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HTML vs. Text Templates

The Mustache language has a big focus on HTML: it provides HTML-escaping of values by default.

However, GRMustache supports both HTML templates, and text templates.

HTML templates return HTML: their {{ name }} variable tags escape their input. Their {{{ name }}} triple mustache variable tags assume HTML input, and do not perform HTML-escape.

Text templates return text: their {{ name }} and {{{ name }}} tags do not escape their input: they have identical rendering.

The GRMustacheConfiguration class is your vector to text & HTML templates.

Global configuration

The default configuration [GRMustacheConfiguration defaultConfiguration] applies to all GRMustache rendering unless specified otherwise:

// Have GRMustache templates render text by default,
// and do not HTML-escape their input.
[GRMustacheConfiguration defaultConfiguration].contentType = GRMustacheContentTypeText;

The contentType property of the default configuration can take a value among:

typedef enum {
} GRMustacheContentType;

GRMustache is a Mustache engine: templates are HTML by default, and you do not have to explicitly require it.

Template Repository Configuration

Template repositories can be given a specific configuration, that will only apply to the templates built by this repository.

// All templates loaded from the bash_script_templates directory will be
// rendered as text, and will not HTML-escape their input.
NSString *path = @"/path/to/bash_script_templates";
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repository = [GRMustacheTemplateRepository templateRepositoryWithDirectory:path];
repository.configuration.contentType = GRMustacheContentTypeText;

// Render
GRMustacheTemplate *template = [repository templateNamed:...];
NSString *rendering = [template renderObject:...];

Template repository configuration has higher priority than the default configuration.

Content Type Of Individual Templates

Templates can also be given a specific content type:

Insert those pragma tags right in the content of your templates:

  • {{% CONTENT_TYPE:TEXT }} turns a template into a text template.
  • {{% CONTENT_TYPE:HTML }} turns a template into a HTML template.

For example:

{{! This template renders a bash script. }}
export LANG={{ENV.LANG}}

Pragma tags have higher priority than repository and default configurations.

Mixing HTML And Text Templates

Text templates return text. They get HTML-escaped when they get embedded in HTML templates:

Embedding via a partial tag


{{> BashScript }}


cd {{path}} && {{command}}

Rendering code:

id data = @{
    @"path": @"/path/",
    @"command": @"echo \"yeah\"" ,

// the script, alone
NSString *script = [GRMustacheTemplate renderObject:data fromResource:@"BashScript" bundle:nil error:NULL];

// the document
NSString *document = [GRMustacheTemplate renderObject:data fromResource:@"Document" bundle:nil error:NULL];


cd /path/ && echo "yeah"


cd /path/ &amp;&amp; echo &quot;yeah&quot;

Embedding a dynamic partial


{{ bash_script }}


cd {{path}} && {{command}}

Rendering code:

id data = @{
    @"path": @"/path/",
    @"command": @"echo \"yeah\"" ,
    @"bash_script": [GRMustacheTemplate templateFromResource:@"BashScript" bundle:nil error:NULL]

NSString *document = [GRMustacheTemplate renderObject:data fromResource:@"Document" bundle:nil error:NULL];


cd /path/ &amp;&amp; echo &quot;yeah&quot;

See the Rendering Objects Guide for more information about inclusion of partials chosen at runtime.

Compatibility with other Mustache implementations

The Mustache specification does not have any concept of "text template".

If your goal is to design templates that remain compatible with other Mustache implementations, use {{{ triple }}} mustache tags, and don't mix text with HTML.

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