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Your friends input their kindle email and they get to choose from your calibre ebooks with their title, description and cover.


Technical overview

You upload(or sync) your calibre library folder to a public hosting like S3 or an FTP. The app stores a copy of your metadata.db locally and using the calibre-ruby gem extracts the books metadata, asumes the book covers are also stored publicly to display them. Uses Mailgun to take the chosen file and send it to the user email.

Deploy your own copy


  • Mailgun account, a free one will do.
  • A hosting, you can use digital ocean apps, but not heroku(they disallow the SQLite gem)
  • Your calibre library on a publicly accessible hosting.


  1. Clone this project.
  2. Customize the .env.example to set the corresponding vars and save as .env or set on your terminal
  3. rails s


Thanks to the guys of the calibre-ruby a copy of their repo can be found here Thanks to the awesome calibre team.

Guillermo Siliceo Trueba