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Common JavaFX dialogs

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The goal of this plugin is to provide a set of reusable dialogs for JavaFX based applications.


Plain Dialog

JavaFX 2.2 does not include a Dialog class, however such behavior can be modeled using an MVC group. Invoke the following command to create a dialog ready MVC group

griffon create-mvc --group=Dialog <dialog_name>

Where <dialog_name> stands for the name of the group. This will create dialog components based on the default templates. Making use of this new group is as easy as invoking

withMVCGroup('<dialog_name>') { m, v, c -> }

if the dialog's modality is set to Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL (default) or Modality.WINDOW_MODAL. Use this version if the modality is set to Modality.NONE

def (m, v, c) = createMVCGroup('<dialog_name>')