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Алгоритмическая торговая система с Kafka и TensorFlow.


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Algorithmic crypto trading framework with Kafka and TensorFlow (Keras + TensorFlow Serving)

Documentation live at:



Implemented so far:

  1. Data ingestion pipeline, which includes websocket streams from twitter, reddit, gdax which are saved to three separate Kafka topics.
  2. Data transforms to model gdax (BTC-USD only for now) into time-series of custom timespan to which RNNs/LSTMs can be applied for time-series prediction
  3. Tensorflow training and model persistance
  4. Tensorflow Serving APIs exposed through a Flask endpoint. A few details are worth mentioning here. The Tensorflow Serving is actually run within a docker container, and that docker container is polled by a Flask endpoint through gRPC.

Installation and Infrastructure

Infrastructure: kafka, tensorflow, et. al.

Spin up kafka and related scrapers (zookeeper, kafka-ui, etc.)

docker-compose up

Data collection, without Docker (MacOS, Ubuntu)

First, create a new virtual environment. This is highly recommended for managing dependencies.

Then, modify the resources/resources.json file, and add your twitter and reddit API keys. This will enable you to programmatically access the twitter and Reddit APIs.


  1. python3.6 (recommend installing with homebrew)
  2. librdkafka: brew install librdkafka
  3. Python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. NLTK requirements: python3.6 -c "import nltk;'vader_lexicon');'punkt')"
  5. Local install: pip install -e .
  6. Kafka IP: export KAFKA_SERVER_IP='kafka1'

Finally, you may need to edit your /etc/hosts/ to be able to connect to kafka. Do so by running:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

and adding the following line to it: localhost kafka1

Run scrapers

Then, run mkdir -p ~/tmp/logs/ && supervisord -c resources/supervisord.conf

This will run the three scripts below and will take care of restarting them if/when they fail. This should happen eventually due to API downtimes, malformatted data that is not handled, etc. Usually however the scripts are pretty resiliant and have run for weeks straight.

Alternatively, run:

python3.6 kryptoflow/scrapers/

python3.6 kryptoflow/scrapers/

python3.6 kryptoflow/scrapers/

To verify that your data is being ingested appropriatley, head to http://localhost:8000 for a visual ui of the Kafka topics being ingested.


The scope of the project is creating a framework. As such, I found it tremendously useful (and a great learning experience) to add a visualization layer that would make it easy to visualize the collected data, as well as the performance of the models. A bare-bones (note: still in development) ember.js can be accessed by running:

python -m -vv

Then, head to http://localhost:5000 and click on 'Charts'. To retrieve historical data, click on 'From Server'.

This should show up:


The backend was written in Flask. It provides restful access to historical data as well as access to the prediction service. The latter should work only if the steps outlined in the Analysis section have been followed. The api was built with Flask-RESTPLUS, which offers automated documentation with swagger.

Head to!/historical_data to check it out.



Check out Keras training notebook for training and model storing instructions

Deploy with Tensorflow Serving

Build the docker container with bazel, tf serving, and all the required dependencies to serve the model. This may take some time (~40 minutes)

bash kryptoflow/serving/

Then, copy the stored models to the container:

bash kryptoflow/serving/ 1

The 1 indicates the number of the model. Check saved_models/ directory for the available stored models. These are automatically saved when the class is instantiated. See the notebook for more info on how to stored the models themselves.


GNU General Public License v3.0


Алгоритмическая торговая система с Kafka и TensorFlow.







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Contributors 4
