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  1. Terraform :
  2. Sample service deployment with Dockerfile, Jenkinsfile, and Helm from public Repo: ref: Public Repo:

Evermos Terraform : Everything as a Code

Terraform is no longer limited to Infrasructure as a Code. Thanks to provider ecosystem.

All infrastructure requirement for Evermos technical test is deployed using Terraform to DigitalOCean. Terraform structure contains of modules and deployments. Deployment will source on the module to provision their resource such as service deployment will invoke Cloudflare, github, and jenkins module. Deployment can invoke include more module. All the resource is deployed using Terraform including Kubernetes and Helm deployment and follow the devops naming standard.

Terraform Deployment is consist of 3 deployment type:

  • Cloud deployment: to provision resource on the cloud using Terraform DigitalOcean Provider such as K8s cluster, VPC, Digital Ocean project.
provider "digitalocean" {
  token = var.do_token

data "terraform_remote_state" "project" {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket  = "greyhats13-tfstate"
    key     = "${var.unit}-project-${var.env}.tfstate"
    region  = "ap-southeast-1"
    profile = "${var.unit}-${var.env}"

data "terraform_remote_state" "vpc" {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket  = "greyhats13-tfstate"
    key     = "${var.unit}-vpc-network-${var.env}.tfstate"
    region  = "ap-southeast-1"
    profile = "${var.unit}-${var.env}"

#assign k8s cluster to project
resource "digitalocean_project_resources" "project_resource" {
  project = data.terraform_remote_state.project.outputs.do_project_id
  resources = [

data "digitalocean_kubernetes_versions" "versions" {
  version_prefix = var.version_prefix

resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster" "cluster" {
  name    = "${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature[0]}-${var.env}"
  region  = var.region
  version = data.digitalocean_kubernetes_versions.versions.latest_version

  node_pool {
    name       = "${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature[1]}-${var.env}"
    size       = var.node_type
    auto_scale = var.auto_scale
    min_nodes  = var.min_nodes
    max_nodes  = var.max_nodes
    labels     = var.node_labels
    dynamic "taint" {
      for_each = length(var.node_taint) > 0 ? var.node_taint : {}
      content {
        key    = taint.value["key"]
        value  = taint.value["value"]
        effect = taint.value["effect"]
  tags     = [var.unit, var.code, var.feature[0], var.env]
  vpc_uuid = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.do_vpc_id
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
  • Toolchain deployment: to deploy required tools for services using Terraform Helm Provider such as Ingress-nginx, jenkins, cert-manager, and metrics server.

  • Database deployment: mysql and redis deployment using Terraform Helm provider and deployed to Kubernetes cluster as Statefulsets.

Sample Helm Deployment for Redis:

Helm Module:

data "terraform_remote_state" "k8s" {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket  = "greyhats13-tfstate"
    key     = "${var.unit}-k8s-cluster-${var.env}.tfstate"
    region  = "ap-southeast-1"
    profile = "${var.unit}-${var.env}"

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    host  = data.terraform_remote_state.k8s.outputs.do_k8s_endpoint
    token = data.terraform_remote_state.k8s.outputs.do_k8s_kubeconfig0.token
    cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(

resource "helm_release" "helm" {
  name       = !var.no_env ? "${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature}-${var.env}":"${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature}"
  repository = var.repository
  chart      = var.chart
  values     = length(var.values) > 0 ? var.values : []
  namespace  = var.override_namespace != null ? var.override_namespace: (
    var.env == "prd" ? "evermos":var.env
  lint       = true
  dynamic "set" {
    for_each = length(var.helm_sets) > 0 ? {
      for helm_key, helm_set in var.helm_sets : helm_key => helm_set
    } : {}
    content {
      name  =
      value = set.value.value

Sample Redis Root Module:

variable "redis_secrets" {
  type = map(string)
  #value is assign on tfvars
  sensitive = true

module "helm" {
  source     = "../../modules/helm"
  region     = "sgp1"
  env        = "dev"
  unit       = "evm"
  code       = "database"
  feature    = "redis"
  repository = ""
  chart      = "redis"
  values     = []
  helm_sets = [
      name  = "auth.rootPassword"
      value = var.redis_secrets["redisPassword"]
      name  = "replica.replicaCount"
      value = "2"
      name  = "primary.persistence.size"
      value = "2Gi"
      name  = "secondary.persistence.size"
      value = "2Gi"
      name  = "master.nodeSelector.service"
      value = "backend"
      name  = "replica.nodeSelector.service"
      value = "backend"
  override_namespace = "database"
  no_env             = true
  • Service deployment: to provision github, jenkins job, and cloudflare for CI/CD for service deployment in one flows: Module
resource "github_repository" "repository" {
  count       = var.env == "dev" ? 1 : 0
  name        = "${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature}"
  description = "Repository for ${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature} service"
  visibility  = "public"
  auto_init   = "true"
  lifecycle {
    prevent_destroy = false
    ignore_changes = [

resource "github_repository_webhook" "webhook" {
  repository = var.env == "dev" ? github_repository.repository[0].name : "${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature}"

  configuration {
    url          = "https://${data.terraform_remote_state.jenkins.outputs.jenkins_cloudflare_endpoint}/multibranch-webhook-trigger/invoke?token=${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature}-${var.env}"
    content_type = "json"
    insecure_ssl = false

  active = true

  events = ["push"]
  depends_on = [

resource "jenkins_job" "job" {
  name     = "${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature}-${var.env}"
  folder   =
  template = file("${path.module}/job.xml")

  parameters = {
    description       = "Job for ${var.unit}-${var.code}-${var.feature}-${var.env}"
    unit              = var.unit
    code              = var.code
    feature           = var.feature
    env               = var.env
    credentials_id    = var.credentials_id[0]
    github_username   = var.github_username
    github_repository = var.github_repository

Root Module:

module "cloudflare" {
  source             = "../../modules/cloudflare"
  env                = var.env
  unit               = var.unit
  code               = var.code
  feature            = var.feature
  cloudflare_secrets = var.cloudflare_secrets
  zone_id            = var.cloudflare_secrets["zone_id"]
  type               = var.type
  ttl                = var.ttl
  proxied            = var.proxied
  allow_overwrite    = var.allow_overwrite

module "github" {
  source         = "../../modules/github"
  env            = var.env
  unit           = var.unit
  code           = var.code
  feature        = var.feature
  github_secrets = var.github_secrets

module "jenkins" {
  source            = "../../modules/jenkins"
  env               = var.env
  unit              = var.unit
  code              = var.code
  feature           = var.feature
  jenkins_secrets   = var.jenkins_secrets
  github_username   = var.github_secrets["owner"]
  github_repository = module.github.github_repository
  credentials_id    = var.credentials_id

Evermos CI/CD:

After All cloud resources, toolchain, database(MySQL, REdis), and CI/CD is setup by Terraform. The CI/CD is using Feature Branch workflow.

  • Push event will trigger dev pipeline
  • Pull request to Main(master) will trigger Staging pipeline
  • Release tag will trigger production pipeline. It is not 100% implemented due to limited times. So, most of the versioning strategy is a part of feature branch formality.

CI/CD is setup as pipeline as a code in Jenkinsfile. It contains three stages:

  1. Source(Checkout) If delivery team perform push event, the webhook will trigger pipeline. Jenkins will pull the current push and start to build.
def scm = checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: runBranch]], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'gitlab-auth-token', url: repo_url]]])
  1. Build Jenkins will build the services as docker container. Jenkins will build the container based what is defined on Dockerfile. Sample Golang Dockerfile:
FROM golang:1.15.2-alpine3.12 AS builder

RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache git

WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/evm-core-test/

COPY . .

RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o /go/bin/evm-core-test

FROM alpine:3.12

RUN apk add --no-cache tzdata

COPY --from=builder /go/bin/evm-core-test /go/bin/evm-core-test

ENTRYPOINT ["/go/bin/evm-core-test"]

Sample Python Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.4-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache bash
COPY . /app
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
RUN chmod +x
CMD [ "python3", "-m" , "flask", "run", "--host="]

Jenkins build imlementation:

def dockerBuild(Map args) {
    sh "docker build -t ${args.docker_username}/${args.service_name}:${args.build_number} ."
  1. Push and Tagging to Hub Docker registry After build the docker images, Jenkins will login to Dockerhub.
docker.withRegistry("", docker_creds) {
    dockerPush(docker_username: docker_username, service_name: service_name, build_number: build_number)

    dockerPushTag(docker_username: docker_username, service_name: service_name, build_number: build_number, version: version)

Thus, Jenkins will tagging the docker images based on version (determined) by the environment, and eventually push then to Hub Docker registry.

def dockerPush(Map args) {
    sh "docker push ${args.docker_username}/${args.service_name}:${args.build_number}"

def dockerPushTag(Map args) {
    sh "docker tag ${args.docker_username}/${args.service_name}:${args.build_number} ${args.docker_username}/${args.service_name}:${args.version}"
    sh "docker push ${args.docker_username}/${args.service_name}:${args.version}"

I have implemented versioning for docker. For development will have alpha version and the tag of build version. Staging will be assigned with beta version tag, and production will be assigned with latest version and release tag.

  1. Helm Deployment After push the docker images to Hub Docker, Jenkins will initiate helm deployment. Helm files is given name based on their development such as values-dev.yaml, values-stg.yaml, and values.yaml(prd). Helm deployment consist of three steps which is. a. To verifiy whether helm chart is in well formed
sh "helm lint -f ${helm_values}"

b. It will performed debugging check without having to really install the helm to the K8s cluster;

sh "helm -n ${namespace} install ${service_name} -f ${helm_values} . --dry-run --debug"

c. After all the check, we performed the Helm deployment.

sh "helm -n ${namespace} upgrade --install ${service_name} -f ${helm_values} . --recreate-pods"

Helm Charts for Services, Ingress, SSL

Helm chart really make our life easier. We didn't have to perform

helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml . -n <namespace>

manually. All the kubernetes deployment in this assigment is performed using Helm chart and many of them is performed using Terraform or Jenkins CI/CD.

  1. Service Deployment (microservices) For this technical test, I have customized the helm chart for service deployment from bash helm create sampleservice and add configmap and secrets to the helm templates then associated them with environment variable on deployment (envFrom).

  2. Ingress-Nginx I exposed my sample services to the internet using Ingress Nginx. Ingress Nginx is using DO load balancer. All of the services ingress is assigned to Nginx ingress class on the annotation, and exposed their services to the internet.

  3. SSL/TLS My sample services ingres also using TLS/SSL from LetsEncrypt cert-maanger by assigning the cluster issuer on the ingress annotation.

  4. Helm chart for deploying Redis and MySQL as Stateful Sets. Most of data layer deployment need persistency such as Redis, MySQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch (ECK). I deployed Redis as stateful sets to the kubernetes cluster.

Terraform CI/CD with Atlantis:

Configuring Terraform to automatically plan and apply after delivery team (developer) request for new services as belows.

  1. The delivery create service deployment from Terraform code example and adjust with their service name and specification.
  2. Delivery team then will perform Pull Request to DevOps team.
  3. Atlantis plan will automatically run, and provide the plan on Github comment section.
  4. After DevOps approved the Pull Request, Delivery team can perform "atlantis apply" on the comment section.

Sample atlantis configuration and Apply Requirement:

version: 3
  - dir: service-deployment/evm-core-api
    apply_requirements: ["approved","mergeable"]
      when_modified: ["*.tf*"]
      enabled: true
  - dir: service_deployment/evm-core-test
    apply_requirements: ["approved","mergeable"]
      when_modified: ["*.tf*"]
      enabled: true


Repository for evm-do-infra service






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