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A simple plugin that allows you to customize the resources cached in a service worker bundled by Parcel.


To get started, install the parcel-plugin-custom-service-worker NPM package.

npm install parcel-plugin-custom-service-worker

It includes parcel-runtime-custom-service-worker as a dependency, so you don't need to install it separately.

Make sure to add the runtime to your .parcelrc file.

  "extends": "@parcel/config-default",
  "runtimes": ["parcel-runtime-custom-service-worker", "..."]


Create a .service-worker-rc in your project root. This file is a JSON file that contains the configuration for the service worker.

It contains a single property, filesToCache, which is an array of strings and objects.

Warning: If the filesToCache property is not present, the plugin cache all files.


  "filesToCache": [
    { "file": "src/my-page.html", "includeChildren": true }

This will cache the random-file.js file and the my-page.html file, as well as all of its dependencies.

Want more examples? Check out the tests folder.

I've documented the simple and exact test cases. PRs are welcome for documentation and more examples!


To use the plugin, simply import parcel-plugin-custom-service-worker instead of @parcel/service-worker in your service worker.

import { manifest, version } from 'parcel-plugin-custom-service-worker';

async function install() {
  const cache = await;
  await cache.addAll(manifest);
addEventListener('install', e => e.waitUntil(install()));

async function activate() {
  const keys = await caches.keys();
  await Promise.all( => key !== version && caches.delete(key))
addEventListener('activate', e => e.waitUntil(activate()));

How it works

flowchart TD
  T --> C
  subgraph runtime
  START([Start]) --> A
  A[Build a list of assets\nusing BundleGraph#traverse] --> B{filesToCache\npresent?}
  B -->|Yes| D[Iterate over filesToCache]
  D --> E{typeof item}
  E -->|string| F[Add asset with matching \nfilename to assetsToCache] --> I
  E -->|Object| G[Add asset with matching \nfilename to assetsToCache]
  G --> H[If includeChildren, \nadd all dependencies \nto assetsToCache] --> I
  I{Items left?}
  I -->|Yes, try\nnext item| D
  I -->|No| K
  B -->|No| J[Add all assets\nto assetsToCache] --> K
  K[Iterate over all\nbundles using\nBundleGraph#traverseBundles]
  K --> L{Bundle is service\nworker or inline?}
  L -->|Yes| Q
  L -->|No| M{Bundle is a\nshared bundle?}
  M -->|Yes| N[Bundle references\nany assets in\nassetsToCache?]
  N -->|Yes| O
  N -->|No| Q
  M -->|No| P{Bundle's main\nentry is in\nassetsToCache?}
  P -->|Yes| O
  P -->|No| Q
  Q{Items Left?}
  Q -->|Yes, try\nnext item| K
  Q -->|No| END([End])
  O[Add bundle\nto manifest] --> Q
  O --> T
  END ---|Send manifest to\nservice worker| T[(manifest)]
  subgraph service worker
  C[(manifest)] --> R
  R[Iterate over manifest] --> S[Add each item\nto cache]


Customize the resources cached in a service worker bundled by Parcel





