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Finding these intricacies

griffinsnest edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 1 revision


Honestly speaking some of the parts of this assignment was very easy to figure out, like the MAC, IP addresses, and Netmask is all found with ipconfig in the command prompt. The SSID is simply the name of the network you choose to connect to. The IP and MAC addresses of the default gateway are just using the gateway address found with ipconfig in a ping command, and then using arp -a to see the saved MAC address of the Default Gateway saved in. However, there are a few aspects that require a bit more explanation to find the answer for.

Finding the 802.11 version

To find the version of 802.11 version that your wireless card is using, at least on Windows 10 which is what my computer used, requires an odd application's use. To find it you'll need to open the Device Manager application. Once here go to the Network Adaptors section of the list of devices on the machine, and click on the Wireless card name the device is using, if you don't know what that is for your device just google it. From here this should open an new pop-up window showing the information of the device, including under the Advanced settings tab the 802.11 version the card is using.

Finding the Wireless Network's Encryption type

finding the Wireless Network's encryption type is similar to the last aspect we spoke about, as this too requires the use of an odd application compared to what we normally use in class, the Control Panel. With the built-in Control Panel application opened, go to the Network and Internet section and click the small blue View network status and tasks link below the section name. Now in the newly opened Network and Sharing Center section, click the Change Adapter settings to open a new window. Here in the Network Connections Window, click the Wifi tab. This will open a third window showing the status of the Wifi network. From here click the Wireless Properties button to open yet another window that lists the properties of the connected wireless network. In this window simply click the Security tab and the encryption type of the network should be given to you.

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