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An AWS management tool for AWS IAM User Access Keys and your GitHub Encrypted Secrets. AWS GitHub Secrets Access Key Manager (AWS-GHS-AKM) is a solution to automatically rotate AWS IAM User API Access Keys and then sync those keys into user-defined GitHub repository secrets.

General Use-Case

You have one to many GitHub repositories that leverage GitHub Action Secrets with the same AWS IAM User Access Key. You and/or your security team wants to ensure the following:

  1. The IAM User Access key is rotated frequently at specified time (weekly, daily, hourly)
  2. GitHub Secret within specified repositories are updated/sync'ed when AWS access keys are rotated
  3. IAM User Access Key and GitHub Secrets are managed without need of someone knowing the secret
  4. The access key management solution operates within the AWS environment boundary


AWS GitHub AKM interfaces with GitHub and the AWS account which your IAM User is provisioned prior to launch. Once launched, changes can be made or modified.

GitHub Requirements

The following will be required from your GitHub environment:

  • A GitHub machine user account with a personal access token and appropriate permissions for GitHub Actions and repo management
  • Access setup for the GitHub machine user account to each repo with appropriate permissions (maintain)

Note: A GitHub Machine User account is recommended for best practices. For more information and details about a GitHub Machine User reference GitHub Documentation on Machine Users

AWS Requirements

The following will be required within your AWS account:

  • AWS Account with IAM User which has appropriate permissions for your CICD needs
  • Ability to deploy the CloudFormation stack resources


  1. Open your web browser and login to your AWS Account.
  2. Click this button to launch stack.
  3. Fill out parameters

Note: If you want to open the link as a new tab use ctrl+click when clicking the launch Stack button below or do the two-finger click and select open new tab

Launch Stack


The follow parameters will need to be supplied upon deploying the stack

Parameter Description Type Default
SNS Email Address Email address for send lambda errors to String
Repo Config S3 Bucket Name S3 Bucket to be created and store repo access list String
Repo Config Key The S3 Object (file) which will contain the repo list in json format String repos.json
Solution Name Friendly name of solution to identify IAM user being managed for API Key rotation String
GitHub Machine User Name GitHub user account name String
GitHub Token GitHub user personal access token String
IAM User Arn Full ARN associated with the IAM user to manage API key rotation String
IAM User Name User name of the IAM account to have API keys rotated String
Hours To Rotate Hours between each key rotation Number 6
GitHub Secret Name AWS Key ID The GitHub Secret Name value for the AWS Key ID String AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
GitHub Secret Name AWS Key The GitHub Secret Name value for the AWS Key String AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY


"AWS GitHub AKM Architecture"

The following details how the prerequisites and the AWS-GitHub-AKM stack resources interact with your GitHub repos.

  1. Prerequisite - Have one to many GitHub Repositories which you want to apply the IAM User Access Key to with GitHub Secrets
  2. Prerequisite - A personal access token and appropriate permissions for GitHub Actions and repo management. It is recommended to use a GitHub Machine User account (separate account setup for only automation use).
  3. Prerequisite - An AWS Account which you have the necessary permissions to deploy (for simplicity, you are admin)
  4. Prerequisite - A provisioned IAM User that is able to have programmatic access and your permissions necessary to execute your CICD operations.
  5. The AWS-GitHub-AKM stack is deployed into the AWS account provisioning the following the AWS-GitHub-AKM role, its managed permissions, SSM Automation docs for management of the AKM rotation, CloudWatch Scheduled Event, AWS Secret, and S3 Bucket.
  6. The AWS-GitHub-AKM role deployed leverages a managed policy giving it only permissions to only rotate the IAM user defined in #4. The role also has ability to access the AWS Secret storing the GitHub Personal Access Token and the S3 Bucket containing the repo inventory.
  7. AWS-GitHub-AKM deploys an S3 Bucket which contains the repos.json file that instructs the the AWS-GitHub-AKM automation to rotate specific repositories leveraging the GitHub PAT stored in Secrets Manager. Editing the list enables the user to add or remove managed repositories.
  8. AWS-GitHub-AKM runs on a scheduled basis via AWS CloudWatch Events Scheduled Event. The frequency is set at deployed and starts the SSM Automation document using the AWS-GitHub-AKM role to execute.
  9. The SSM Automation document using the AWS-GitHub-AKM role to execute access secret manager to obtain the GitHub Personal Access Token and also downloads the repos.list json from the S3 Repo list bucket.
  10. During execution of the AWS-GitHub-AKM SSM Automation document, the automation deletes the current IAM user access key defined in #4, creates a new IAM user access key, then iterates over all the managed repos in the repos.json file.
  11. Leveraging the GitHub PAT, AWS-GitHub-AKM runbook updates the defined Secrets in GitHub repositories with the new IAM Access Key. Any repositories which were removed from the repos.json file will go inactive as old access key was deleted in step #10.

S3 GitHub Repo Config List

The stack deploys an S3 Bucket where a json file that contains a list of repositories will need to be uploaded. Note after stack deployment, the file uploaded to the S3 bucket must be named the same as the parameter Repo Config Key. Each repo defined in the json format contains the attribute Name which is the name of the repository and the attribute owner which is either the organization or the personal owner the repo is under.

Note: The S3 repository config file must be uploaded after solution is deployed and be in the specified format below.

The following is the json format for a single repository:


The following example illustrates the format for multiple repositories:



AWS GitHub Access Key Manager



