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MSN Messenger support

Plugin page:

Comunicate with MSN Messenger.


Upon installation the plugin will generate the following artifacts in $appdir/griffon-app/conf:

  • MessengerConfig.groovy - contains MSN login and listener definitions.

This plugin provides a helper class that knows how to connect/disconnect to and and from the MSN network: griffon.plugins.jml.MessengerConnector. The following Controller shows how this class can be used to parse the configuration and connect to the network

    import griffon.plugins.jml.MessengerConnector

    class MsnController {
        def model
        def view

        def login = { evt = null ->
            def msn = MessengerConnector.instance
            def msnConfig = msn.createConfig(app)
            msnConfig.messenger.username = model.username
            msnConfig.messenger.password = model.password

            msn.connect(app, msnConfig)

This Controller assumes that the login/password are found in the Model, most likely set by bindings on the View.

A new dynamic method named withMessenger will be injected into all controllers.

This method is also accessible to any component through the singleton griffon.plugins.messenger.MessengerConnector. You can inject these methods to non-artifacts via metaclasses. Simply grab hold of a particular metaclass and call MessengerEnhancer.enhance(metaClassInstance).


Dynamic method injection

The withMessenger() dynamic method will be added to controllers by default. You can change this setting by adding a configuration flag in griffon-app/conf/Config.groovy

griffon.msn.injectInto = ['controller', 'service']


The following events will be triggered by this addon

  • MessengerConnectStart[config] - triggered before connecting to MSN
  • MessengerConnectEnd[config, messenger] - triggered after connecting MSN
  • MessengerDisconnectStart[config, messenger] - triggered before disconnecting from MSN
  • MessengerDisconnectEnd[config] - triggered after disconnecting from MSN


The withMessenger() dynamic method will not be automatically injected during unit testing, because addons are simply not initialized for this kind of tests. However you can use MessengerEnhancer.enhance(metaClassInstance, messengerProviderInstance) where messengerProviderInstance is of type griffon.plugins.messenger.MessengerProvider. The contract for this interface looks like this

public interface MessengerProvider {
    Object withMessenger(Closure closure);
    <T> T withMessenger(CallableWithArgs<T> callable);

It's up to you define how these methods need to be implemented for your tests. For example, here's an implementation that never fails regardless of the arguments it receives

class MyMessengerProvider implements MessengerProvider {
    Object withMessenger(Closure closure) { null }
    public <T> T withMessenger(CallableWithArgs<T> callable) { null }      

This implementation may be used in the following way

class MyServiceTests extends GriffonUnitTestCase {
    void testSmokeAndMirrors() {
        MyService service = new MyService()
        MessengerEnhancer.enhance(service.metaClass, new MyMessengerProvider())
        // exercise service methods