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Terraform Harvester provider


Installation docs

Install bun

curl -fsSL | bash

Install terraform

brew install terraform

Install kubernetes cli

brew install kubectl

Get access to harvester and obtain kubeconfig

# copy contents of downloaded config to ~/.kube/altra.yaml
touch ~/.kube/altra.yaml

Install ansible

brew install ansible

Install postgres cli

brew install postgresql

PostgreSQL remote host installation

Install database

sudo apt update && sudo apt install posgresql

Update pg_hba.conf to allow any remote connection

host    all             all             trust

Modify access in postgresql.conf

listen_addresses = '*'

Create user with login

create role altra with login;

Create database

create database altra with owner altra;

Give user proper permissions

grant create on database altra to altra;

Python tools

Install pyenv to manage python versions

brew install pyenv

Install python 3.12

pyenv install 3.12

Install pipx

brew install pipx

Install with poetry for package management with pipx

pipx install poetry



brew install --cask codewhisperer


brew install gh

Install pre-commit

brew install pre-commit

Install pre-commit hooks

pre-commit install