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Initial MPI1
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greut committed Dec 18, 2012
1 parent e9c89d7 commit dbc1d80
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Showing 5 changed files with 301 additions and 1 deletion.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -76,3 +76,17 @@ Built from Serial 4.
Parallelize the mask computation and the file reading. Only the root reads the
file and the mask computation is done by the others, each one computes one
chunk of it (nothing fancy here).

### MPI 1

Built from Serial 5.

Parallelize the image computation. The mask is calculated independently by each
node as the operation is relatively cheap compared to any requied communication.
The image is slit in 4 parts (8 being slightly harder).

### MPI 2

Combination of MPI 0 and MPI 1.

The calculation of the mask and the computation are shared by the nodes.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ for i in `seq 0 1`; do
echo ""

for i in `seq 0 0`; do
for i in `seq 0 1`; do
echo MPI $i
echo "------"
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/mpi1/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
CPPFLAGS = -g -O0 -W -Wall -pedantic -std=c++0x -I../libs
fisheye: fisheye.o ../libs/lspbmp.o ../libs/magnify.o

rm -f fisheye fisheye.o ../lib/lspbmp.o ../libs/magnify.o
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/mpi1/build.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@echo off
%comspec% /c ""%VS80COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" && cl.exe /EHsc /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /MT /I "..\libs" ..\libs\lspbmp.c ..\libs\magnify.c"
277 changes: 277 additions & 0 deletions src/mpi1/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "lspbmp.h"
#include "magnify.h"

#define COLORS 3

void fisheye_square_half_mask(double * mask, int width, double r, double m) {
geometry_t g = {
(int) ceil(2. * r),
(int) ceil(2. * r),
{r, r}
point_t *c = point_new(0., 0.), *nc;
polar_t *p, *np;
int x, y, x2, y2, ycol, xcol;
double dx, dy,
shift = r - width;
for (y=0; y < width; y++) {
c->y = (double) y + shift;
ycol = y * width << 1;
y2 = y << 1;
for (x = y; x < width; x++) {
c->x = (double) x + shift;
p = geometry_polar_from_point(&g, c);
if (p->r < r) {
np = unmagnify(p, r, m);
nc = geometry_point_from_polar(&g, np);
dx = nc->x - c->x; // nc->x = x + dx
dy = nc->y - c->y; // nc->y = y + dy

xcol = x * width << 1;
x2 = x << 1;

mask[ycol + x2] = dx;
mask[ycol + x2 + 1] = dy;
if (x != y) {
mask[xcol + y2] = dy;
mask[xcol + y2 + 1] = dx;

fisheye_inplace_sub(Bitmap* img, const point_t *c, const double* dv) {
double dx, dy, idx, idy, r0, g0, b0, r1, g1, b1;
unsigned int nx, ny, mx, my,
x = c->x * COLORS,
width = img->width * COLORS;
unsigned char *data0, *data1, *to, r, g, b;
double cx = c->x + dv[0],
cy = c->y + dv[1];

nx = floor(cx);
ny = floor(cy);
mx = ceil(cx);
my = ceil(cy);
dx = cx - nx;
dy = cy - ny;
idx = 1 - dx;
idy = 1 - dy;
nx *= COLORS;
mx *= COLORS;
// rows
data0 = &(img->data[ny * width]);
data1 = &(img->data[my * width]);
to = &(img->data[(int)(c->y * width)]);
// intermediary points
r0 = idx * data0[nx] + dx * data0[mx + 0];
g0 = idx * data0[nx + 1] + dx * data0[mx + 1];
b0 = idx * data0[nx + 2] + dx * data0[mx + 2];
r1 = idx * data1[nx] + dx * data1[mx + 0];
g1 = idx * data1[nx + 1] + dx * data1[mx + 1];
b1 = idx * data1[nx + 2] + dx * data1[mx + 2];
// final points
r = idy * r0 + dy * r1;
g = idy * g0 + dy * g1;
b = idy * b0 + dy * b1;
to[x] = r;
to[x + 1] = g;
to[x + 2] = b;

fisheye_inplace_from_square_half_mask(Bitmap* img, double* mask, unsigned int mask_width) {
point_t *c = point_new(0, 0), *r = point_new(0, 0);
unsigned int x, y, x0 = 0, y0 = 0, yy, zero = 0,
width = img->width,
height = img->height,
ycorr = height % 2 ? 0 : 1,
xcorr = width % 2 ? 0 : 1;

double* dv;
if (width / 2 > mask_width) {
x0 = std::max(zero, ((int) ceil(width / 2.) - mask_width));
if (height / 2 > mask_width) {
y0 = std::max(zero, ((int) ceil(height / 2.) - mask_width));

for (y = 0; y < mask_width; y++) {
c->y = y + y0;
r->y = height - ycorr - (y + y0);
yy = y * mask_width << 1;
for (x = 0; x < mask_width; x++) {
dv = &(mask[yy + (x << 1)]);
if (dv[0] != 0 || dv[1] != 0) {
// North-West
c->x = x + x0;
fisheye_inplace_sub(img, c, dv);

// North-East
dv[0] = -dv[0];
c->x = width - xcorr - (x + x0);
fisheye_inplace_sub(img, c, dv);

// South-East
dv[1] = -dv[1];
r->x = width - xcorr - (x + x0);
fisheye_inplace_sub(img, r, dv);
dv[0] = -dv[0];

// South-West
r->x = x + x0;
fisheye_inplace_sub(img, r, dv);
dv[1] = -dv[1];


main(int argc, char** argv) {
int rank, gsize, saved = 1;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &gsize);

#define LEN 100
char packbuf[LEN];
int packsize, position, len;

Bitmap *img;
double radius, magnify_factor;
double *mask;
unsigned int mask_width, mask_size, width, height, depth, x0, y0, zero = 0;
unsigned char *buf;

double t0, t1, t2, t3, t4;

if (rank == 0) {
if (argc < 3) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " source dest"<< std::endl;
return 1;

t0 = MPI_Wtime();
img = loadBitmapHeaderOnly(argv[1]);
width = img->width,
height = img->height;
depth = img->depth;

radius = std::min(height, width) * .45;
magnify_factor = 5.0;
if (argc > 3) {
sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &radius);
if (radius <= 0) {
std::cerr << "Radius cannot be null or negative" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (argc > 4) {
sscanf(argv[4], "%lf", &magnify_factor);
if (magnify_factor < 1) {
std::cerr << "Less than 1 magnify lens are not supported" << std::endl;
return 1;

mask_width = ceil(std::min(std::min(width, height)/2., radius));
mask_size = mask_width * mask_width << 1;

packsize = 0;
MPI_Pack(&width, 1, MPI_INT, packbuf, LEN, &packsize, comm);
MPI_Pack(&height, 1, MPI_INT, packbuf, LEN, &packsize, comm);
MPI_Pack(&depth, 1, MPI_INT, packbuf, LEN, &packsize, comm);
MPI_Pack(&mask_width, 1, MPI_INT, packbuf, LEN, &packsize, comm);
MPI_Pack(&radius, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, packbuf, LEN, &packsize, comm);
MPI_Pack(&magnify_factor, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, packbuf, LEN, &packsize, comm);

MPI_Bcast(&packsize, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
MPI_Bcast(packbuf, packsize, MPI_PACKED, 0, comm);

if (rank == 0) {
Bitmap* img = loadBitmap(argv[1]);
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
len = 4 * mask_width * mask_width * COLORS;
std::cerr << len << " - " << mask_size << std::endl;
buf = (unsigned char *) calloc(sizeof(unsigned char), len);
x0 = std::max(zero, ((int) ceil(width / 2.) - mask_width));
y0 = std::max(zero, ((int) ceil(height / 2.) - mask_width));
for(unsigned int y = y0; y < (y0 + 2 * mask_width); y++) {
std::cerr << y << "/" << height << std::endl;
&(img->data[(y * width + x0) * COLORS]),
&(img->data[((y * width) + x0 + (2 * mask_width)) * COLORS]),
&(buf[((y - y0) * 2 * mask_width) * COLORS]));
MPI_Send(buf, len, MPI_CHAR, 1, 0, comm);
t2 = MPI_Wtime();

if (rank > 0) {
position = 0;
MPI_Unpack(packbuf, packsize, &position, &width, 1, MPI_INT, comm);
MPI_Unpack(packbuf, packsize, &position, &height, 1, MPI_INT, comm);
MPI_Unpack(packbuf, packsize, &position, &depth, 1, MPI_INT, comm);
MPI_Unpack(packbuf, packsize, &position, &mask_width, 1, MPI_INT, comm);
MPI_Unpack(packbuf, packsize, &position, &radius, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, comm);
MPI_Unpack(packbuf, packsize, &position, &magnify_factor, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, comm);

len = 4 * mask_width * mask_width * COLORS;
mask_size = mask_width * mask_width << 1;
mask = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), mask_size);

fisheye_square_half_mask(mask, mask_width, radius, magnify_factor);

img = createBitmap(2 * mask_width, 2 * mask_width, depth);
MPI_Recv(img->data, len, MPI_CHAR, 0, 0, comm, &status);

fisheye_inplace_from_square_half_mask(img, mask, mask_width);
saveBitmap("tmp.bmp", img);

MPI_Send(img->data, len, MPI_CHAR, 0, 0, comm);


if (rank == 0) {
MPI_Recv(buf, len, MPI_CHAR, 1, 0, comm, &status);
for(unsigned int y = y0; y < y0 + 2 * mask_width; y++) {
&(buf[((y - y0) * 2 *mask_width) * COLORS]),
&(buf[((y - y0 + 1) * 2 * mask_width - 1) * COLORS]),
&(img->data[(y * width + x0) * COLORS]));
t3 = MPI_Wtime();
saved = saveBitmap(argv[2], img);
t4 = MPI_Wtime();

if (!saved) {
std::cerr << "The picture could not be saved to " << argv[2] << std::endl;
} else {
printf("%s\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\n", argv[1],
width * height, t4-t0, t1-t0, t2-t1, t3-t2, t4-t3, gsize);
return !saved;

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