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Johnny Marcone


  • Agility: d8
  • Smarts: d10
  • Spirit: d8
  • Strength: d6
  • Vigor: d8


  • Athletics: d6
  • Common Knowledge: d8
  • Driving: d6
  • Fighting: d8
  • Intimidation: d10
  • Notice: d8
  • Persuasion: d8
  • Shooting: d10
  • Stealth: d6
  • Streetwise (Networking): d10

Derived Stats

  • Pace: 6
  • Parry: 6
  • Toughness: 6
  • Charisma: 0


  • Major: Enemy (Various supernatural and criminal factions)
  • Minor: Loyal (to his people and organization)
  • Minor: Ruthless (willing to do whatever it takes to protect his interests)


  • Level-Headed: When dealt multiple Action Cards, choose the best for initiative.
  • Rich: Starts with three times the normal starting funds.
  • Connections: Has powerful connections in the criminal underworld.
  • Command: Friendly characters within Command Range (5") gain +1 to Spirit rolls made to recover from being Shaken.
  • Strong Willed: +2 to resist Tests of Will.


  • Custom-tailored suit: +1 Armor to torso
  • Glock 17 (9mm semi-automatic pistol): Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 1, Shots 17
  • Spare magazines
  • Smartphone
  • Hidden body armor: +2 Armor to torso