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File metadata and controls

818 lines (518 loc) · 17.3 KB

Rest Documentation

This documentation is for the rest endpoints under /api/v2

Parameter Type Definition

  • boolean - (true, false, 1, 0, yes, no)
  • datetime string - ISO 8601 date/time, or unix epoch in milliseconds
  • ISO_8601_DATETIME - ISO 8601 date/time
  • epoch - unix epoch in milliseconds
  • id_string - a string for the id
  • username_string - user's username. All lowercase word characters of atleast 3, with the posibility of '-'s and '&'s

Seamail information

Seamail specific types


JSON SeamailDetails {
"seamail": Object {
    "id": "id_string",
    "users": Array [
      Object { "username": "username_string",
             "display_name": "displayname_string"
      }, …],
    "subject": "string",
    "messages": Array [
        SeamailMessage {
        "author": "username_string",
        "author_display_name": "displayname_string",
        "text": "string",
        "timestamp": "ISO_8601_DATETIME"
        }, …
    "is_unread": boolean


JSON SeamailMetaInfo {
"id": id_string,
"users": ARRAY [ Object {
           "username": "username_string",
           "display_name": "displayname_string"
           … ],
"subject": "string",
"messages": "\d+ message",
"timestamp": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
"is_unread": boolean

GET /api/v2/seamail

Gets the User's seamail (Not the messages contained within, just the subject, etc)


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters

  • unread=<boolean> - Optional (Default: false) - only show unread seamail if true
  • after=<datetime string> - Optional (Default: all messages) - Only show seamail after this point in time.


"seamail_meta": [ SeamailMetaInfo{…}, … ],
"last_checked": epoch

GET /api/v2/seamail/:id_string

Gets the messages contained within a seamail


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters



JSON SeamailDetails{…}

POST /api/v2/seamail

Creates a new Seamail, with a initial message


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters


JSON Request Body

JSON Object {
  "users": [username_string, …],   # no need to add the author, as that is automatically included
  "subject": "string",
  "text": "string"  # The first post's of the seamail's textual content


JSON SeamailDetails{…}

POST /api/v2/seamail/:id/new_message

Create a new message within a Seamail


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters


JSON Request Body

JSON Object {
  "text": "string"


JSON SeamailMessage{…}

PUT /api/v2/seamail/:id/recipients

modifies the recipients of a seamail


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters


JSON Request Body

JSON Object {
  "users": ["username_string", …]


JSON SeamailMetaInfo{…}

GET /api/v2/user/new_seamail

Get how many unread seamails the user has

"status": "ok",
"email_count": 0

Stream information

Get/post information on the tweet stream

Stream specific types

JSON StreamPostMeta {
    "id": "id_string",
    "author": "username_string",
    "display_name": "displayname_string",
    "text": "marked up text",
    "timestamp": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
    "likes": null|Integer,
    "mentions": ["username_string", …],
    "entities": [ … ],
    "hash_tags": [ "word_character_string", … ],
    "parent_chain": [ "stream_post_id_string", …]

JSON StreamPostDetails {
"id": "id_string",
"author": "username_string",
"display_name": "displayname_string",
"text": "marked up text",
"timestamp": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
"likes": null|Integer,
"mentions": [ "username_string", … ],
"entities": [ … ],
"hash_tags": [ "word_character_string", … ],
"parent_chain": [ "stream_post_id_string", .. ],
"children": [StreamPostMeta{… Minus the parent_chain}, …]

GET /api/v2/stream

Get the recent tweets in the stream


Query parameters

  • start=epoch - Optional (Default: Now) - The start location for getting tweets
  • older_posts - Optional (Default: off) - If this parameter exist, retrieve posts older than this, otherwise get newer ones
  • limit=Integer - Optional (Default: 20) - How many to tweets to get
  • author=username - Optional (Default:No Filter) - Filter by username specified
  • hashtag=hashtag - Optional (Default:NO Filter) - Filter by hashtag
  • likes=username - Optional (Default:No Filter) - Return only posts liked by the username specified
  • mentions=username - Optional (Default:No Filter) - Filter by mentions of username specified
  • include_author=true - Optional (Default: false) - When filtering by mentions, include posts mentioning or written by the username specified
  • starred=true - Optional (Default: false) - Return only posts by starred users (You must be logged in for this to work.)


JSON Object { "stream_posts": Array[ StreamPostMeta {…}, … ],
              "next_page": 1421197659001

GET /api/v2/stream/:id

Get details of a stream post (tweet) This will include the children posts (replies) to this tweet sorted in timestamp order


Query parameters

  • limit=Integer - Optional(Default: 20) - Number of children posts to return with this tweet
  • start_loc=Integer - Optional(Default: 0) - Start offset to display children posts


JSON StreamPostDetails {…}

GET /api/v2/stream/m/:query

View a user's mention's stream


Query parameters

  • page=Integer - Optional(Default: 0) - Number of posts to return
  • limit=Integer - Optional(Default: 20) - Start offset to view
  • after=epoch - Optional(Default: None) - Start time to query for (only showing mentions newer than this)


JSON Object {"status": "ok", "posts": [StreamPostMeta {…}, …],
             "next": "page number to start with"}

GET /api/v2/stream/h/:query

View a hash tag tweet stream


Query parameters

  • page=Integer - Optional(Default: 0) - Number of posts to return
  • limit=Integer - Optional(Default: 20) - Start offset to view
  • after=epoch - Optional(Default: None) - Start time to query for (only showing mentions newer than this)


JSON Object {"status": "ok", "posts": [StreamPostMeta {…}, …],
             "next": "page number to start with"}

POST /api/v2/stream/:id/like

Like a post


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter


Current users who like the post

"status": "ok",
"likes": [
"username_string", ...

DELETE /api/v2/stream/:id/like

Unlike a post


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter


Current users who like the post

   "status": "ok",
   "likes": [
   "username_string", ...

GET /api/v2/stream/:id/like

Get the current likes of a post



Current users who like the post

   "status": "ok",
   "likes": [
   "username_string", ...

POST /api/v2/stream

Posts or reply to a post in the stream.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Json Request Body

JSON Object { "parent": "stream_post_id_string", "text": "Tweet content", "photo": "photo_id_string"}
  • The parent is optional. If Specified, it will make this post a reply to another StreamPost by the id_string passed in.
  • The photo is optional. If Specified, it will make this post link in the photo that has already been uploaded with the id_string passed in.
  • Text is NOT optional. This will be the text of the tweet to be posted.

The author will be the logged in user. The timestamp will be "Now", defaults to no likes. The post will have mentions and hashtags automatically extracted.


JSON StreamPostDetails {…}

PUT /api/v2/stream/:id

Allows the user to edit the text or photo for this post. Nothing else is modifyable


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

JSON Request Body

JSON Object {"text": "string", "photo": "photo_id_string"}

Both text and photo are optional, however, at least one must be specified. If one is not specified it will not be changed.

A user may only edit their posts, unless they are an admin.


JSON StreamPostDetails {…}

DELETE /api/v2/stream/:id

Allows the user to delete a post


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

A user may only edit their posts, unless they are an admin.


No body. 200-OK

Hashtag information

Get some metainformation about hashtags

GET hashtag/ac/:query

Get auto completion list for hashtags. Query string must be greater than 3, and not include the '#' symbol


"values": [ "word_character_string"]

GET /api/v2/search?text=:query

Perform a search against the database for results. Will search for Stream and Forum Posts, usernames, and seamail

Query params

  • limit - The amount of objects per type returned
  • page - The starting offset for objects being displayed (per type) returned


JSON Object {
    "status": "ok",
    "stream_posts": {
    "matches": [ StreamPostMeta ,… ],
    "count": Integer:Count of matches,
    "more": boolean:True if more results than display is found
    "forum_posts": {
    "matches": [ ForumPostMeta ,… ],
    "count": Integer:Count of matches,
    "more": boolean:True if more results than display is found
    "users": {
    "matches": [ UserMeta, … ],
    "count": Integer:Count of matches,
    "more": boolean:True if more results than display is found
    "seamails": {
    "matches": [ SeamailMetaInfo, … ],
    "count": Integer:Count of matches,
    "more": boolean:True if more results than display is found
    "query": {
    "text": "used text query" (this may be modified from what is passed in, if required)

User information

GET /api/v2/user/auth

Log in user, returning a 'key' that can be used in each /api/v2 request that requires authentication. This can be used instead of having a session cookie.

GET /api/v2/user/logout

Removes any session data for the request. This really has no effect if using the 'key' style.

GET /api/v2/user/whoami

Returns the logged in user's information

GET /api/v2/user/autocomplete/:username

Get auto completion list for usernames. Username string must be greater than 3, and not include the '@' symbol

GET /api/v2/user/view/:username

View the user information

GET /api/v2/user/photo/:username

Get the user's profile picture

Query args

  • full=true - Optional(Default: false) - Returns a larger version of the profile image


[ binary data that makes up the photo ]

POST /api/v2/user/photo

Modify the user's profile photo

DELETE /api/v2/user/photo

Reset the user's profile to the default identicon image

Forum information

Get/post new threads and posts to those threads

Forum Specific types

JSON ForumMeta {
    "id": "id_string",
    "last_post_display_name": "display_name_string",
    "last_post_page": Integer,
    "last_post_username": "author_string",
    "posts": Integer,
    "subject": "subject_string",
    "timestamp": "ISO_8601_DATETIME"

JSON Forum {
    "id": "id_string",
    "latest_read": "ISO_8601_DATETIME", // Last time the user read the thread
    "subject": "subject_string",
    "next_page": null|Integer,
    "prev_page": null|Integer,
    "posts": Array[PostMeta {…}, …]

JSON PostMeta {
    "id": "id_string",
    "forum_id": "forum_id_string",
    "author": "author_string",
    "display_name": "display_name_string",
    "likes": Array["username_string", …],
    "new": boolean,
    "text": "text_string",
    "timestamp": "ISO_8601_DATETIME"

GET /api/v2/forums/

Returns the index of all threads. Can be paginated or mass list.


Query parameters

  • page=integer - Optional - Used in conjunction with limit query, if not present will respond with all threads
  • limit=integer - Optional - Used in conjunction with page query, will determine how many threads are shown per page


JSON Object {
    "forums_meta": Array[ ForumMeta {…}, … ],
    "next_page": Integer,
    "prev_page": Integer

PUT /api/v2/forums

Creates a forum and it's first post.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameters

Json Request Body

JSON Object {
  "subject": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "photos": Array ["string", …]

GET /api/v2/forums/thread/:id

Returns a thread and it's contained posts.


Query parameters

  • page=integer - Optional - Used in conjunction with limit query, if not present will respond with all posts in the thread
  • limit=integer - Optional - Used in conjunction with page query, will determine how many posts are shown per page


JSON Object {
    "forum": ForumMeta {…}

POST /api/v2/forums/thread/:id

Creates a new post in the thread


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameters

Json Request Body

JSON Object {
  "text": "string",
  "photos": Array ["string", …]


JSON Object { "forum_post": PostMeta {…} }

GET /api/v2/forums/thread/:id/like/:post_id

Likes a specific post_id


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameters


JSON Object { "likes": Array ["username_string", …] }

GET /api/v2/forums/thread/:id/unlike/:post_id

Unlikes a specific post_id


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameters


JSON Object { "likes": Array ["username_string", …] }

Event Information

Get/post information on events.

Stream specific types

JSON EventMeta {
    "id": "id_string",
    "author": "username_string",
    "display_name": "displayname_string",
    "title": "title_string",
    "location": "location_string",
    "start_time": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
    "end_time": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
    "signups": ["username_string", …],
    "favorites": ["username_string", …],
    "description": "marked up text",
    "max_signups": null|Integer

GET /api/v2/event/


Query parameters

  • sort_by=variable name - Optional (Default: start_time) - First variable query is sorted by
  • order=asc|desc - Optional (Default: desc) - Second variable query is searched by, ascending or descending


JSON Object { "total_count": 5,
              "events": Array[ EventMeta {…}, … ],

POST /api/v2/event/

Posts an event.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Json Request Body

JSON Object {
  "title": "string",
  "start_time": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
  "location": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "end_time": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
  "max_signups": integer
  • Description, end_time and max_signups are all optional fields.


JSON EventMeta {…}

GET /api/v2/event/:id

Get details of an event.


Query parameters


JSON EventMeta {…}

DELETE /api/v2/event/:id

Destroy an owned event.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

A user may only delete their events, unless they are an admin.


No body. 200-OK

PUT /api/v2/event/:id

Allows the user to edit the description, location, start and end times and max signups. Title is not modifyable.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

A user may only edit their events, unless they are an admin.

Json Request Body

JSON Object {
  "description": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "start_time": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
  "end_time": "ISO_8601_DATETIME",
  "max_signups": integer


JSON EventMeta {…}

POST /api/v2/event/:id/signup

Allows the user to signup to an event.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters


JSON EventMeta {…}

DELETE /api/v2/event/:id/signup

Allows the user to remove their signup from an event.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters


JSON EventMeta {…}

POST /api/v2/event/:id/favorite

Allows the user to favorite an event.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters


JSON EventMeta {…}

DELETE /api/v2/event/:id/favorite

Allows the user to remove their favorite from an event.


  • logged in.
    • Accepts: key query parameter

Query parameters


JSON EventMeta {…}