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The less-opinionated Node.js database abstraction layer


module.exports := {
  createConnection: (Url, Continuation<Connection>?) => Connection
  createPool: (Url, PoolConfig) => ConnectionPool

Url := String | { adapter: String }

PoolConfig := {
  min: Number,
  max: Number,
  onConnect: (Connection, ((Error) => void) => void
  reset: (Connection, ((Error) => void) => void

Establish a connection:

// Takes an optional callback
var conn = anyDB.createConnection('driver://user:pass@hostname/database')

Make queries:

var sql = 'SELECT * FROM my_table'
conn.query(sql).on('row', function (row) {})  // evented
conn.query(sql, function (error, result) {})  // or callback

Use bound parameters:

sql += ' WHERE my_column = ?'
conn.query(sql, [42]).on('row', ...)           // again, evented
conn.query(sql, [42], function (err, res) {})  // or callback

Close a connection:


Start a transaction:

var tx = conn.begin()             // Can also take a callback
tx.on('error', function (err) {}) // Emitted for unhandled query errors
tx.query(...)                     // same interface as connections, plus...
tx.commit()                       // takes an optional callback for errors
tx.rollback()                     // this too

Create a connection pool that maintains 2-20 connections

var pool = anyDB.createPool(dbURL, {min: 2, max: 20})

pool.query(...)       // perform a single query, same API as connection
var tx = pool.begin() // start a transaction, again, same API as connection
pool.close()          // close the pool (call when your app should exit)


The purpose of this library is to provide a consistent API for the commonly used functionality of SQL database drivers, while avoiding altering driver behaviour as much as possible.


For Applications

npm install --save any-db-{postgres,mysql,sqlite3}

All of the adapter libraries have any-db as a peerDependency, which means that require('any-db') will work even though you don't install it directly or add it to your package.json.

For Libraries

Add any-db to peerDependencies in package.json. This allows users of your library to satisfy the any-db dependency by installing the adapter of their choice.


The API of [Connection][] and [Query][] objects is fully described in the [adapter-spec][], while [Transaction][] and ConnectionPool objects have their own documentation. Connections, transactions and pools all have a query method that behaves consistently between drivers.

Both exported functions require an Url as their first parameter. This can either be a string of the form adapter://user:password@host/database (which will be parsed by [parse-db-url][]) or an object. When an object is used, it must have an adapter property, and any other properties required by the specified adapters createConnection method.

See also: README notes for your chosen adapter (MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite3)
