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Pull requests: groupdocs-signature/GroupDocs.Signature-for-.NET

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Pull requests list

Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.3 to 13.0.2 in /Demos/LiveDemos/src/GroupDocs.Signature.Live.Demos.UI dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#78 opened Dec 8, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.1 to 13.0.2 in /Demos/MVC/GroupDocs.Signature.MVC.Test dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#77 opened Dec 8, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump System.Drawing.Common from 4.7.0 to 4.7.2 in /Demos/LiveDemos/src/GroupDocs.Signature.Live.Demos.UI dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#76 opened Nov 30, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.3 to 13.0.1 in /Demos/WebForms/src dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#75 opened Jul 1, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.3 to 13.0.1 in /Demos/MVC/src dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#74 opened Jul 1, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump System.Text.Encodings.Web from 4.6.0 to 4.7.2 in /Demos/src/GroupDocs.Signature.Live.Demos.UI dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file
#70 opened Apr 21, 2021 by dependabot bot Loading…
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2024-04-23.