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User testing at Internet Freedom Festival (2017)

Christopher R. Wood edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

Screenshots shown:

Comments received:

Welcome page:

  • Is this setup?
  • Grid vs. storage (self note)
  • What does public mean? (self note)
  • "Oh stuff to read"
  • "Easy til now"
  • Would probably skip this
  • Self node: text maybe too long
  • What is a storage provider?
  • Brief explanation of "storage grid"; "Gridsync uses storage grids, which are like folders in the cloud..."
  • Mention that changes are synced too
  • Invite code [circled]
  • WTF is a storage grid?
  • Em dash not --
  • File store?
  • User streams:
    • "Enter code"
    • "Create new account"
    • "For business"
  • Language is too techy

Error message: Not yet configured:

  • When does this happen? (self note)
  • Should say "you can’t do w/o option"

Select a storage grid (grid selector):

  • What is the Tahoe-LAFS test grid?
  • (Understood Gridsync grid because of branding)
  • Simplify language; more user-friendly
  • Associate "select" copy directly w/ drop down
  • May be unclear to users: "Recommended for testing only as files are deleted every 72 hours"
  • Its shares will be "flushed"?

Select a storage grid (manual configuration form):

  • What do I put there?
  • What is an intro fURL?
  • Choose existing since I don’t know about add new
  • What to do here?
  • Introducer fURL? Clarify -- different label or explanatory text
  • "Please enter a valid introducer fURL" -> some potential terminology issue
  • What’s an fURL? And "introducer"?

Enter invite code dialog:

  • Any value in additional content explaining value of using Tor? via "i" icon w/ link to info maybe?
  • Liz: "tor" -> "tor network"

Error message: MITM:

  • Remove comma after "Either you mistyped your invite code"
  • Scare-mongering
  • Error message confusing
    • If I mistype I need a new one?? pressure

Invite/setup progress bar:

  • What’s a storage node? "Time to Google"
    • Liz: there are multiple nodes in a grid
      • This doesn’t help
  • What is a wormhole?
  • Unclear what significance of change here is. "Least Authority S4"?
  • Why did the logo change?
  • Logos confusing
    • LA logo looks ‘97 devious hackerish being naughty
    • Google to hackers
    • Secondary layer of software? Trust issue?
    • Logo design needs to be more aligned
  • What’s a wormhole?

Status window:

  • Nice to drag & drop, use Finder, auto updates
  • All pretty clear
  • Has "storage node" already been defined?
  • Share button unclear in paper prototype. Clickable? Offers actions?
  • Unsure what's here? [in reference to invite icon] Right icon?
  • Settings [in reference to gear icon]
  • [Invite icon circled]
  • [Invite icon drawn] Does it send email?
  • [macOS Fullscreen button circled]
  • This window looks weird; not trustworthy
  • Mail symbol?
  • Gridsync window looks off
    • Needs to look significantly different
    • Doesn’t feel like a secure partition
  • "Up to date" doesn’t communicate if it’s live linked (or how long since last time)
    • Is it actively updating now?
  • File syncing:
    • Not clear that the app is syncing after save
    • Not clear it is monitoring the folder
  • Overall: straightforward, easy
  • Questions about updates after save vs. monitoring folder


  • Nicely familiar; like Dropbox

File sharing:

  • What level of effort is required for the second person? Receiver?


  • If my laptop dies, how do I get the files?
  • What happens if I drag one [magic-]folder into another?
  • Are these the same? (page 49-50)
  • No matter what you do it’s synched
  • Technical lingo is overwhelming; makes need to look up
  • Picking a grid is hard/sticking point
  • Could be funnier
  • Wire (app) onboarding is nice, interact w/ bot to learn all features
  • Sharing settings during setup are unclear
  • Everyone could use this
  • More explanation for non-techie people
  • Using other services for photos
  • Would use for important docs, professional docs
  • Grids -- what is a grid?
    • Envision grid info on a website, resources how to select a grid, how to evaluate a grid, list of available grids on website and in the app to select
    • Pay for grids in company/professional use
    • Free for personal use
  • Encryption & shares:
    • No mention in interface
    • Need to add benefits
  • Ethical storage, marketplace of grids on LA site, we vet them
  • This is for executives and others w/ sensitive data
    • Bankers, lawyers, accountants, biz owners (looks like it’s for people who want security)
  • Would use for Word, presentations, messages
  • Mobile apps needed for wide use
  • Company pays for grid for the X users to use
  • Consider adding a "marketing"-type statement in the initial welcome dialog between the application icon and invite code field (e.g., “secure, distributed, synchronized storage” or similar)
  • What happens when you’re offline?
  • Post-setup UI is clear/good; the setup process is more complicated/scary
  • "I really like the icon"


Outstanding/major issues:

  • Language/concepts:
    • Unclear: "Storage node", "storage grid”, "storage provider", "introducer fURL"
  • Distinction between application and service/provider:
    • e.g., "Why is this icon changing to a Least Authority logo?"
  • Invite icon:
    • Functionality/purpose is unclear in UI
  • Failure cases:
    • e.g., laptop dying, losing caps.
  • Communication of features:
    • How do we clarify who is auditing and what it means - "open source" isn't clear.
    • Unclear from screenshots that files are continuously synced
    • No explicit indication of encryption process/state
    • Never says it's encrypted

Possible solution(s)?

  • Language/concepts:
    • Explain in clickable help icon/button "(?)"
    • Explain elsewhere (e.g., website, an animation)
    • Remove references entirely?
      • (Does the user need to know, e.g., what a storage grid is to use the application?)
    • Embed them in familiar context
    • "Opening wormhole" -> "connecting to provider" (or similar)
  • Distinction between application and service/provider:
    • Better status/progress hints could help (e.g., "Connecting to Least Authority S4" instead of "Connecting to grid")
    • Animation during setup showing distinction between application and provider
  • Invite icon:
    • Provide accompanying label (e.g., "accept invite", "join grid/folder", etc.)
    • Look for a more appropriate (and freely licensed) icon..
      • (Currently, there seems to be no commonly-used concept/image for accepting a shared file/folder/invite -- though there are many for sending sharable things to others).
        • (We also, presumably, want to use wormhole codes for purposes beyond just joining storage grids, e.g., sharing and joining a magic-folder)
    • Remove entirely. Join new grids via drop-down menu
  • Failure cases:
    • Provide functionality for "exporting" settings/caps/keys (in encrypted format, of course) and encourage users to backup this "recovery" file
  • Communication of features:
    • Remind users of continuous sync feature in initial welcome page
    • Provide indicator in UI ("Lock" icon? Progress bar?) for encryption process