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Test staging VM from backend

atziasios edited this page Aug 11, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. Upgrade pip, if needed
    sudo pip install --upgrade pip
  2. Clone repo with committed code
    cd ~/Workspace
    git clone{{repo_name}}/e-science.git {{test_dir}}
  3. Install virtualenv, if needed
    #skip if already done
    sudo pip install virtualenv
    mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
  4. Run commands inside virtualenv
    virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/.virtualenvs/orkaenv
    . ~/.virtualenvs/orkaenv/bin/activate
    #with deactivate from command line you exit the virtual env
  5. Add functional VM in ~/.kamakirc
    base_url = http://{{VM's IP}}
  6. Install orka
    cd ~/Workspace/{{test_dir}}/orka
    #important: run inside orka directory
    sudo python install
  7. Issue orka_create commands which will be executed on staging VM (contained in kamakirc orka base_url)
    #e.g.: create dspace vre
    orka vre create {{vre_vm_name}} 2 2048 10 Standard DSpace-5.3 --admin_password={{adminPassword}} --admin_email={{admin_email}}
  8. In the end deactivate virtualenv