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In this project, PNPM is the package manager, ensuring efficient dependency management and consistent builds.

Since v16.13, Node.js is shipping Corepack for managing package managers. This is an experimental feature, so you need to enable it by running:

corepack enable pnpm
corepack use pnpm@latest



pnpm install

Bumping package version

Bumping the package version is a process of several steps:

  1. Edit package.json fields:
  "version": "<NEW_VERSION>",
  "main": "dist/gbi-event-counter-<NEW_VERSION>.min.js",
  "types": "dist/gbi-event-counter-<NEW_VERSION>.d.ts"
  1. Create new release branch release/v<NEW_VERSION> with updated package.json file
  2. Merge this branch into main through either PR or directly

There is an automation for steps 1 and 2. What is needed is to run a shell script locally from the root of the project this way:

sh scripts/ <COMPONENT>

where <COMPONENT> is either major, minor, patch or dev meaning which component of semver should to bump up. dev mean to bump up the patch component and add -dev suffix. So that if current version is 1.0.0 and this script run: sh scripts/ dev then the resulting version will be 1.0.1-dev.


Distributed as both an NPM package and through a Content Delivery Network (CDN), this project offers users versatility in consumption and integration methods.


  1. Installation step done
  2. New package version is already set at least locally (see "Bumping package version" section)


For distribution via CDN, the process entails executing a shell script locally from the project root directory:

sh scripts/

NOTE: To run this script successfully it's needed to have a write pernmissions to the CDN repository.


sh scripts/

Public interface

The library exposes an object with such a signature:

  registerGBIUniversalEventTracker: (
    options: GBIUniversalEventTrackerOptions,
  ) => GBIUniversalEventTracker;
  getInstance: () => GBIUniversalEventTracker;

In case of CDN usage library exposes this object as GBIEventCounter variable:

<script src=""></script>
  const tracker = GBIEventCounter.registerGBIUniversalEventTracker({
    customerId: 'customer-1',

In case of NPM usage it doesn't matter how to name it cause it's exported as a default:

import GBITracker from 'gbi-event-counter';

const tracker = GBITracker.registerGBIUniversalEventTracker({
  customerId: 'customer 1',

Also, it provides such interfaces:

interface GBIUniversalEventTrackerOptions {
  customerId: string;
  /** if false, the tracker will not add the listener to the history state and track for SPAs */
  listenToPushState?: boolean;
  /** optionally override the url this posts to. Default endpoint TBD */
  overrideUrl?: string;

interface GBIUniversalEventTracker {
  trackEvent: (event?: GBITrackerEvent) => void;

interface GBITrackerEvent {
  /** Optional string to denote what type of event fired */
  type?: EventType;

  /** Optional key value pairs to include in the request */
  metadata?: { [key: string]: unknown };


There are two live examples under examples directory.


Simple html page - example of using the library via CDN. It shows the principle of using the library:

  1. Connect the script by adding the <script> tag:
<script src="<VERSION>.min.js"></script>
  1. Use it:
  const tracker = GBIEventCounter.registerGBIUniversalEventTracker({
    customerId: 'customer-1',
    listenToPushState: true,


Simple React application written in typescript with navigation provided by react-router.

This example shows how to use the library from NPM.

  1. Install npm package using your package manager like this:
pnpm install gbi-event-counter
  1. Import it in some component:
import GBITracker from 'gbi-event-counter';
  1. Use it:
// 1. Register an event tracker
const tracker = GBITracker.registerGBIUniversalEventTracker({
  customerId: 'customer 1',
  listenToPushState: true,
// NOTE: if you call GBITracker.registerGBIUniversalEventTracker second time it will return already created tracker
// instead of creating a new one. Be aware of this.

// 2. Use the tracker instance

// 3. or if you have no link to it you can get it right away
const theSameTrackerInstance = GBITracker.getInstance();


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