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Add Watermarks
GroupDocs.Watermark Cloud

This REST API allows adding watermarks inside the documents.

With this API you can add watermarks with following features:

  • The watermark could be either a text or an image:
    • Image watermark supports various image formats: PNG, GIF, TIFF, JPG.
  • You may upload the desired image to the Storage and then pass the path as a parameter of Watermark operation;
    • For a Text watermark, you can use various text options like Font, Size, Style, Foreground and Background colors, etc.;
  • There are many watermark positioning and transforming properties;
  • There are format-specific options. These options allow to leverage specific format features and often allow to make watermarks stronger;
  • For protected documents, it is required to provide the password.

The table below contains the full list of properties that can be specified when creating watermarks inside of the document.

Name Description Comment
FileInfo.FilePath The path of the document, located in the storage. Required.
FileInfo.StorageName Storage name It could be omitted for default storage.
FileInfo.Password The password to open file It should be specified only for password-protected documents.
OutputFolder The folder for the resultant file. Default value is "/add_watermarks"
WatermarkDetails Collection of watermarks to be added. It contains both text and image watermarks and their details.
WatermarkDetails.ProtectLevel Level of document protection. The default value is 'Document' - adds watermarks only inside the document. Possible values: 'Images' - adds watermarks only on images inside the document. 'DocumentAndImages' - protect both document and images.
WatermarkDetails.PdfOptions Specific options for PDF documents.
WatermarkDetails.ImageOptions Specific options for Image documents.
WatermarkDetails.PresentationOptions Specific options for Presentations.
WatermarkDetails.WordProcessingOptions Specific options for Word processing documents.
WatermarkDetails.SpreadsheetOptions Specific options for Spreadsheet documents.
WatermarkDetails.DiagramOptions Specific options for Diagram documents.

Watermark Details

Name Description Comment
TextWatermarkOptions Options for text watermark Required if text watermark needs to be added
TextWatermarkOptions.Text Text to be used as a watermark Required
TextWatermarkOptions.FontFamilyName The family name of the text font Required
TextWatermarkOptions.FontSize Size of the font Required
TextWatermarkOptions.FontStyle Style of the font Possible values: Bold, Italic, Regular, Strikeout, Underline
TextWatermarkOptions.ForegroundColor The foreground color of the text
TextWatermarkOptions.BackgroundColor Background color of the text
TextWatermarkOptions.TextAlignment Text alignment. Possible values: Left, Right, Center, Justify
ImageWatermarkOptions Options for image watermark Required if image watermark needs to be added
ImageWatermarkOptions.Image Image for the watermark Required
Image.FilePath The path of the image, located in the storage. Required
Image.StorageName Storage name
Image.Password The password to open image
Position Watermark position Defines placement of the watermark on document page
Position.X X-coordinate of the watermark
Position.Y Y-coordinate of the watermark
Position.Width Desired width of the watermark
Position.Height The desired height of the watermark
Position.HorizontalAlignment Watermark horizontal alignment Possible values: Center, Left, Right, None
Position.VerticalAlignment Watermark vertical alignment Possible values: Bottom, Center, Top, None
Position.Margins Watermark margin settings
Margins.MarginType Margin type Possible values: Absolute, RelativeToParentDimensions, RelativeToParentMinDimension
Margins.Right Value of right margin
Margins.Left Value of left margin
Margins.Top Value of top margin
Margins.Bottom Value of bottom margin
Position.SizingType Specifies how to watermark size should be calculated Possible values: Absolute, Auto, ScaleToParentArea, ScaleToParentDimensions
Position.ScaleFactor Gets or sets a value that defines how watermark size depends on parent size.
Position.RotateAngle Rotate angle of the watermark Value in degrees
Position.ConsiderParentMargins Indicates whether the watermark size and coordinates are calculated considering parent margins
Position.IsBackground Indicates whether the watermark should be placed at the background.
Opacity The opacity of the watermark


Name Description Comment
PrintOnlyAnnotationWatermarks Indicates whether annotation watermarks should be added and should be visible only while printing
Rasterize Indicates whether the document should be rasterized. Converts all content pages into images.
RasterizeImageFormat PDF image conversion format Possible values: Jpeg, Png, Gif
Pages Pages to add watermarks to


Name Description Comment
Frames Frames of the multi-frame image to add watermark


Name Description Comment
ProtectWithUnreadableCharacters Indicates whether the text watermark characters are mixed with unreadable characters This protection applies only when LockWatermarks property is true
LockWatermarks Indicates whether editing of the watermark in PowerPoint is forbidden.
Slides Slides to add watermarks to


Name Description Comment
WatermarkLockType Type of watermark lock. Possible values: AllowOnlyComments, AllowOnlyFormFields, AllowOnlyRevisions, NoLock(default), ReadOnly, ReadOnlyWithEditableContent
WatermarkPassword Password used to lock the watermark.
LockWatermarks Indicates whether editing of the shape in Word is forbidden. If true, WatermarkLockType set to ReadOnly.
Pages Pages to add watermarks to It starts from 1.


Name Description Comment
LockWatermarks Indicates whether editing of the shape in Excel is forbidden.
Worksheets Worksheets to add watermarks to


Name Description Comment
PlacementType Specifying to what pages a watermark should be added. Possible values: AllPages, BackgroundPages, Default, ForegroundPages, SeparateBackgrounds. The default is the same as ForegroundPages.
LockWatermarks It indicates whether editing of the shape in Visio is forbidden.
Worksheets Worksheets to add watermarks to.

Resource URI

HTTP POST ~~/watermark

Swagger UI lets you call this REST API directly from the browser.