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GSy Exchange SDK

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GSy Exchange SDK is responsible for communicating with a running collaboration of GSy Exchange. The client uses the API of the GSy Exchange external connections in order to be able to dynamically connect to the simulated electrical grid and place offers for its energy production, and bids for its energy consumption/requirements.

For local test runs of GSy Exchange Redis ( is used as communication protocol. In the following commands for the local test run are marked with LOCAL.

For communication with collaborations or canary networks on, a RESTful API is used. In the following commands for the connection via the REST API are marked with REST.

Installation Instructions

Installation of gsy-e-sdk using pip:

pip install git+

How to use the Client

Interacting via CLI

In order to get help, please run:

gsy-e-sdk run --help

The following parameters can be set via the CLI:

  • base-setup-path --> Path where user's client script resides, otherwise gsy_e_sdk/setups is used.
  • setup --> Name of user's API client module/script.
  • username --> Username of agent authorized to communicate with respective collaboration or Canary Network (CN).
  • password --> Password of respective agent
  • domain-name --> GSy Exchange domain URL
  • web-socket --> GSy Exchange websocket URL
  • simulation-id --> UUID of the collaboration or Canary Network (CN)
  • simulation-config-path --> Path to the JSON file that contains the user's collaboration or CN information. This file can be downloaded from the "Registry" page on the GSy Exchange website. simulation-id, domain-name, and web-socket CLI-settings will be overwritten by the settings in the file
  • run-on-redis --> This flag can be set for local testing of the API client, where no user authentication is required. For that, a locally running redis server and GSy Exchange simulation are needed.


  • For local testing of the API client:
    gsy-e-sdk --log-level ERROR run --setup test_redis_aggregator --run-on-redis
  • For testing your api client script on remote server hosting GSy Exchange's collaboration/CNs.
    • If user's client script resides on gsy_e_sdk/setups
    gsy-e-sdk run -u <username> -p <password> --setup test_create_aggregator --simulation-config-path <your-downloaded-simulation-config-file-path>
    • If user's client script resides on a different directory, then its path needs to be set via --base-setup-path
    gsy-e-sdk run -u <username> -p <password> --base-setup-path <absolute/relative-path-to-your-client-script> --setup <name-of-your-script> --simulation-config-path <your-downloaded-simulation-config-file-path>


In order to facilitate offer and bid management and scheduling, the client will get notified via events. It is possible to capture these events and perform operations as a reaction to them by overriding the corresponding methods.

  • when a new market slot is created, the on_market_slot method is called
  • when a new tick has started, the on_tick method is called
  • when the simulation has finished, the on_finished method is called
  • when any event arrives , the on_event_or_response method is called

Asset API

How to create a connection to an Asset

The constructor of the API class can connect and register automatically to a running collaboration:

  • REST (here the asset uuid has to be obtained first)
    asset_uuid = get_area_uuid_from_area_name_and_collaboration_id(
                  <simulation_id>, <asset_name>, <domain_name>
    asset_client = RestAssetClient(asset_uuid, autoregister=True)
    asset_client = RedisAssetClient(<asset-uuid>, autoregister=True)

Otherwise one can connect manually:


To disconnect/unregistering, the following command is available:


Grid Operator API

How to create a connection to a Market

  • REST (here the market uuid has to be obtained first)
    market_uuid = get_area_uuid_from_area_name_and_collaboration_id(
                  <simulation_id>, <market_name>, <domain_name>
    market_client = RestMarketClient(market_uuid, autoregister=True)
    market_client = RedisMarketClient(<market_name>, autoregister=True)

Aggregator Connection

Aggregators are clients that control multiple assets and/or markets and can send out batch commands in order to react to an event simultaneously for each owned asset.

How to create an Aggregator

  • REST
    aggregator = Aggregator(
    aggregator = AutoAggregator(<aggregator_name>)

How to list your aggregators

To list your aggregators, its configuration id and the registered assets, you should:

from gsy_e_sdk.utils import get_aggregators_list
my_aggregators = get_aggregators_list(domain_name="Domain Name")

The returned value is a list of aggregators and their connected assets

[{'configUuid': 'f7330248-9a72-4979-8477-dfbcff0c46a0', 'name': 'My aggregator',
 'devicesList': [{"deviceUuid":"My_asset_uuid"},{"deviceUuid":"My_asset_uuid 2"}]}]

How to select and unselect an Aggregator

The asset or market can select the Aggregator (assuming that a connection to an asset was established):


The asset or market can unselect the Aggregator:


Available Aggregator's methods

Aggregator instances provide methods that can simplify specific operations. Below we list some of the most commonly used:

  • Return all the aggregators connected to the aggregator's simulation:

  • Return the representation of all the assets and areas connected to the aggregator's configuration:

  • Delete the current aggregator:


How to send batch commands

Commands to all or individual connected assets or markets can be sent in one batch. All asset or market specific functions can be sent via commands that are accumulated and added to buffer.

aggregator.add_to_batch_commands.bid_energy(<asset_uuid>, <energy>, <price_cents>)

These also can be chained as follow:

aggregator.add_to_batch_commands.bid_energy(<asset_uuid>, <energy>, <price_cents>)\
                                .offer_energy(<asset_uuid>, <energy>, <price_cents>)\

Finally, the batch commands are sent to the GSy Exchange via the following command:


Available batch commands

The following commands can be issued as batch commands (refer to How to send batch commands for more information):

  • Send an energy bid with price in cents:
    bid_energy(asset_uuid, energy, price_cents, replace_existing, attributes, requirements)
  • Send an energy bid with energy rate in cents/kWh:
    bid_energy_rate(asset_uuid, energy, rate_cents_per_kWh, replace_existing, attributes, requirements)
  • Change grid fees using a percentage value:
    change_grid_fees_percent(area_uuid, fee_percent)
  • Change grid fees using a constant value:
    grid_fees(area_uuid, fee_cents_kwh)
  • Delete offer using its ID:
    delete_offer(asset_uuid, offer_id)
  • Delete bid using its ID:
    delete_bid(asset_uuid, bid_id)
  • Get asset info (returns demanded energy for Load assets and available energy for PVs):
  • List all posted offers:
  • Lists all posted bids:
  • Retrieve market DSO statistics:
  • Send an energy offer with price in cents:
    offer_energy(asset_uuid, energy, price_cents, replace_existing, attributes, requirements)
  • Send an energy offer with energy rate in cents/kWh:
    offer_energy_rate(asset_uuid, energy, rate_cents_per_kWh, replace_existing, attributes, requirements)

Attributes and requirements

A finer control over the issued bids and offers can be achieved through the attributes and requirements parameters of the bid and offer methods.


A dictionary of attributes that describe the offer or bid. Currently supported attributes:

  • Offers:

    • energy_type: energy type of the offer
  • Bids: Not supported at the moment


A list of dictionaries containing requirements for the offer or bid. At least one of the provided dictionaries needs to be satisfied in the matching process. Currently supported requirements:

  • Offers:

    • trading_partners: IDs of the areas with which the offer has to be matched
  • Bids:

    • energy_type: energy types that the bid prefers to consume
    • trading_partners: IDs of the areas with which the bid prefers to be matched
    • energy: energy that the bid prefers to consume
    • price: trade rate that the bid prefers to accept

How to calculate grid fees

The Aggregator class has a function that calculates the grid fees along path between two assets or markets in the grid:

Aggregator.calculate_grid_fee(start_market_or_asset_name, target_market_or_asset_name, fee_type):

The algorithm retrieves the path between start_market_or_asset_name and target_market_or_asset_name and accumulates all corresponding grid fees along the way. Market and asset names are supported. target_market_or_asset_name is optional, if left blank, only the grid fee of the start_market_or_asset_name is returned. The user can chose between current_market_fee and last_market_fee, which is toggled by providing the corresponding string in the fee_type input parameter.

Hardware API

Sending Energy Forecast

With gsy-e-sdk

The energy consumption or demand for PV and Load assets can be set for the next market slot via the following command (assuming that a connection to an asset was established):


An example how this command could be added into an aggregator script can be found in gsy_e_sdk/setups/ .

Directly via REST endpoint

In case the user wants to send asset measurements without using the API client, the raw REST API can be used instead. An additional authentication step has to be performed first.

Authentication with JWT

Authentication is done via JSON web token (JWT). In order to retrieve the JWT, the following POST request has to be performed:


The body of the request needs to contain the following information (JSON string):

{"username": "<your_username>", "password": "<your_password>"}

The returned JWT needs to be sent via the Authorization HTTP header when sending the forecast data. For that you need to add the following key value pair to the header of every POST command:

Authorization: JWT <your_token>
Send energy forecast

The POST to send the energy value is the following (please fill in <Canary Network UUID> and <Asset UUID>):

POST<Canary Network UUID>/<Asset UUID>/set_energy_forecast/

The body of the request needs to contain the following information (JSON string):

{"energy_Wh": <energy_value_for_asset>}