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dasey3781 edited this page Jan 6, 2013 · 1 revision

#@ Gridr Concept

Working version of the Gridr concept in its latest version.

Vision: Help to discover, build and leverage local networks. Create a strong, open platform to support local collaboration between people through tools and concepts.

Ground rules:

->Open source Gridr is not meant as a platform to build closed commercial products. Commercial success as a driver in connection to Gridr is definitely welcome, but oneness and fairness is a basic requirement to be part of Gridr.

->Embrace a positive hacker spirit! Embrace a spirit of building practical working solutions to the problems one is facing, regardless of what has been done before or is understood as the main stream "common sense" approach to these problems.

->Stakeholder value rules! Structural actions should make sense and at least not have negative impact for all stakeholders, including users, developers, organizers and supporters.

->People over tools! The local connections and trust networks between people are always more important than any tools meant to help them. Practical solutions overrule tools and all concepts are meant to be adopted for the own local needs.

->Be Nice! Gridr is about a community of collaborators. Honesty is appreciated and necessary, but always stay nice and fair with your peers!

->Assume the best intend in people! Always assume the best intend in people and as basis for their actions. If it seems to be bad or wrong, find out why they are doing what they are doing before starting to blame anyone.

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