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Simon edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 1 revision

The server manager is highly configurable. The most important configuration properties are explained in the bundled file, but here is a more complete overview.

Parameter Default value Possible Values Description
logging.level.root info error, warn, info, debug, trace Defines the logging level of the application
server.port 8000 valid port Defines on which port the application will run
management.server.port 9554 valid port Defines on which port the application will expose metrics. Please only change if really necessary to avoid interference with other applications accservermanager valid database name (db will be created if it does not exist) Defines which database the application uses. Only useful when not running in a container.
accservermanager.secret ${random.uuid} alphanumeric Defines the secret key which is used to sign the session tokens. Don't change unless you really know what you're doing!
accservermanager.expiration-time 86400000 number from -9223372036854775807 to 9223372036854775807 Defines after which time (in ms) a session will expire. Default is one day.
accservermanager.container-name-postfix-enabled true Defines if the containers for the servers should have the ACC Server version in their name.
accservermanager.delete-unassigned-containers-enabled false Defines if the server manager should automatically delete all containers that use the "grimsi/accserver" image but are not linked to a known instance. Only enable if you dont manually run servers in containers.
accservermanager.username alphanumeric The username used to login
accservermanager.password alphanumeric The password used to login
accservermanager.folder-path valid path to a valid folder The path to the folder which contains the "instances" and "servers" folder