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Audit trail diagram

gro-mar edited this page Mar 11, 2013 · 7 revisions

Under development there are a lot of TODOs.


To visualize process instance flow form historic data can be really challenging. Workflow engines ( activiti is not an exception) store historic data in database tables. For ordinary people table rows and their relationships does not provide meaningful information. Business people understand diagrams. It could be natural to use diagrams for process instance flow visualization.


Let's start with the following process definition process definition To make thing little bit harder Verify monthly financial report is loop task with cardinality 3. We can start process instance and see how can we proceed in its execution.

  • After the process start audit trail could look like:

Step 1

  • Let's say that user has completed Write monthly financial report. Audit trail:

Step 2

  • In the next step user has completed Verify monthly financial report. Audit trail:

Step 3

  • The last user task is done in the loop (3x):

Step 4

  • After the last user task completed process is finished and its audit trail could look like:

Step 5

How it is done

Please see the test

There are plenty of possibilities for extension:

  • Audit trail diagram extensions: Put date information into the diagram, inform about variable changes, ... .
  • add possibility to display sub processes, lanes, ...