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Preferences management

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Provides a platform agnostic preferences facility, heavily influenced by JDK's java.util.prefs.Preferences. Preferences represent a hierarchical data structure that can be persisted across different running sessions.


Preferences are represented by a tree of nodes. Each node has a name (may not be unique) and a path (always unique). The root node has "/" as name and path. No other node may have the character '/' in its name. Nodes may contain key-value entries.

Preferences trigger events whenever a node changes value or nodes are added/removed. You may register a griffon.plugins.preferences.PreferenceChangeListener to handle the first type of event, and a griffon.plugins.preferences.NodeChangeListener to handle the second one.

Preferences may be resolved at any time given a PreferencesManager; this plugin will automatically instantiate a manager given the default configuration. Preference values may also be injected following a naming convention. Classes that participate in preferences injection have their properties annotated with @Preference. Only classes annotated with @PreferencesAware will be notified of updates whenever preferences change value. The @Preference annotation defines additional parameters such as key, args, defaultValue and format; these parameters work exactly as shown by @InjectedResource (see Resource Management).

Here's an example of a Model class defining a preference for a title and a custom format for a Date property

package sample

import griffon.plugins.preferences.Preference
import griffon.plugins.preferences.PreferencesAware

class SampleModel {
    String title

    @Preference(defaultValue='08.04.2013 2:30 PM', format='dd.MM.yyyy h:mm a')
    Date date

    private String isbn

    public void setIsbn(String isbn) { this.isbn = isbn }
    public String getIsbn() { this.isbn }

When the application is run for the first the title property will have "Sample" as its value. Preferences will be written to disk when the application is shutdown. Here are the contents of the default.json file

    "sample": {
        "SampleModel": {
            "isbn": "9781935182238",
            "title": "Sample",
            "date": "08.04.2013 2:30 PM"

If that file is edited so that the title property has a different value then the new value will be shown the next time the application is launched.

It's worth noting that if a preference cannot be resolved a griffon.plugins.preferences.NoSuchPreferenceException is thrown.

The @Preference annotation may be applied to methods too, as long as the method represents a property getter or setter. Both read and write methods must exist. The annotation may be applied to any of the property accessors. The setter has precedence in the event of both accessors being annotated.


The following configuration flags control how Preferences are handled by an application. These flags must be defined in Config.groovy


Flag: preferences.manager.factory

Type: griffon.plugins.preferences.factories.PreferencesManagerFactory

Default: org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.prefs.factories.DefaultPreferencesManagerFactory


Flag: preferences.persistor.factory

Type: griffon.plugins.preferences.factories.PreferencesPersistorFactory

Default: org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.prefs.factories.JsonPreferencesPersistorFactory

Preferences Persistor Location

Used by JsonPreferencesPersistor, this flag indicates the file name used to read/write preferences.

Flag: preferences.persistor.location

Default: $USER_HOME/$applicationName/preferences/default.json