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GrowthOps Ext DatoCMS


A collection of useful extensions built for DatoCMS.



Renders out a collection of blocks as part of a DatoCMS modular field. This function requires that the collection of blocks include _modelApiKey as it will be utilised as the primary key for matching a block with its renderer.


import {renderBlocks} from '@growthops/ext-datocms';

// Example data from GraphQL query
const data = [
		_modelApiKey: 'text',
		content: 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Consectetur'
		_modelApiKey: 'image',
		url: '',
		alt: 'Dolor Sit Amet'

const renderTextBlock = data => <p>{data.content}</p>;

const renderImageBlock = data => <img src={data.url} alt={data.alt}/>;

const App = () => (
			text: renderTextBlock,
			image: renderImageBlock
		}, data)}

// Rendered DOM:
// <div>
// 	<p>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Consectetur</p>
//  <img src="" alt="Dolor Sit Amet"/>
// </div>