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GrowthOps Ext Ramda


A collection of useful extensions built around the Ramda library.


notEquals(a, b)

Returns true if a is not equal to b — otherwise returns false.


Returns true if a is not that type's empty value — otherwise returns false.


Returns true if a is not nil (null or undefined) — otherwise returns false.


Returns true if a is not nil (null or undefined) and is not that type's empty value — otherwise returns false.

collapse(string | [string])

Takes a string consisting of newlines, tabs, and/or multiple spaces, and returns a single collapsed string with only one space between each "word". This function also accepts an array of strings and will automatically join and format all entries, while ignoring any non-string entries.

Example 1

import {collapse} from '@growthops/ext-ramda';



// Returns: 'foo bar baz'

Example 2

import {collapse} from '@growthops/ext-ramda';


// Returns: 'foo bar baz'

ternary(test, fallback, subject)

Returns subject if the result of calling test with subject as its first and only parameter returns true — otherwise fallback is returned.


import {ternary, notEmpty} from '@growthops/ext-ramda';

const defaultToFoo = ternary(notEmpty, 'foo');

defaultToFoo([]); // 'foo'
defaultToFoo(['bar', 'baz']); // ['bar', 'baz']

reform(structure, data)

Create a new object matching the provided structure where the value for each of the keys is derived from the provided path into data. The path can be provided using the dot notation. If a function is passed instead of a path, the result of executing the function with the data object supplied as the first and only parameter will be used instead.

Example 1

import {reform} from '@growthops/ext-ramda';

const inputData = {
	id: 0,
	url: '',
	meta: {
		publishedAt: '01/01/2021'
	unneeded: 'data'

	id: 'id',
	src: 'url',
	published: 'meta.publishedAt'
}, inputData);

// Returns:
// {
// 	id: 0,
// 	src: '',
// 	published: '01/01/2021'
// }

Example 2

import {pipe, prop, sum} from 'ramda';
import {reform} from '@growthops/ext-ramda';

const inputData = {
	numbers: [1, 2, 3]

	total: pipe(prop('numbers'), sum)
}, inputData);

// Returns:
// {
// 	total: 6
// }

condProp(prop, fallback, branches) -> fn(data)

Creates a new function that will process an object, selecting a specific transformer function based on whether the object contains a prop that matches one of the keys supplied in the branches object. If no match is found, the fallback transformer is used.


import {condProp} from '@growthops/ext-ramda';
import {always} from 'ramda';

const data = {type: 'text', content: 'Foo'};

const renderTextBlock = ({content}) => <p>{content}</p>;

const renderBlock = condProp('type', always(null), {
	text: renderTextBlock,

const Page = () => (

// Rendered:
// <main>
// 	<p>Foo</p>
// </main>

mapProp(prop, fallback, branches) -> fn([data])

This is an extension of condProp which will support a list of objects instead of a single object

Creates a new function that will process a list of objects, selecting a specific transformer function based on whether each object contains a prop that matches one of the keys supplied in the branches object. If no match is found, the fallback transformer is used.


import {mapProp} from '@growthops/ext-ramda';
import {always} from 'ramda';

const blocks = [
	{type: 'text', content: 'Foo'},
	{type: 'image', url: '', alt: 'bar'},

const renderTextBlock = ({content}) => <p>{content}</p>;
const renderImageBlock = ({url, alt}) => <img src={url} alt={alt}/>;

const renderBlocks = mapProp('type', always(null), {
	text: renderTextBlock,
	image: renderImageBlock,

const Page = () => (

// Rendered:
// <main>
// 	<p>Foo</p>
// 	<img src="" alt="bar"/>
// </main>