Extract the .zip archive which contains this file. Launch the game by executing apocalypse-post.exe
Configure graphics scaling in user/config.toml
This game depends on sdl2, sdl2_image, and sdl2_ttf. Install these with your package manager.
apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0
pacman -S sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf
Extract the .zip archive which contains this file. Launch the game by executing apocalypse-post
Configure graphics scaling in user/config.toml
Drag the ApocalypsePost app into your Applications
folder or elsewhere before running.
To configure graphics scaling, right click the ApocalypsePost app and choose "Show Package Contents". Navigate to Contents->MacOS->user, and modify config.toml.
Get the source code or submit issues at https://github.com/stevebob/apocalypse-post