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Svyatoslav Reyentenko edited this page Aug 2, 2012 · 4 revisions

Step 'provisionVms'

Provision in a cloud a set of virtual machines

Step parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
phase String y Phase to run provisioning
precedingPhases List of strings Preceding phases (if provision is first step, you can omit this parameter)
roleName String y role name of created virtual machines to identify them in other steps
hardwareId String y cloud provider specific hardware id for virtual machine
imageId String y cloud provider specific OS image id for virtual machine
quantity Int y amount of machines for provision
keyPair String Name of a credentials secret pair to access provisioned virtual machines. Note: in case of absence such name in credentials store, provision will be aborted
securityGroup String Amazon specific: security group in amazon
account Map Access to cloud provider api.

Keys in the map:

  • provider - specify cloud provider. Supported values ["gdnova", "aws-ec2", "gogrid"]
  • endpoint - url of api endpoint
  • identity - indetity to access cloud api
  • credential - credentials to access cloud api
If not specified system plugin settings is used

Step result

Result of the step is a list of provisioned virtual machines. The list is accessible by name "virtualMachines"

Each virtual machine contains following attributes:

Name Type Description
status Enum VmStatus
roleName String Name of the assigned role to vm
instanceId Option of string instance Id assigned by cloud provider
hardwareId Option of string hardware Id used by vm
imageId Option of string image id used by vm
securityGroup Option of string security group
ip Address
accessible fields:
  • address - try to return public ip, with fallback to private ip
  • publicIp
  • privateIp
Ip address of the provisioned vm.

Most often use case will be just use address field, i.e. vm.ip.address


provisionVms {
    phase = "example"
    roleName = "vmrole"
    hardwareId = "2"
    imageId = "16"
    quantity = 5
    account = [ "identity" : "login",
                "credential" : "password",
                "provider" : "aws-ec2",
                "endpoint" : ""
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