-session-params/
mkdir -p /root/pxf/servers/db-hive/ && cp ./server/pxf-service/src/templates/templates/jdbc-site.xml /root/pxf/servers/db-hive/
GPHD_ROOT=/tmp PXF_HOME=/tmp/pxf mvn -B -e -Dpxf.lib=/workspace/automation_tmp_lib -Dtest=HdfsSmokeTest -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.repo.local=/workspace/.m2/repository -f ./automation/pom.xml -U test || true
waitFor: [ 'mvn-dev-build' ]

# create an updated tarball with automation dependencies and upload it
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/tar'
id: tar-pxf-automation-dependencies
args: [ '-czf', 'pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz', '.m2' ]
waitFor: [ 'mvn-test-build' ]
# Push the pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz tarball to Google Cloud Storage
- name: ''
args: [ 'cp', '/workspace/pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz', 'gs://${_PXF_BUILD_BUCKET}/automation-dependencies/pxf-automation-dependencies.tar.gz' ]
waitFor: [ 'tar-pxf-automation-dependencies' ]

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