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Anabra committed Apr 28, 2020
2 parents d0c1d37 + ed0dcd3 commit 3883dba
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Showing 37 changed files with 4,642 additions and 142 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions grin/grin.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,10 +146,23 @@ library

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,10 +315,22 @@ test-suite grin-test

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion grin/src/Transformations/ExtendedSyntax/Conversion.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ instance Convertible Exp New.Exp where
(EBind lhs (ConstTagNode tag args) rhs) -> do
asPatName <- deriveNewName "a"
asPatName <- deriveNewName "conv"
newNodePat <- oldNodePatToAsPat tag args asPatName
pure $ New.EBindF lhs newNodePat rhs
(EBind lhs (Var var) rhs)
Expand Down
207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions grin/src/Transformations/ExtendedSyntax/Optimising/ArityRaising.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.ArityRaising where

import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import qualified Data.Set as Set; import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map; import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector; import Data.Vector (Vector)

import Control.Monad.State.Strict

import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin (packName, unpackName)
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Syntax
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names

1. Select one function which has a parameter of a pointer to one constructor only.
2. If the parameter is linear and fetched in the function body then this is a good function for
arity raising
How to raise arity?
1. Change the function parameters: replace the parameter with the parameters in the constructor
2. Change the function body: remove the fectch and use the variables as parameters
3. Change the caller sides: instead of passing the pointer fetch the pointer and pass the values are parameters
How to handle self recursion?
1. If a function is self recursive, the paramter that is fetched originaly in the function body
must be passed as normal parameters in the same function call.
Phase 1: Select a function and a parameter to transform.
Phase 2: Transform the parameter and the function body.
Phase 3: Transform the callers.
This way the fetches propagates slowly to the caller side to the creational point.
- Used only in fetch or in recursive calls for the same function.
- Its value points to a location, which location has only one Node with at least one parameter

-- TODO: True is reported even if exp stayed the same. Investigate why exp stay the same
-- for non-null arity data.
arityRaising :: Int -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
arityRaising n te exp = if Map.null arityData then (exp, NoChange) else (phase2 n arityData exp, NewNames)
arityData = phase1 te exp

-- | ArityData maps a function name to its arguments that can be arity raised.
-- 1st: Name of the argument
-- 2nd: The index of the argument
-- 3rd: The tag and one possible locaition where the parameter can point to.
type ArityData = Map Name [(Name, Int, (Tag, Int))]

type ParameterInfo = Map Name (Int, (Tag, Int))

data Phase1Data
= ProgramData { pdArityData :: ArityData }
| FunData { fdArityData :: ArityData }
| BodyData { bdFunCall :: [(Name, Name)]
, bdFetch :: Map Name Int
, bdOther :: [Name]
deriving (Show)

instance Semigroup Phase1Data where
(ProgramData ad0) <> (ProgramData ad1) = ProgramData (Map.unionWith mappend ad0 ad1)
(FunData fd0) <> (FunData fd1) = FunData (mappend fd0 fd1)
(BodyData c0 f0 o0) <> (BodyData c1 f1 o1) = BodyData (c0 ++ c1) (Map.unionWith (+) f0 f1) (o0 ++ o1)

instance Monoid Phase1Data where
mempty = BodyData mempty mempty mempty

variableInVar :: Val -> [Name]
variableInVar (Var v) = [v]
variableInVar _ = []

variableInNode :: Val -> [Name]
variableInNode (ConstTagNode _ vs) = vs
variableInNode _ = []

variableInNodes :: [Val] -> [Name]
variableInNodes = concatMap variableInNode

phase1 :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> ArityData
phase1 te = pdArityData . cata collect where
collect :: ExpF Phase1Data -> Phase1Data
collect = \case
SAppF fn ps -> mempty { bdFunCall = map (fn,) ps, bdOther = ps }
SFetchF var -> mempty { bdFetch = Map.singleton var 1 }
SUpdateF ptr var -> mempty { bdOther = [ptr, var] }
SReturnF val -> mempty { bdOther = variableInNode val ++ variableInVar val }
SStoreF v -> mempty { bdOther = [v] }
SBlockF ad -> ad
AltF _ _ ad -> ad
ECaseF scrut alts -> mconcat alts <> mempty { bdOther = [scrut] }
EBindF lhs _ rhs -> lhs <> rhs

-- Keep the parameters that are locations and points to a single node with at least one parameters
-- - that are not appear in others
-- - that are not appear in other function calls
-- - that are fetched at least once
DefF fn ps body ->
let funData =
[ (p,i,(fromJust mtag))
| (p,i) <- ps `zip` [1..]
, Map.member p (bdFetch body)
, let mtag = pointsToOneNode te p
, isJust mtag
, p `notElem` (bdOther body)
, p `notElem` (snd <$> (filter ((/=fn) . fst) (bdFunCall body)))
in FunData $ case funData of
[] -> Map.empty
_ -> Map.singleton fn funData

ProgramF exts defs -> ProgramData $ Map.unionsWith mappend (fdArityData <$> defs)

pointsToOneNode :: TypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe (Tag, Int)
pointsToOneNode te var = case Map.lookup var (_variable te) of
(Just (T_SimpleType (T_Location locs))) -> case nub $ concatMap Map.keys $ ((_location te) Vector.!) <$> locs of
[tag] -> Just (tag, Vector.length $ head $ Map.elems $ (_location te) Vector.! (head locs))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing

type VarM a = StateT Int NameM a

evalVarM :: Int -> Exp -> VarM a -> a
evalVarM n exp = fst . evalNameM exp . flip evalStateT n

Phase2 and Phase3 can be implemented in one go.
Change only the functions which are in the ArityData map, left the others out.
* Change fetches to pure, using the tag information provided
* Change funcall parameters
* Change fundef parameters
Use the original parameter name with new indices, thus we dont need a name generator.
phase2 :: Int -> ArityData -> Exp -> Exp
phase2 n arityData exp = evalVarM 0 exp $ cata change exp where
fetchParNames :: Name -> Int -> Int -> [Name]
fetchParNames nm idx i = (\j -> packName $ concat [unpackName nm,".",show n,".",show idx,".arity.",show j]) <$> [1..i]

newParNames :: Name -> Int -> [Name]
newParNames nm i = (\j -> packName $ concat [unpackName nm,".",show n,".arity.",show j]) <$> [1..i]

parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo
parameterInfo = Map.fromList $ map (\(n,ith,tag) -> (n, (ith, tag))) $ concat $ Map.elems arityData

replace_parameters_with_new_ones = concatMap $ \case
p | Just (nth, (tag, ps)) <- Map.lookup p parameterInfo ->
newParNames p ps
| otherwise -> [p]

change :: ExpF (VarM Exp) -> (VarM Exp)
change = \case
{- Change only function bodies that are in the ArityData
from: (CNode c1 cn) <- fetch pi
to: (CNode c1 cn) <- pure (CNode pi1 pin)
from: funcall p1 pi pn
to: rec-funcall p1 pi1 pin pn
to: do (CNode c1 cn) <- fetch pi
non-rec-funcall p1 c1 cn pn
from: fundef p1 pi pn
to: fundef p1 pi1 pin pn
SFetchF var
| Just (nth, (tag, ps)) <- Map.lookup var parameterInfo ->
pure $ SReturn (ConstTagNode tag (newParNames var ps))
| otherwise ->
pure $ SFetch var

SAppF f fps
| Just aritedParams <- Map.lookup f arityData -> do
idx <- get
let qsi = Map.fromList $ map (\(_,i,t) -> (i,t)) aritedParams
nsi = Map.fromList $ map (\(n,i,t) -> (n,t)) aritedParams
psi = [1..] `zip` fps
newPs = flip concatMap psi $ \case
(_, n) | Just (t, jth) <- Map.lookup n nsi -> newParNames n jth
(i, n) | Just (t, jth) <- Map.lookup i qsi -> fetchParNames n idx jth
-- (i, Undefined{}) | Just (_, jth) <- Map.lookup i qsi -> replicate jth (Undefined dead_t)
-- (_, other) -> [other]
fetches <- fmap catMaybes $ forM psi $ \case
(_, n) | Just _ <- Map.lookup n nsi -> pure Nothing
(i, n) | Just (t, jth) <- Map.lookup i qsi -> do
asPatName <- lift deriveWildCard
pure $ Just (AsPat t (fetchParNames n idx jth) asPatName, SFetch n)
_ -> pure Nothing
put (idx + 1)
pure $ case fetches of
[] -> SApp f newPs
_ -> SBlock $ foldr (\(pat, fetch) rest -> EBind fetch pat rest) (SApp f newPs) fetches
| otherwise ->
pure $ SApp f fps

DefF f ps new
| Map.member f arityData -> Def f (replace_parameters_with_new_ones ps) <$> new
| otherwise -> Def f ps <$> new

rest -> embed <$> sequence rest
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CaseCopyPropagation where

import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Functor.Foldable

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Control.Monad.State

import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util (cataM)

-- NOTE: ~ Maybe Tag
data TagInfo = Unknown | Known Tag
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Maps alt names to TagInfo
type InfoTable = Map Name TagInfo

-- NOTE: Case Copy Propagtion ~ Case Unboxing
caseCopyPropagation :: Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
caseCopyPropagation e = rebindCases infoTable e where
infoTable = collectTagInfo e

-- | Collects tag information about case alternatives.
collectTagInfo :: Exp -> InfoTable
collectTagInfo = flip execState mempty . cataM alg where

alg :: ExpF TagInfo -> State InfoTable TagInfo
alg = \case
SBlockF tagInfo -> pure tagInfo
EBindF _ _ rhsTagInfo -> pure rhsTagInfo
ECaseF scrut altTagInfo -> pure $ commonTag altTagInfo
SReturnF (ConstTagNode tag [arg]) -> pure $ Known tag

AltF _ name tagInfo -> do
modify (Map.insert name tagInfo)
pure tagInfo

_ -> pure Unknown

-- | Rebinds unboxable case expressions, and unboxes
-- the corresponding alternatives' last return expressions.
rebindCases :: InfoTable -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
rebindCases infoTable e = evalNameM e $ cataM alg e where

alg :: ExpF Exp -> NameM Exp
alg = \case
ECaseF scrut alts
| Known tag <- lookupCommonTag [ name | Alt _ name _ <- alts ]
, alts' <- [ Alt cpat name (unboxLastReturn body) | Alt cpat name body <- alts ]
, case' <- ECase scrut alts'
-> do
res <- deriveNewName "ccp"
pure $ SBlock $ EBind case' (VarPat res) (SReturn $ ConstTagNode tag [res])
e -> pure $ embed e

-- | Determine the common tag for a set of alternatives (if it exists).
lookupCommonTag :: [Name] -> TagInfo
lookupCommonTag =
. map (\alt -> Map.findWithDefault Unknown alt infoTable)

-- | Unboxes the last node-returning expression in a binding sequence.
unboxLastReturn :: Exp -> Exp
unboxLastReturn = apo coAlg where

coAlg :: Exp -> ExpF (Either Exp Exp)
coAlg = \case
SReturn (ConstTagNode _ [arg]) -> SReturnF (Var arg)
EBind lhs bPat rhs -> EBindF (Left lhs) bPat (Right rhs)
SBlock body -> SBlockF (Right body)
e -> Left <$> project e

commonTag :: [TagInfo] -> TagInfo
commonTag (t : ts)
| all (==t) ts = t
commonTag _ = Unknown

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