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File metadata and controls

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This document contains a high-level description of Ploomber's codebase.

The three core elements in Ploomber are DAG, Task, and Product. DAGs are a collection of Tasks, and Tasks produce Products.


The DAG impementation is in src/ploomber/dag/ A DAG is a mapping-like object that contains tasks and relationships among them.

DAG is used to manage the status of tasks; for example, if a tasks's source code hasn't changed since the last execution, DAG marks such task as skipped and is not executed again if the source doesn't change. Status resolution happens during a rendering step (DAG.render()), which runs before building the DAG.

It also manages hooks (e.g., on_finish, on_failure), which are functions that execute after running a task.


A task is a unit of work. The abstract class is in src/ploomber/tasks/, all concrete classes (e.g., PythonCallable, NotebookRunner) are subclasses of the abstract class.

Tasks implement a Task.render step, which DAG.render calls. Implementation details vary depending on each case, but this is where the task prepares for execution. For example, in SQL tasks, this is where jinja placeholders resolve to their actual values.

When calling, executes, and the task status determines whether to run the task or not


Products are persistent objects (i.e., files or SQL tables/views) generated from task execution. The abstract class is in src/ploomber/products/, all concrete classes (e.g., File, and SQLRelation) are subclasses of the abstract class.

A Product is an object initialized with an identifier (e.g., File initializes with a path to a file, SQLRelation with a (name, schema, kind) tuple), such the identifier is passed to the Task when executing it so the user calls the appropriate logic to save any files or SQL tables/views.

To determine Task status, Products store Metadata (a JSON string) with the task's source code and execution time. The Metadata needs a storage backend, which depends on the Product implementation. File stores metadata in a file (e.g., /path/data.csv stores metadata in /path/.data.csv.metadata). However, SQL tasks need another backend. PostgresRelation uses table comments but to avoid implementing one metadata backend for each database engine, there's a generic backend that stores metadata in a SQLite database. Alternatively, SQL Products can skip saving metadata, but they lose incremental builds.

Tasks may generate more than one product. MetaProduct (src/ploomber/products/ implements a Product-like interface that can hold more than one Product. This way, Task can interact with it as if it was a single product.


Sources are objects that represent source code. Users do not interact with the directly. They expose a common API defined via an abstract class (src/ploombers/sources/ that allows Tasks to show useful information to users such as source code file location, and the source code string. Optionally, they implement verification logic to detect errors during DAG.render, that otherwise would be raised until There are two notable cases to highlight: PythonCallableSource, and NotebookSource.

PythonCallable uses PythonCallableSource to hold Python functions. It allows to extract information from the function without loading it. This is necessary in cases where we want to extract some information from a DAG but the running process cannot should not load certain functions because doing so would yield ModuleNotFoundError, this scenario happens when loading DAGs in the Jupyter plug-in for cell injection. The Jupyter process does not necessarily have all packages installed to run a DAG but it should still extract the location of the source code.

On the other hand, NotebookRunner uses NotebookSource, which implements the cell injection process, notebook validation (ensure there is cell tagged parameters with an upstream variable), verifying kernelspec data, and exporting the notebook as a string with Python code, which allows us to use pdb in a terminal to debug a notebook.


Products define the Metadata storage backend, but the in-memory representation is the same and described in src/ploomber/products/ Metadata takes care of managing metadata's life cycle, ensuring that all tasks have the most recent metadata version at all times.


DAG orchestrate execution, but they do not run tasks, Executors do. An Executor is an object that receives a rendered DAG and calls on each task. Executors may run tasks in child processes, so they must ensure that status of the original Task object is updated; they also provide other features such as capturing tracebacks and displaying them at the end. There are currently two executors, Serial, and Parallel.


Clients communicate Tasks and Products with external systems. However, depending on the client, the purpose is different. For example, SQL clients communicate a SQL Task with a database to execute a script. But another SQL client communicates a SQL Product with a database to store the metadata. The SQL client in a Task and Product may or may not be the same. File clients work differently; they allow files to upload to remote storage such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage. The abstract class is defined in src/ploomber/clients/

DAGSpec / TaskSpec

DAGSpec and TaskSpec convert dictionaries into DAG and Task objects respectively, and are used to parse a pipeline.yaml file. Both are implemented in the src/ploomber/spec/ module. They implement the heavy lifting to make the Spec API work with as little code as possible: infer which Task and Product class to use depending on the user's values, initialize env.yaml, resolve upstream dependencies by analyzing task's source code, among others.