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This document gives a comprehensive overview of the API guaranteed by any-db.


require('any-db').createConnection(dbURL, [callback])

Create a connection object from a dbURL of the form driver://user:pass@hostname/databasename where driver is one of "mysql", "postgres", or "sqlite3". If a callback is given, it will be called with either an error or the established connection: callback(error, conn). Additional connection settings can be included as query parameters in the URL. The returned will conform to the Connection API detailed below.

See also: Driver-specific notes for Postgres and SQLite3.


require('any-db').createPool(dbUrl, [poolOpts])

Create a new ConnectionPool and return it immediately. See the createConnection docs for an explanation of the dbURL parameter. poolOpts may be an object with any of the following keys:

  • min: 2

    The minimum number of connections to keep open in the pool.

  • max: 10

    The maximum number of connections to allow in the pool.

  • onConnect: function (conn, done) { done(null, conn) }

    Called immediately after a connection is first established. Use this to do one-time setup of new connections. You must call done(error, connection) for the connection to actually make it into the pool.

  • reset: function (conn, done) { done(null) },

    Called each time the connection is returned to the pool. Use this to restore your connection to it's original state (e.g. rollback transactions, set the user or encoding).

See ConnectionPool below for the API of the returned object.


Connection objects returned by createConnection or ConnectionPool.acquire are guaranteed to have the methods and events listed here, but the connection objects of various drivers may have additional methods or emit additional events. If you need to access a feature of your database is not described here (such as Postgres' server-side prepared statements), consult the documentation for the database driver.

Connection Events

  • 'error', err - Emitted when there is a connection-level error.
  • 'close' - Emitted when the connection has been closed.


Execute a SQL statement, using bound parameters if they are given, and return a Query object for the in-progress query. If callback is given it will be called with any errors or an object representing the query results (callback(error, results)). The returned Query object and the result object passed to the callback may have extra driver-specific properties and events.


conn.query('SELECT * FROM my_table', function (err, res) {
  if (err) return console.error(err)
  console.log('All done!')


conn.query('SELECT * FROM my_table')
  .on('error', console.error)
  .on('row', console.log)
  .on('end', function () { console.log('All done!') })


var tx = conn.begin([callback])

Start a new transaction and return a Transaction object to manage it. If callback is given it will be called with any errors encountered starting the transaction and the transaction object itself: callback(error, transaction). See also: the Transaction API.


conn.begin(function (err, transaction) {
	if (err) return console.error(err)
	// Do work using transaction
var transaction = conn.begin()
transaction.on('error', console.error)
// Do work using transaction, queries are queued until transaction successfully
// starts.



Close the database connection. If callback is given it will be called after the connection has closed.


Query objects are returned by the .query(...) methods of connections, pools, and transctions. Like connections, query objects are created by the drivers themselves and may have more methods and events than are described here.

Query Events

  • 'error', err - Emitted if the query results in an error.
  • 'row', row - Emitted for each row in the queries result set.
  • 'end', [res] - Emitted when the query completes.


ConnectionPool instances are created with createPool.


var query = pool.query(stmt, [params], [callback])

Acts exactly like Connection.query by automatically acquiring a connection and releasing it when the query completes.


var tx = pool.begin([callback])

Acts exactly like Connection.begin, but the underlying connection is returned to the pool when the transaction commits or rolls back.


pool.acquire(function (err, conn) { ... })

Remove a connection from the pool. If you use this method you must return the connection back to the pool using ConnectionPool.release.



Return a connection to the pool. This should only be called with connections you've manually acquired, and you must not continue to use the connection after releasing it.


Stop giving out new connections, and close all existing database connections as they are returned to the pool.

ConnectionPool events

  • 'acquire' - emitted whenever pool.acquire is called
  • 'release' - emitted whenever pool.release is called
  • 'query', statement, params - emitted immediately before .release is called on a connection via pool.query.
  • 'close' - emitted when the connection pool has closed all of it connections after a call to close().


Transaction objects wrap a Connection so that all queries take place within a single database transaction. Queries that error will cause the database transaction to automatically rollback. If a query has no callback, the transaction will handle (and re-emit) 'error' events for that query. This enables handling errors for the entire transaction in a single place.


var q = tx.query(stmt, [params], [callback])

Acts exactly like Connection.query except queries are guaranteed to be performed within the transaction. If the transaction has been committed or rolled back further calls to query will fail.



Issue a COMMIT statement to the database. If a callback is given it will be called with any errors after the COMMIT statement completes. The transaction object itself will be unusable after calling commit().



The same as Transaction.commit but issues a ROLLBACK. Again, the transaction will be unusable after calling this method.

Transaction events

  • 'commit:start' - Emitted when .commit() is called.

  • 'commit:complete' - Emitted after the transaction has committed.

  • 'rollback:start' - Emitted when .rollback() is called.

  • 'rollback:complete' - Emitted after the transaction has rolled back.

  • 'error', err - Emitted under three conditions:

    1. There was an error acquiring a connection.
    2. Any query performed in this transaction emits an error that would otherwise go unhandled.
    3. Any of query, commit, or rollback are called after the connection has already been committed or rolled back.

    Note that the 'error' event may be emitted multiple times! depending on the callback you are registering, you way want to wrap it using once.

Transaction Example

Here's an example where we stream all of our user ids, check them against an external abuse-monitoring service, and flag or delete users as necessary, if for any reason we only get part way through, the entire transaction is rolled back and nobody is flagged or deleted:

var tx = pool.begin()

tx.on('error', finished)

Why query with the pool and not the transaction?
Because it allows the transaction queries to begin executing immediately,
rather than queueing them all up behind the initial SELECT.
pool.query('SELECT id FROM users').on('row', function (user) {
	if (tx.state().match('rollback')) return
	abuseService.checkUser(, function (err, result) {
		if (err) return tx.handleError(err)
		// Errors from these queries will propagate up to the transaction object
		if (result.flag) {
			tx.query('UPDATE users SET abuse_flag = 1 WHERE id = $1', [])
		} else if (result.destroy) {
			tx.query('DELETE FROM users WHERE id = $1', [])
}).on('error', function (err) {
}).on('end', function () {

function finished (err) {
	if (err) console.error(err)
	else console.log('All done!')

Driver-specific notes


If you have issues using the native backend for the pg driver on your platform, you can force anyDB to use the pure-JavaScript like so:

var anyDB = require('any-db')
anyDB.adapters.postgres.forceJS = true

You must do the above before you create any connections or connection pools.


You can include any of the SQLite3 mode flags as query parameters in your database URL. So if you wanted to open your database in read-only mode for example, just append ?OPEN_READONLY to the URL. The available flags are documented in this SQLite3 wiki page.