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Anabra committed Oct 24, 2019
2 parents 2a7f554 + 68c02e9 commit 9670489
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Showing 5 changed files with 365 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions grin/grin.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,6 +303,7 @@ test-suite grin-test
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141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions grin/src/AbstractInterpretation/ExtendedSyntax/Sharing/CodeGen.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
module AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.CodeGen where

import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec

import qualified Data.Set.Extra as Set

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Foldable

import Lens.Micro.Platform

import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Syntax
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnvDefs
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Util (converge)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.IR (Instruction(..), Reg, AbstractProgram)
import qualified AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.IR as IR

import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.HeapPointsTo.CodeGenBase
import qualified AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.HeapPointsTo.CodeGen as HPT

[x] Calc non-linear variables, optionally ignoring updates.
[x] Assumption: all the non-linear variables have registers already.
[x] For all non-linear variables set the locations as shared.
[x] For all the shared locations, look up the pointed locations and set to shared them.
[x] Create a register to maintain sharing information
[x] Add Sharing register as parameter to HPT
[x] Add Sharing register as parameter to Sharing
[x] Remove _shared field from Reduce
[-] Add 'In' to the Condition
[x] Remove GetShared from IR
[x] Remove SetShared from IR
[x] CodeGenMain: depend on optimisation phase, before InLineAfter inline
[x] CodeGenMain: add an extra parameter
[x] Pipeline: Set a variable if the codegen is after or before
[-] Add mode as parameter for the eval'' and typecheck
[x] Remove Mode for calcNonLinearVars

data SharingMapping = SharingMapping
{ _shRegName :: Reg
, _hptMapping :: HPTMapping
} deriving (Show)

concat <$> mapM makeLenses [''SharingMapping]

-- | Calc non linear variables, ignores variables that are used in update locations
-- This is an important difference, if a variable would become non-linear due to
-- being subject to an update, that would make the sharing analysis incorrect.
-- One possible improvement is to count the updates in a different set and make a variable
-- linear if it is subject to an update more than once. But that could not happen, thus the only
-- introdcution of new updates comes from inlining eval.
calcNonLinearNonUpdateLocVariables :: Exp -> Set Name
calcNonLinearNonUpdateLocVariables exp = Set.fromList $ Map.keys $ Map.filter (>1) $ cata collect exp
union = Map.unionsWith (+)

collect :: ExpF (Map Name Int) -> Map Name Int
collect = \case
ECaseF scrut alts -> union (seen scrut : alts)
SStoreF var -> seen var
SFetchF var -> seen var
SUpdateF p var -> seen var
SReturnF val -> case val of
Var v -> seen v
ConstTagNode _ args -> union $ map seen args
_ -> mempty
SAppF _ ps -> union $ fmap seen ps
rest -> Data.Foldable.foldr (Map.unionWith (+)) mempty rest

seen :: Name -> Map Name Int
seen v = Map.singleton v 1

calcSharedLocationsPure :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> Set Loc
calcSharedLocationsPure TypeEnv{..} e = converge (==) (Set.concatMap fetchLocs) origShVarLocs where
nonLinearVars = calcNonLinearNonUpdateLocVariables e
shVarTypes = Set.mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` _variable) $ nonLinearVars
origShVarLocs = onlyLocations . onlySimpleTys $ shVarTypes

onlySimpleTys :: Set Type -> Set SimpleType
onlySimpleTys tys = Set.fromList [ sty | T_SimpleType sty <- Set.toList tys ]

onlyLocations :: Set SimpleType -> Set Loc
onlyLocations stys = Set.fromList $ concat [ ls | T_Location ls <- Set.toList stys ]

fetchLocs :: Loc -> Set Loc
fetchLocs l = onlyLocations . fieldsFromNodeSet . fromMaybe (error msg) . (Vec.!?) _location $ l
where msg = "Sharing: Invalid heap index: " ++ show l

fieldsFromNodeSet :: NodeSet -> Set SimpleType
fieldsFromNodeSet = Set.fromList . concatMap Vec.toList . Map.elems

sharingCodeGen :: Reg -> Exp -> CG ()
sharingCodeGen shReg e = do
forM_ nonLinearVars $ \name -> do
-- For all non-linear variables set the locations as shared.
nonLinearVarReg <- getReg name
-- this will copy node field info as well, but we will only use "simpleType" info
emit $ copyStructureWithPtrInfo nonLinearVarReg shReg

mergedFields <- newReg
pointsToNodeReg <- newReg
emit IR.Fetch
{ addressReg = shReg
, dstReg = pointsToNodeReg
emit IR.Project
{ srcReg = pointsToNodeReg
, srcSelector = IR.AllFields
, dstReg = mergedFields
emit $ copyStructureWithPtrInfo mergedFields shReg
nonLinearVars = calcNonLinearNonUpdateLocVariables e

codeGenM :: Exp -> CG (AbstractProgram, SharingMapping)
codeGenM e = do
HPT.codeGenM e
shReg <- newReg
sharingCodeGen shReg e
(prg, hptMapping) <- HPT.mkAbstractProgramM
let mapping = SharingMapping
{ _shRegName = shReg
, _hptMapping = hptMapping
pure (prg, mapping)

codeGen :: Program -> (AbstractProgram, SharingMapping)
codeGen prg@(Program{}) = evalState (codeGenM prg) emptyCGState
codeGen _ = error "Program expected"
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions grin/src/AbstractInterpretation/ExtendedSyntax/Sharing/Pretty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-}
module AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.Pretty where

import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen

import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Pretty
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.HeapPointsTo.Pretty
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.HeapPointsTo.Result
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.Result

instance Pretty SharingResult where
pretty = prettySharingResult

prettySharingResult :: SharingResult -> Doc
prettySharingResult shResult = vsep
[ yellow (text "Heap (* is shared)") <$$> indent 4 (prettyKeyValue . V.toList . V.imap annotateSharedLoc $ _memory)
, yellow (text "Env") <$$> indent 4 (prettyKeyValue $ Map.toList _register)
, yellow (text "Function") <$$> indent 4 (vsep $ map prettyHPTFunction $ Map.toList _function)
] where
shLocs = _sharedLocs shResult
HPTResult{..} = _hptResult $ shResult
annotateSharedLoc loc ty
| Set.member loc shLocs = (pretty loc <> text "*", ty)
| otherwise = (pretty loc, ty)
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions grin/src/AbstractInterpretation/ExtendedSyntax/Sharing/Result.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, RecordWildCards #-}

module AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.Result where

import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Lens.Micro.Platform

import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin (Name, Tag)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.IR (AbstractProgram)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.CodeGen
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.HeapPointsTo.Result
import qualified AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Reduce as R

data SharingResult
= SharingResult
{ _hptResult :: HPTResult
, _sharedLocs :: Set Loc
deriving (Eq, Show)

emptySharingResult :: SharingResult
emptySharingResult = SharingResult emptyHPTResult mempty

concat <$> mapM makeLenses [''SharingResult]

toSharingResult :: SharingMapping -> R.ComputerState -> SharingResult
toSharingResult SharingMapping{..} comp = SharingResult hptResult sharedLocs where
hptResult = toHPTResult _hptMapping comp
sharedLocs = onlyLocations sty
TypeSet sty _ = convertReg (_hptMapping, comp) _shRegName

onlyLocations :: Set SimpleType -> Set Loc
onlyLocations stys = Set.fromList [ l | T_Location l <- Set.toList stys ]
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions grin/test/AbstractInterpretation/ExtendedSyntax/SharingSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.SharingSpec where

import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import qualified Grin.TH as Old

import Test.Hspec
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Pretty
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.PrimOpsPrelude

import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Reduce
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.CodeGen
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.Result

import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Conversion (convertToNew)

runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Sharing analysis" $ do
it "has not changed for sum simple." $ do
let result = calcSharedLocations testProgram
let expected = Set.fromList [0,1,4,5]
result `shouldBe` expected

it "finds non-transitive shared locations" $ do
-- A sharing is calculated via for non-linear variables
let code = [prog|
main =
one <- pure (COne)
l0 <- store one
l1 <- store one
_1 <- update l0 one
_2 <- fun l0
v <- fetch l0
pure ()
let result = calcSharedLocations code
let expected = Set.fromList [0]
result `shouldBe` expected

it "finds location based transitive shared location" $ do
let code = [prog|
main =
one <- pure (COne)
l0 <- store one
two <- pure (CTwo l0)
l1 <- store two
_1 <- update l0 one
_2 <- fun l1
v <- fetch l1
pure ()
let result = calcSharedLocations code
let expected = Set.fromList [0,1]
result `shouldBe` expected

it "finds location based on transitive non-linear var" $ do
let code = [prog|
main =
one <- pure (COne)
l0 <- store one
l1 <- store one
_1 <- update l0 one
l2 <- pure l1
v <- fetch l2
_2 <- fun l2
pure ()
let result = calcSharedLocations code
let expected = Set.fromList [1]
result `shouldBe` expected

it "finds location fetched twice inside a node with as-pattern" $ do
let code = [prog|
main =
one <- pure (COne)
l0 <- store one
two <- pure (CTwo l0)
l1 <- store two
_1@(CTwo l2) <- fetch l1
_2 <- fetch l2
_2 <- fetch l2
pure ()
let result = calcSharedLocations code
let expected = Set.fromList [0]
result `shouldBe` expected

calcSharedLocations :: Exp -> Set Loc
calcSharedLocations = _sharedLocs . calcSharingResult

calcSharingResult :: Exp -> SharingResult
calcSharingResult prog
| (shProgram, shMapping) <- codeGen prog
, computer <- _airComp . evalAbstractProgram $ shProgram
, shResult <- toSharingResult shMapping computer
= shResult

testProgram :: Exp
-- The syntax conversion preserves the abstract heap layout
testProgram = withPrimPrelude . convertToNew $ [Old.prog|
grinMain = t1 <- store (CInt 1)
t2 <- store (CInt 10000)
t3 <- store (Fupto t1 t2)
t4 <- store (Fsum t3)
(CInt r') <- eval t4
_prim_int_print r'

upto m n = (CInt m') <- eval m
(CInt n') <- eval n
b' <- _prim_int_gt m' n'
if b' then
pure (CNil)
m1' <- _prim_int_add m' 1
m1 <- store (CInt m1')
p <- store (Fupto m1 n)
pure (CCons m p)

sum l = l2 <- eval l
case l2 of
(CNil) -> pure (CInt 0)
(CCons x xs) -> (CInt x') <- eval x
(CInt s') <- sum xs
ax' <- _prim_int_add x' s'
pure (CInt ax')

eval q = v <- fetch q
case v of
(CInt x'1) -> pure v
(CNil) -> pure v
(CCons y ys) -> pure v
(Fupto a b) -> w <- upto a b
update q w
pure w
(Fsum c) -> z <- sum c
update q z
pure z

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