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Swing Look & Feel selector

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Provides a pluggable mechanism to set the Look & Feel of a Griffon application, even once the application is running.


This plugin operates under the notion that Look & Feel settings can be manipulated by griffon.lookandfeel.LookAndFeelManager using a pair of helper classes: LookAndFeelProvider (lookAndFeel) and LookAndFeelInfo (theme). LookAndFeelProviders are responsible for grouping together a set of LookAndFeelInfos. For example the 'System' lookAndFeel contains the basic themes available in all platforms. The mechanism for discovering lookAndFeels and themes is pluggable. There are several plugins that provide additional Look & Feel settings in this way.

LookAndFeelManager is a singleton. It provides several useful methods to query and set a Look & Feel. The most interesting one is showLafDialog(GriffonApplication). It's responsibility is to display dialog on which the user can pick and choose a provider/info combination.


LookAndFeelManager will attempt to set a lookAndFeel/theme combination at boot time if the following flags are set in Config.groovy:

  • lookandfeel.lookAndFeel - defaults to 'System'.
  • lookandfeel.theme - defaults to 'System' on MacOSX, 'Nimbus' otherwise.

Additional L&F properties can be set at app startup if lookandfeel.props is set. It is also possible to define a hot key for launching the L&F selection window, just specify a String value for lookandfeel.keystroke that can be parsed by Swing's KeyStroke class, for example

    lookandfeel.keystroke = 'shift meta L'

The following events are triggered by LookAndFeelManager

  • LookAndFeelPreview[currentLookAndFeelProvider, currentLookAndFeelInfo, previewLookAndFeelInfo] - when the 'Preview' button of the L&F window is clicked
  • LookAndFeelApply[currentLookAndFeelProvider, currentLookAndFeelInfo, newLookAndFeelInfo] - when the 'OK' button of the L&F window is clicked
  • LookAndFeelChanged[newLookAndFeelProvider, newLookAndFeelInfo, newLookAndFeel] - when the L&F has been changed successfully

LookAndFeel and Themes

LookAndFeel Theme
System CrossPlatform