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A bot that aims to automate place.


The recommended way to use the bot is via a userscript. Alternatively, you can use a bookmarklet by copy-pasting the linked code into a bookmark.


  • Automatically draws tiles as the cooldown expires
  • Configurable draw order
    • Top down
    • Input order
    • Random
  • Draw tiles based on a function
  • Allow export/import of drawings, so that multiple people can work on each one
  • Persist to local storage


  • Allow drawing at any time, and queue tile placements


Quick Start

The simplest way to use PlaceBot is by providing it with a list of tiles, and (optionally) an order to draw them in. Currently this is accomplished by opening the javascript console and entering something like the following:

placeBot.tiles = [[0, 0, 4], [0, 1, 4]];

which will draw pink (color index 4) tiles at (0,0) and (0,1). You can also set a draw order using one of the following:

placeBot.tileSelector = PlaceBot.selector.TopDown;   // Top down, Left to right
placeBot.tileSelector = PlaceBot.selector.BottomUp;  // Bottom up, Right to left
placeBot.tileSelector = PlaceBot.selector.Random;    // Chooses a random tile to draw each time
placeBot.tileSelector = PlaceBot.selector.DrawOrder; // Progress through the tiles in order

So if you wanted people to use a bot that simply draws a pink line from (0,0) to (0,5) you could give them the following code:

placeBot.tiles = [[0, 0, 4], [0, 1, 4], [0, 2, 4], [0, 3, 4], [0, 4, 4], [0, 5, 4]];
placeBot.tileSelector = PlaceBot.selector.TopDown;; // Makes sure our bot keeps running after a refresh

If you want to use your own selection function, that works too. Just provide a function that takes an array of tiles (ie placeBot.tiles), and returns an index from that array. For examples see PlaceBot.selector in placebot.js.

Tile Generators

It is also possible to generate tiles as you go, rather than using a list. In this case you need to write the function in the following form:

function myGeneratorFactory(placeBot) {

    // Setup...
    return function myGenerator() {
        return [x, y, color];

then apply it using

placeBot.setTileFunction(PlaceBot.placeMode.FUNCTION, myGeneratorFactory);

The function I've been using for testing is the following:

// Draws a pink line vertically at x = 456, starting from y = 849 and continuing
// down. Redraws as necessary.

function pinkLine(placeBot) {
    var lastDraw;
    var lastTile = [456, 849, 4];

    return function() {
        if (pb.lastDrawTime !== lastDraw) {
            pb.lastDrawTime = lastDraw;
            lastTile = [456, 849, 4];
        } else {
            lastTile[1] = (lastTile[1] + 1) % 1000;

        return lastTile;

placeBot.setTileFunction(PlaceBot.placeMode.FUNCTION, pinkLine);

Basically this function sets up an initial state, then reverts to that state after every successful draw. Note that this function is called repeatedly (on minTimer) if drawing isn't successful - usually due to a redundant draw. You can see its progress place/#x=456&y=852.

Common Issues

My bot is redrawing the same things!

If your bot is designed to redraw over edits that other people have made, then it's entirely possible it was configured incorrectly. However, it is also important to note that the bot pings reddit directly when checking pixel colors - this means that it is using information that is more up to date than what you see on your screen. In testing I've also noticed that changes can be missed entirely by my computer (but the bot still notices, and acts accordingly). The best way to determine if this is your issue is to simply refresh the page.



The bot instance is exported to window.placeBot while the constructor is at window.PlaceBot.

Static Properties




new placeBot()

Creates an instance of placeBot, which automatically loads data from localStorage and begins the draw timer.


Property Type Default Description
placeMode number PlaceBot.placeMode.ARRAY The mode we use to place tiles, either using an array or a generator function.
tiles array [] (Array mode) The list of tiles we have yet to place in the form [[x, y, color], [x2, y2, color2], ... ]
tileSelector function PlaceBot.selectors.TopDown (Array mode) Returns the index of the next tile to place.
tileGenerator function undefined (Function mode) Returns the next tile to place in the form [x, y, color]
drawTimer number undefined Reference to the current draw timer (returned by setTimer).
minTimer number 100 The minimum time (in ms) to wait between draw attempts.
lastDrawTime number undefined The last time there was a successful draw.
get cooldownRemaining number n/a The time (in ms) remaining in the draw cooldown.
get nextDrawTime number n/a The time that the next draw is allowed.
get canDraw boolean n/a Whether or not drawing is currently allowed.
.exportTiles() → string

Returns JSON containing the current tiles and placement type.

.importTiles(string | array)

Takes either JSON (as in .exportTiles) or an object to use as the current tiles list. Accepts options for tiles → tiles, mode → placeMode, fn → tileSelector | tileGenerator.

.exportSettings() → string

Returns the current settings as JSON.

.importSettings(string | object)

Takes either JSON or an object containing the new settings. Currently the only things considered a 'setting' for this purpose is minTimer.

.exportBot() → string

Returns a combination of the tiles and settings.

.importBot(string | object)

Takes either JSON or an object, and directs the settings property to this.importSettings and the tiles property to this.importTiles.


Persists settings and tiles to localStorage.


Loads settings and tiles from localStorage.

.setTileFunction(mode {number}, fn {function | string })

Sets the placement mode according to mode, then sets either this.tileGenerator or this.tileSelector using the provided function. The following steps are taken to coerce fn it into a function:

  1. If fn is a function, use it.
  2. (If ARRAY mode) Check if PlaceBot.selectors has a property named fn, if so use that.
  3. Attempt to use eval(fn).
  4. Default back to ARRAY mode with fn = 'TopDown'

Attempts to draw the next tile (source depends on mode). If no tile is provided, or drawing is not allowed, nothing happens. If a tile is provided, then a reddit api is checked to see if that tile is already desired color (to avoid wasting our draw cooldown). A timer is then set for the next draw.

.drawTile(x {number}, y {number}, color {number})

If drawing is allowed, draws the given tile. If not, does nothing. Note that bypassing the check can result in your cooldown resetting.


A bot for






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