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Scrapie Scrapie

A Web Scraper.
Not the fatal, degenerative disease that affects the nervous systems of sheep and goats.

Codeship Status for groupby/scrapie Stories in Ready Quickstart

  1. Make sure Java 1.7 is on your computer and the java command is on your path.
  2. Download the
  3. Unpack it scrapie-x.x.x and go into the directory cd scrapie-x.x.x
  4. run the test
  • on *nix ./scrapie -f google.js -o google.json
  • on windows scrapie.bat -f google.js -o google.json


Read the and the to learn about scrapie.


Requires that Java 1.7 is installed and on your path.

usage: scrapie
 -f,--file <arg>        The JavaScript file to use
 -o,--output <arg>      The file to output to
 -r,--maxRecords <arg>  Record this run and stop after N records have been emitted
 -l,--loginLive	        Do not go to the cache for logins.
 -n,--noCache           Never use the cache
 -t,--type <arg>        The record type, json (default) or xml
 -v,--verbosity <arg>   Log Level, trace, debug, info (default)
./scrapie -f myScraper.js -o records.json

Examples Scraper Files

###Low Complexity

Where each URL contains one record.

// Create an iterator that increments a value.
var urlIterator = new UrlIterator(function(pIndex){
    if (pIndex < 2) {
		return "" + pIndex;
	 } else {
		return null;
// iterate through that url iterator.   The context represents the page.
   pContext.emit("title", pContext.getJqText("title"));
   // return true from this method if you wish the iterator to exit.

###Medium Complexity

Where each URL is a list page with ten items and each item should be emitted as a separate record.

var urlIterator = new UrlIterator(function(pIndex){
    if (pIndex < 2) {
		return "" + pIndex;
	 } else {
		return null;
// iterate through each page.
urlIterator.forEach(function(pContext) {
    // find multiple parts of HTML that have a class of .item and iterate through each of them
    pContext.breakIntoSections(".item", function(pContext){
function process(pContext){
    var id = pContext.getJq("a").attr("href").split("=")[1];
    pContext.emit("id", id);
    pContext.emit("title", pContext.getJqText("a"));

###High Complexity

Where each URL is a list page, each list page has 10 items and each item has a detail page URL with additional info.

var urlIterator = new UrlIterator(function(pIndex){
    if (pIndex < 2) {
		return "" + pIndex;
	 } else {
		return null;
// Iterate through each page.
urlIterator.forEach(function(pContext) {
    // iterate through each element with an .item class.
    pContext.breakIntoSections(".item", function(pContext){
     	var workingId = pContext.getJq("a").attr("href").split("=")[1];
     	// Set a context that we can refer to later so that we create one
     	// object, rather than one for each of the sub contexts that we create later.
     	pContext.emitForWorkingId("id", workingId);
     	// find all the links in this item and iterate over them
        pContext.processUrlsJq("a", function(pContext){
function processListItem(pContext){
    // for the context that was set earlier, emit a title.
    pContext.emitForWorkingId("title", pContext.getJqText("a"));
function processDetailPage(pContext){
    pContext.emitForWorkingId("price", pContext.getJqText("#price"));


A scraper that will generate URLs to crawl and convert them into objects we want to keep.

  • must not use XML configuration as using XML to parse HTML is an escaping nightmare.
  • must understand the concept of multiple of the same objects being created from one big page.
  • must be able to log in to password protected sites.
  • must be able to understand the concept of a listing page that goes to a detail page to generate the object or objects.
  • must be able to resuse global items across pages. Maybe back multiple pages.
  • the syntax must be as small as possible.
  • be threaded (which it isn't yet)


  • Under the hood the JavaScript scraper files connect to a Java object that uses Jsoup.
  • Jsoup was extended to include XPath support.
  • A regular expression matcher is also available.