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Cloud Resume Challenge Project


This repository is part of the Cloud Resume Challenge. The challenge encompasses various aspects of software development and cloud infrastructure, including front-end development, back-end services, cloud infrastructure provisioning, and CI/CD processes.

This specific repository contains the front-end component of my cloud resume project, implemented using Next.js. It is a simple, one-page application that serves as my online resume.

Project Structure

The project is divided into three main repositories:

  1. Frontend (Current Repository): This Next.js application represents the user interface of the cloud resume. It is hosted at, showcasing the final, deployed resume.

  2. Backend Infrastructure: The cloud infrastructure necessary for hosting and supporting the backend services is defined as code using Terraform. You can find the repository here: Terraform Infrastructure. It includes the AWS resources required for the project, such as S3 buckets, CloudFront distribution, and more.

  3. Lambda Function for Visitor Count: A Lambda function designed to increment and retrieve a visitor count displayed on the resume. The code for this function is available at Lambda Function.

Blog Post

For a detailed explanation of the project, including insights into the development process, challenges encountered, and lessons learned, check out my blog post on LinkedIn.